What does the light text mean in the chrome CSS debugger in the devtools? - google-chrome-devtools

A screenshot of a piece of the CSS debugger that comes up in the developer tools:
This answer describes what the strikeout means: "the crossed-out style was applied, but then overridden by a more specific selector, a more local rule, or by a later property within the same rule."
What does the light text mean? Where is there official documentation on this?

Dimming indicates this property is not inheritable per CSS specification, i.e. it doesn't apply to the inspected element.
The dimmed declaration applies only to body in your screenshot.
Your screenshot says "Inherited from body" which means body is the ancestor of the inspected element and its non-dimmed properties are inheritable e.g. font-family or color. Those of them that aren't crossed are actually inherited by your inspected element.
P.S. A list of all inheritable properties: link.


Changing the color of django specific tag braces in visual studio code

Using the instructions in this existing answer, I have managed to almost get the effect I want.
Below is the image showing the template scope for "{% %}" in Django.
However, in the screenshot, you can see that the only tag that has changed color is the "{% url %}" tag, and not hte bright yellow "{% %}" tags.
How can I change these specific tags to match the url? I'm at a loss as I've changed the template scope setting for the given value, but it's only changing the URL tags.
Be sure to check that you don't have Bracket Pair Colorization enabled, as this will overwrite any custom colours you have defined!
Go to your settings, and search for "Bracket Pair Colorization" to make sure you have it disabled, as disabling this might solve your issue!
Screenshot of the setting radio button

AEM dynamic components parbase

I have components that are generated dynamically after they are added to the page. These components are generated on the fly and in some instances are floating elements. This makes it very dificult for parsys to draw correctly. All the time the parsys (parbase - css class name) has a height of 0. I can fix that by changing the default property of parbase from overflow="visible" to overflow="auto". However I want to know if anyone else has run into this issue and what is the best method to do this implementation when you are only on edit mode but ignore it on any other view.
So you have a few options.
First, you can check the WCMMode in the page header and if the mode is EDIT then you can load an "editmode.css" after your main CSS has loaded. This is where I put overrides to handle drawing issues like what you encountered.
This keeps it all in one place, and in any mode other than edit that css will never load.
The second option is to allow these items to flow normally in Edit mode and disable floats, as suggested above. Depending on how editing works, one or the other might be superior.

HTML in Dygraph annotation descriptions

Under the Google charts visualization, there is an "allowHTML" option that allows for placing HTML tags inside annotation descriptions. Is there something similar in Dygraphs where the annotation allows an HREF tag that allows the user to link to another web page?
For example, a stock chart shows a split on a specific date. The annotation, on click, would bring up the press release announcing the split. The description field would be in HTML and include the appropriate HREF anchor to the press release.
It is my understanding that dygraphs doesn't support HTML annotations. However, I think it should be pretty easy to provide this type of functionality by using an additional tooltip library.
Dygraphs relies on the title attribute for the annotations. That is, when you hover over the annotation, the tooltip content is populated from the title attribute on the div. As an aside, you could presumably change which attribute it uses quite easily by editing the dygraph annotation source code. If you use a more comprehensive tooltip library (there are loads of jQuery tooltip libraries out there supporting HTML content), it will supercede the basic browser tooltip that dygraphs uses.
For a basic tooltip library that does the job, you could consider:

Dojo dijit.form.Select Validation Error Display

I am finding that in Dojo 1.7.3, setting required: true on a dijit.form.Select does not properly apply a red bordered error display to the Select as it does with other dijits such as FilteringSelect. If it is in an error state and has focus, it displays the tooltip, but it doesn't apply the red borders to the Select input.
Past answers I've seen regarding this are:
Select wasn't originally constructed to allow for validation, so it is missing the proper classes/divs in its template (such as for the red box with exclamation point), meaning you'd need to add your own CSS.
A blank value for a Select box isn't necessarily invalid.
I found this example page where a normal dijit.form.Select with required: true seems to work (almost) as expected. I say almost because it looks like it keeps its blue border with the red exclamation point box when it first loses focus and doesn't get the full red border until a secondary focus change (in Firefox, at least).
I haven't been able to discern anything in this example page that could be used to get the error formatting to work for dijit.form.Select. It does appear to be using Dojo 1.7.4, but I don't see anything in 1.7.4 release notes about the Select error display being fixed.
Has this not been considered a bug that needs to be fixed? Is there a way to easily apply the validation styles without having to mess with the dijit template?
Any help/ideas appreciated.
I think here is a relative link to a test file:

How does one get the font color for a run/txbody/paragraph from a presentation theme?

I'm working on a PresentationML parser, and I'm trying to implement support for themes with regard to font color. I'm working with the SDK, and I've puzzled out this monster:
But it's still not clear where I go to get the color for a run which hasn't had it's color otherwise specified. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: After just wading through the xml, it looks like the monster call I posted above is probably the right one...it yields an element with a "val" attribute that matches the hex code I'm looking for. But it's not clear how I would resolve the particular scheme in the color map ("Light1" in this case). I'm about 75% of the way there, I think - if someone can help me with the logic to know which scheme applies to a run, I think that's what I need.
The free ebook Open XML Explained might give some insight to aid your understanding. Under the PresentationML section, Document Content Structure it talks about how Themes and Master Layouts are used to give default values:
page 86 - 2nd Paragraph:
DrawingML theming can be used to create default values for fonts, layouts, and other branding related data and allow it to be separated from the main body of the presentation. A theme is reusable across all the Open XML markup languages. Inside a PresentationML package various themes are in use. By default each individual master, slide-, note- and hand-out masters, references a separate theme part. The presentation itself also references a default theme to be used in the presentation. This default theme shared with the slide masters by referencing the same part inside the package.
So, in the theme1.xml of your presentations SlideMaster, you will find a theme definition which is used for the slide master and your presentation. The color name Light1, Dark1, etc map to 12 required colors in the Color Scheme of the Theme Element for each theme. See schema for details.
So in the Run, you see Light1, which maps to the number defined in the theme. If the author changes a Master Layout and/or Theme, the Light1 doesn't change in the run, but the value in the theme might and that is where you get the new value from.
On Page 121, the 12 colors are mentioned in Open XML Explained:
Inside the theme element you are required to create a themeElements node which holds all the theme's data. At this level you can also apply extra information or overrides on the existing information inside the theme elements. Theme elements are built up using a set of child nodes, each node identifying a specific data item such as the fonts or colors. The clrScheme element defines a list of colors. The list of themed colors is limited to items such as 'accent1', or 'visited link'. Each of these theme colors uses a separate XML element, where the node name identifies the theme color. Inside this element you make use of the coloring mechanism discussed earlier on coloring shapes using DrawingML. In the markup sample 157 there are two theme colors defined, the 'dark-1' and 'accent-1' colors. The markup sample is not complete. You are required to define value for all the twelve theme colors.
Hope this helps...