Sometimes I open files from directories, which are not in my workspace.
❯ rg 'func newCloud' ..
../talos-cloud-controller-manager/pkg/talos/cloud.go:46:1:func newCloud(config *cloudConfig) (cloudprovider.Interface, error) {
Then I open ../talos-cloud-controller-manager/pkg/talos/cloud.go.
Unfortunately there is not immediately visible if a file is from the workspace, or from outside.
Is there a way to highlight it somehow, so that you immediately see that a file does not belong to the current workspace?
In above screenshot there are two small indicators. See "talos", but I would like to have a more visible solution.
I just released a new extension, Highlight Files, to color the tabs and Explorer labels of non-workspace files. I have more to do but in the meantime if you drop a non-workspace file or file open a non-workspace color the tab will get colored lime green.
That color is configurable in your settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"highlightFiles.nonWorkspaceFiles": "#91ff00", // any hex color you want
// #91ff0060 - last two digits are opacity
There are these settings:
Highlight Files > Decorations > Enable: Color (in the Settings UI), default is false
"highlightFiles.decorations.enable.color": true/false in settings.json
The above default is false, so you will have to opt-in to enable the extension and start coloring tab names. You can change the setting at any time and it should take effect immediately.
Highlight Files > Decorations > Enable: Badges (in the Settings UI), default is false
"highlightFiles.decorations.enable.badges": true/false in settings.json
The defaults for colors and badges are false, so you will have to opt-in to enable the extension and start adding badges and colors to tab names. You can change these setting at any time and they should take effect immediately.
Highlight Files > Decorations : Badge (in the Settings UI), default is `!``
"highlightFiles.decorations.badge": string, 1-2 characters
The badge can only be string of 1-2 letters, but unicode works too.
Note that settings.json is not a workspace file and thus is colored. Should I filter out settings.json, keybindings.json, and similar from being colored? [I have filtered them out for now... so they are not colored]
Is it possible to show the last folder in the title bar? If you have multiple instances of VS Code open, it is difficult to distinguish between them from the task bar. If both instances are open on say a file called 'main.ts', you will see 'main.ts' in the taskbar item.
Currently, the title would be [filename open] - [folder open] (e.g main.ts - angular2-training. Is it possible to invert them to become [folder open] - [filename open] (e.g angular2-training - main.ts?
Use window.title in user/workspace settings
The documentation is here with the full list of options of what can be shown. It's quite flexible.
In your case, to display angular2-training - main.ts you can use this
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
Older VS Code versions
The above only works in v1.10 and up. Here's how to do it in older versions:
v1.9, v1.8 - "window.showFullPath": true shows the full path to the current file, so you can at least see the project folder. Note this config is unsupported after v1.10
v1.7 and below - it's not possible
On version 1.13
Go to settings, inside UserSettings add this line to the json blob:
"window.title": "${activeEditorLong}"
On version 1.41.1
based uploaded image:
1,2: Go to Setting
3: Search windows title in search box
4: Type this statement in windows title box:
If you want to be able to identify which project you are working on by looking at the window title bar, one option is to set "window.title" to a custom value in the workspace settings file at
If the file doesn't exist, create it, then add the following to it:
"window.title": "<PROJECT NAME> : ${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
This is a simple solution that works rather well.
Tested in 1.44
The setting which matches the OPs problem... not being able to tell which VS Code editor is which from the taskbar... is:
"window.title": "${folderName} ${separator} ${activeEditorShort}"
I prefer the simpler
"window.title": "${folderName}"
${activeFolderShort} and friends, don't do what I want, as these follow the folder the active file is in. Whereas I want the folder of the whole "project" shown at all times.
Also, when browsing from the taskbar, I don't care what file is active - it is just noise. I care about the project (i.e. folder). On many occasions, every open VS Code will "" as the active file, so it is pointless to show it!
Editing the settings in json format even includes intellisense now, so you can see all the options without even having to look them up, and they appear as soon you save the settings file. No need to reload. Awesome!
v1.31 of vscode added these options to window.title:
There are three new variables that can be used within the window.title
${activeFolderShort}: The name of the folder the file is contained in.
${activeFolderMedium}: The path of the folder the file is contained
in, relative to the workspace folder.
${activeFolderLong}: The full
path of the folder the file is contained in.
In addition of the setting:
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
You now can configure the separator as well with VSCode 1.45 (April 2020)
Allow customize the window title separator
A new setting window.titleSeparator allows to change the separator that is used in the window title.
By default a dash is used.
Just some tweaks i found out:
// will not work on workspace settings.json -> only global
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
// show only the name of the workspace folder in the title bar
"window.title": "${folderName}",
// remove the useless icons on the top-right
"window.commandCenter": false,
// make left & top green :-)
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"activityBar.background": "#1e2127",
"activityBar.foreground": "#95C085",
"titleBar.activeBackground": "#165900",
"titleBar.activeForeground": "#ffffff",
I have checked the Official Doc about theme settings, after trying too many times, I haven't made it. I want to change the text color(not background color, just the words color), which profile should I edit?
I have spended a few time and solved it. Edit your settings.json as below:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.focusForeground": "#00ff00",
Replace the color(hex) as what you want, the example code color #00ff00 is green.
BTW, how I get this settings:
Toggle developer tools(In vscode dropmenu of help)
Try to find div where you want change, and get the color, for example (#eeffff)
command + shift + p, and input Generate Color ... will show Generate Color Theme From Current Settings, select it would open a new file with full color configs.
copy all colors json code block to settings file which match key of workbench.colorCustomizations
search #eeffff and try to find relative key, if not sure, change color and try to see the color in your code.
find out list.focusForeground is right. And keep this settings, remove other.
It might spend less or more time, but it works.
In Visual Studio Code the setting
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true
removes trailing white space when files are saved, or Shift + Alt + F is used to format a file, but this breaks Markdown formatting.
How do you selectively turn off white space trimming for Markdown?
Add this line to your settings.json file.
"[markdown]": {
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": false
You can use EditorConfig by adding .editorconfig at the root of your project:
trim_trailing_whitespace: false
Or as GollyJer suggested, add this code snippet in the settings.json file:
"[markdown]": {
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": false
You can now (VSCode 1.68, May 2022) do this through the Settings GUI instead of directly your settings.json.
Settings editor improvements
The Settings editor now shows a default value override indicator for language-specific settings.
As a note, one can view language-specific settings by adding a language filter in the Settings editor search bar, and one can add such a filter either by typing it out explicitly, or by clicking the filter button on the right of the search bar, and selecting the "Language" option.
When the default value override indicator shows up, it indicates that the default value of the language-specific setting has been overridden by an extension. The indicator also indicates which extension overrode the default value.
(Theme Light Pink)
This example above is for line wrapping, but you can adapt it to reference trim_trailing_whitespace.
Do Ctrl-K s. This will "Save without formatting", which also means, without trimming trailing whitespace in the file you're editing
Add or update .editorconfig in root of your project and add the 2 following lines to prevent trimming on whitespace in VScode on matching file extension's
Update .editorconfig with following
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
I'm really liking VS Code, but I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to change one very annoying feature: pressing return on an empty indented line carries over the current indentation, but removes all indentation on the original line. It seems impossible to have two consecutive tab-indented lines in the editor.
Is there a setting I'm missing or some other way to preserve the tab-indentation across lines? Thanks.
We can setup user settings for this,
Go to File > Preferences > User Settings:
You can customize this easily via these 3 settings in
/ The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when editor.detectIndentation is true.
"editor.tabSize": 4,
// Insert spaces when pressing Tab. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when editor.detectIndentation is true.
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
// When opening a file, editor.tabSize and editor.insertSpaces
// will be detected based on the file contents.
"editor.detectIndentation": true
For more information -
We can setup user settings for this,
Go to File > Preferences > User Settings:
You can customize this easily via these 3 settings in
/ The number of spaces a tab is equal to. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when editor.detectIndentation is true.
"editor.tabSize": 4,
// Insert spaces when pressing Tab. This setting is overriden
// based on the file contents when editor.detectIndentation is true.
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
// When opening a file, editor.tabSize and editor.insertSpaces
// will be detected based on the file contents.
"editor.detectIndentation": true
For more info you can check here - How to set tab-space style?
I have figured out my problem:
In Settings, "editor.trimAutoWhitespace" is true by default, meaning any trailing tabs left on a line are automatically deleted, even if they are just holding the regular indentation level. I have fixed my problem by setting this option to false in my User Settings (File / Preferences / Settings).
I am surprised that I can't find any record of anyone else having found this behavior unusual.
This appeared after recent update. All files have file type markings in front of file names which is superfluous and distracting. How to remove it?
This is one of the new default settings introduced in 1.13.0 - the file icon theme setting now defaults to "Seti" rather than "None".
You can switch back to "None" with F1 > Preferences: File Icon Theme > None. Alternatively, just add "workbench.iconTheme": null to your settings.json.