VSCode auto filling "variable." to "variable={.}" - visual-studio-code

While editing jsx/tsx files in VSCode, anytime I type a period after a variable name such as variable. it changes it to variable={.}
I have no idea why it is doing this. Does anyone know if an extension does this or if there is a way to see the history of activity done by extensions?

While going through my 82 extensions I found out it was "JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly" by Microsoft. Hope this can help someone in the future.


Disable ESLint "Quick Fix" suggestions in VSCode

I am using ESLint in my React project to format and lint my code. I use VSCode as editor, and I find the "Quick Fix" suggestions offered by VSCode quite handy, like "import module" etc. However, after enabling ESLint, the default Quick Fix suggestion of VSCode is replaced by ESLint's Quick Fix suggestions:
How do I disable this? Please note that I still want ESLint to format and fix my code, but I don't want its quick fix suggestions. Instead I want VSCode to show its original Quick Fix suggestions. Like in above case, I want VSCode to suggest importing Link from react-router-dom rather than ESlint offering me its own quick fix suggestions (this was happening before enabling ESLint).
I had a similar issue with bash scripts. Disabling the ShellCheck extension solved the issue for me.

Un-minimizing Functions With An Error in Visual Studio Code

I have a slight annoyance, not so much an issue. See, in some VSCode update a while back, apparently a feature was added that automatically un-minimizes functions if they have an error in them. This just creates a minor convenience for me if I have many functions minimized that all collectively contain an error, when I unassign a variable that they all use for example.
I have so far attempted to look around in the settings menu to turn off this feature but no luck. I have also attempted to find an answer online but... no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much, you're a life saver!

How to disable vscode's inbuilt suggestions?

I only want to keep the consoleLog but I want the rest gone. I've disabled all extensions and those suggestions are still there. I have no idea which language's suggestions are those but I want them gone. Just the vscode's inbuilt suggestions not the extensions' suggestions.
From looking at the little icon that precedes each entry and finding it here: types of completions - those are variables suggestions.
So you can specifically disable those with
Editor > Suggest: Show Variables

Intellisense VSCode

Does anyone know where can I find the intellisense file of VSCODE which I can edit and experiment with it, I've gone through almost all folders but couldn’t find the file.
Appreciate your help!
You can customize your IntelliSense experience in settings and key bindings. Check these link for more details. https://vscode.readthedocs.io/en/latest/editor/intellisense/#customizing-intellisense

VS Code cursor jumping to bottom

Why does my cursor jump to the last line of code when I create new tags? For example, when I type a comment in HTML, as soon as I type the !, it jumps to the bottom. What setting do I have to change to prevent this from happening? It is very annoying. I am just starting to use VS Code so sorry if this is a really simple fix.
I had a similar issue. The Flow Language Support extension was causing it. I disabled it, and then the issue was gone.
I had the same issue when I first started using vscode.
Generally, the issue is caused by an extension of some sort that is messing with your IDE. Like the extension is trying to do its job but either there is a conflict with other extensions or vscode settings or that's how it works.
More specifically, I found the issue was caused by the the HTML, CSS, JS formatter extension.
If you have that extension, try disabling it and restart vscode. if the issue is fixed then you may leave it disabled or uninstall it. If it is not solved repeat the process with other extensions, especially those that format your code, until you find the culprit and remove it.
Also i got this type of issue.The solution is just disable your auto save it will work.
If you're an Angular developer, maybe consider disabling Angular Essentials Extension by "John Papa". Then restart VS Code.
That worked for me after several frustrations.