links showing coverage, disappeared from github pull requests, starting 12/01/2022 - github

Our coveralls links disappeared starting 12/01/2022 from github pull requests & pushes. It was working before. You can see the detailed summary here Do others face similar issues? Any suggestions on solution? (We are considering removing & re-adding private git repo in coveralls but wish to not loose our history by doing that)
tried playing w/ different settings in coveralls & github. Our coveralls links use to appear in github repos via circle ci yaml configurations (coveralls/upload)


Github actions failed to deploy Jekyll website on Github pages

I have setup a local Jekyll site that is configured to deploy to Github pages. I used the "Chirpy" theme (see and followed the instructions successfully to get it to deploy the first time.
I am trying to get my 2nd commit w/ updates to deploy but the process is failing when the Github action runs. I see this output:
This is my first attempt at any of this so don't have any perspective on what is going on w/ any of these technologies.
Thanks for any help and LMK what else might make things clearer!
It seems like after you run, you tried to switch branches. I suspect that is the problem because it doesn't appear that you tried to git reset or anything like that. I believe your ran (see these lines) so there are unstaged changes.
If you don't want those changes, you might try a git stash to easily reset. Just a thought.
So the issue was that I checked in the _site and .jekyll-cache directories. Here is the proper .gitignore entries to have the standard gh-pages branch build w/o this problem.

Google Source Repository out of sync with GitHub

I'm using gcloud's 'Source Repository' to link to a GitHub repo to trigger automated container builds. Unfortunately the Source Code shown in gcloud seems to get out of sync with the GitHub Repo. The example below shows that gcloud is missing the last 7 commits.
This seems to be fixed by removing the code from Google 'Source Repository' and relinking to GitHub but this is a major annoyance. This has happened several times to several different repos over the past couple of months.
Any idea what is causing this and if there is any fix?
Seeing this issue today, anyone else experiencing this? There's no service status for cloud repos or github sync so hard to tell, but all my repositories stay in a constant state of "Syncing"

Multibranch pipeline job not showing open pull requests

I have configured a multibranch pipeline job in Jenkins linked to our GitHub repo which is working nicely, feeding back the status of checks to the pull request in our GitHub so we know if the branch is good for merging in.
What I don't see are any open pull requests listed against the Job in Jenkins:
We also have the Blue Ocean plugin in installed and no PR's are shown there either.
Anyone know why this is the case? Am I missing another plugin\config?
I had this issue as well. I tried what joey suggested, but that did not work. I found out that if you add PR-.+ (or PR-* as a wildcard) to your regex filter for branches to include, the pull requests "magically" appear. The documentation of this was found here. It's very frustrating that the "official" documentation for this plugin does not explain this (at least from what sparse documentation I could find). The configuration for my project, which works, is here:
I'm not sure if this is a recommended way to use this plugin for this use case, but Jenkins never seems to have ample documentation.
I was getting the same issue. But this time within Blue Ocean UI as shown below
The fix was to switch from using Git to GitHub Branch Source at the job level and configure GitHub Branch Source. The job type was Multibranch pipeline.
One possible cause could be that GitHub is unable to connect to Jenkins directly due to a firewall. This is likely the case if GitHub never reports the status check as completed, in other words, it hangs forever.
In this case, polling is an easy solution. Go to http://_jenkins_ip_:8080/job/_job_name_/configure and select the "Scan Repository Triggers" tab. Tick the "Periodically if not otherwise run" checkbox and select an interval. I have 15 minutes on mine.
The first time this is done, there should be an immediate scan and it should detect the pull request, otherwise, there might be something else going on. Check the "Scan Repository Log" page on the job, as it might have useful info.
By the way, I did not install the "GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin" as the page says that it has a security issue. Instead, the "GitHub Branch Source Plugin" is being used. Some other related plugins installed:
Git client plugin
Git plugin
GitHub API Plugin
GitHub Authentication plugin
GitHub Integration Plugin
GitHub plugin
I'm also using Blue Ocean, but this is not required, it simply provides a different UI.
I know that this is an old topic, but I had the same issue while I was trying to visualize my Pull Requests from Bitbucket and I hope this answer will help other people in need. In my case, I was using Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin, which is pretty similar to other GitHub Plugins for Jenkins.
My problem came from the fact that I selected Git instead of Bitbucket in Branch Sources >> Add Source section. I suspect the same thing happened in this case, where the two options Git and GitHub are even easier to confuse.

Showing Travis build status in GitHub repo

I remember recently seeing the Travis build status of a pr or commit in GitHub browsing the repository (but can't find where). I'm not talking about the Travis build status images in but an actual GitHub feature (green box with a friendly check mark).
While my commits build on Travis just fine I'd like to get the results displayed in GitHub (which they don't do right now). I'd like to know how to enable this.
Found an example here - see the small green check mark saying "Travis-CI build passed"?
Github Integration
Go to{username or org}/{repository}
Click the Status Image (a pop-up will appear)
Select a branch, then click the dropdown Image URL ▼ and set it to Markdown ▼.
Copy Paste the code to your
Git add, commit & push. Refresh Github and you'll see the image now.
I give you my example -
I wrote this in my README.mdown
### Status
[![Build Status](](
So the answer is
[![Build Status](your travis url for the repo here.png)](your travis url for the repo here)
I realized that you may mean turning on the Travis Service Hook.
If that is what you mean, go to your github repo > Settings > Service Hooks. Use Ctrl+F and search for Travis.
Go to{fill in your own usernam}/profile
Then copy the token and paste it inside the Travis Service Hook page in your Github Repo Settings section.
Type in your username in Travis as well.
Try the test send token button.
You should see payload successfully sent.
If this works, your github repo is now hooked up to your travis.
The OP is asking about the travis build status for commits found in pull requests pages.
He assumed that the travis build status will appear anywhere as long as there is a commit.
My answer is that the assumption is not correct.
For getting markup You should go to{username}/{repository}
Push the button with "Build status images" title under Your username at the top right
After that You will get a popup with markups for different environments
Here is a screenshot with popup for my own repository
To have the same result as example here your push/pull request must build.
This picture means Pull Request didn't build successfully
This picture means Pull Request was build successfully
If you are using chrome, I just created a chrome extension for show travis-ci build time and status change in github. It's conveninent to show travis build statug in github repo, if only the repo is launched with travis-ci.
You can install it from chrome web store
Or see more details on my github repo

jekyll and github - how to update the blog post?

Good day.
Could you help me with a little problem I am experiencing.
I have a jekyll blog on the github. The problem is after I updated my old post, committed and pushed it, the blog post doesn't show any changes, but I see that the commit has been pushed successfully.
If I run jekyll --server locally, it shows updated blog post and it doesn't report any errors.
I have no jekyll plugins installed.
What am I doing wrong or misunderstanding? Thanks a lot.
Added by Nawaz:
I'm facing exactly same problem. My I pushed added one markdown post and few css, and modified layouts and includes, then I pushed them to github. It is done successfully. My github is showing all the changes in the repository, but the github blog (i.e the generated html posts out of markdown) are still same. No change to them at all. It is showing some posts which doesn't even exist in the repository. But when I do jekyll --server locally, then every update is being shown on my (local) blog hosted at http://localhost:4000.
Please help me!
If your Jekyll site is not rendering properly after you push it to GitHub, it's useful to run Jekyll locally so you can see any parsing errors. In order to do this, you'll want to use the same version that we use.
GitHub's Pages servers currently use Jekyll 0.11.0 with Liquid 2.2.2, and run it using this command:
$ jekyll --pygments --safe
More info
I'm now trying to solve the problems with my pygments highlighting (works locally, doesn't show on github at all, even though I'm receiving mails about succesful build). Findings so far:
Make sure that youre repository' default branch is 'master' (go to your repository Admin page).
Put your Jekyll source files in some other branch, and put the _site content to your master branch. There will be no _config.yml, no YAML front matter so github will render your stuff as is, and you would be building it locally on that other branch. This actually worked for me. It requires some manual labour when moving _site from that other branch to your master, but I'm fine with that - at least I do not have to rely on github build process which seems to be a bit buggy, plus, I can have whatever plugins I wish.
When ever you generate your jekyll site locally for testing, always run jekyll --no-auto --server. This would display if there were any errors encountered during the generation of your site. Also, before generating your site delete _site directory and then run the command as described above.
Let me know if you see any errors as such. We can debug further