How to present multiple files in one github page? - github

Is there a way to tell the GitHub repository to show all files that you have on the same page?
I want to replicate the aspect of this repo in mine.


How to store GIFs for a Github README?

I try to include a GIF for my in Github, since Github allows to use and render GIFs in .md files.
As far as I am concerned I often cannot find any image or video files on Repositories of well maintained Github Repositories, but they still can use their own files in their READMEs.
A few examples:
How can I achieve similar links, without tracking and pushing e.g. GIFs in my Repo on Github?
I tried out the following:
I open an issue in my Repo, drag and drop my .gif file into it, copied the content into my
This turns out successfully, but i receive an not readable link:
(dummy link)
I followed this description. It also works, but then an extra branch is created and thus the GIFs will be downloaded as well when someone clones the Repository.
TL;DR; You can't.
Those "readable" links are links directly into content stored in that repository. For example, that Vim image lives in this directory in the code:, and will be downloaded by anyone who clones the repository.

How can I rename a Page/Topic on GitHub wiki without renaming the file?

I want to update Topic/page titles on my GitHub wiki (which is currently using Markdown syntax). When I do that using the GUI it renames the Markdown files, and breaks all of the links.
I know that I can rename the Topic files in the Git repository and push the changes, but that doesn't help the broken links.
Is there a way to avoid this, and make GitHub Wiki's behave more like other Wiki products? I could not find an better way on GitHub documentation.
Welcome to StackOverflow. As best I can determine you cannot rename a GitHub Wiki page without its markdown file also being updated to the new name. The two are tightly coupled.
This Web Applications (StackExchange) Question has some alternatives you may consider, i.e. instead of renaming the page, create a copy. Then edit the original page so that it directs visitors to the new page via a link. This way the original page link remains valid but directs visitors to the new page.

Gh-pages not displaying the right thing

I'm having some issues with getting the proper page to display. I've looked up different answers and they don't seem to be working for me.
Please let me know what I've done wrong here.
It was displaying the readme before, and I think it still is.
First, You've posted a link to your GitHub repository, not your GitHub Page. The address for GitHub pages always looks like https://<yourname><reponame>.
To get this URL you can go into the settings for your repo and find the GitHub Pages section. Make sure you have GitHub Pages enabled, then look for the URL your site is published at.
Finally, GitHub Pages requires your repository have a very specific structure. It expects there to be an index.html file at the root of the repository. This means you have to either move everything in your /src directory to the root, or move the index.html and update the URLs to your javascript and CSS.
All of these requirements are outlined clearly in the GitHub Pages documentation.
Deploying static HTML + CSS + JS sites (NO jekyll) to Github Pages,
using Github Actions was harder than I though.
Theres is very few quality documentation about this specific topic, except this one:
Steps overview:
Setup a custom action in github
Push changes and the action executes automatically
Your page is deployed to github pages
One important thing: I had no need of changing any property in the yml; don't worry about customizations.

Use github website purely - upload to add files

I'm trying to purely use the website Github to create a repo, then public first commit. (Because I cant install the desktop client on this computer, nor use the command line, school restrictions)
I found a little cheat, I clicked the "make readme" button then renamed that file to make the first commit.
I created a screncast here:
Youtube :: Use Github without the Desktop App
After that I can create new text based files by clicking "+" button and create subdirectories too. But I don't know how to upload image, other text based files, or other non-text files to the repo using just the website. Does anyone know?
GitHub's web interface isn't designed as a complete Git solution. It allows you to do a subset of the operations you could do in a local clone, including just about every part of GitHub Flow.
Their documentation about adding files only covers adding text files using the online editor, which you have already discovered. I don't believe that it supports uploading files.

How to generate a website from GitHub wiki pages

I've used GitHub pages to generate a beautiful website for my project (this one). Now I want to keep the documentation of my project up to date, and having everything in a single file is probably not scalable to the many features we are adding.
So, I thought that the best place to keep the documentation is the GitHub wiki, but I'd like to integrate the wiki to the gh-pages generated site, keeping the beautiful layout.
How would I take the GitHub wiki and generate an HTML web site with a customizable layout?
Here is an example URL for a wiki:
On the same page you will find a clone link:
Then run the Markdown files through Hugo or even create a new repository
to the host site based on the Wiki.
You could include your wiki as subtree.
BTW, GitHub Pages now no longer need the gh-pages branch. Create a repository named; it will automatic generate to a website. See GitHub Pages for more detail.