Justpy: Add Highcharts Stock Options: "hollowcandlestick" & "Stock Tools" - charts

How do I add Highcharts Stock series options to Justpy code? Specifically, I want to add:
hollow candlestick
Stock tools
I am working my way through the Justpy documentation and can't figure out how to change the "series : type" in examples 1 & 2 from "candlestick" to "hollowcandlestick".
Each of my attempts resulted in a blank webpage. (I also tried "hlc" and got the same result.)
I also want to add "Stock Tools". I am guessing the process is about the same as the "hollowcandlestick". But, I have figured it out yet.
Note: According to the Highcharts API, Stock tools requires Highcharts version 7. What version is Justpy using?

It's important to find out whether Justpy, allow to load addition modules.
While the candlestick series is listed in the documentation, it's hollowcandlestick modification originally from Highcharts requires an additional module.
It is best to report to Justpy whether they support these series.


Charts with DevExpress / DevExtreme

Hi I'm searching for a good chart plugin for my web-application, which can solve some of my requirements. To date, I've tested follow chart plugins:
Kendo UI
Angular Charts
The plugin highcharts solves all of my requirements, but it's really expensive. The others don't solve all of my requirements, so I have to search another one. The solution of a hand-made chart needs a lot of time and that means for our company, it's also expensive. Now I've found the framework DevExpress. Before I invest a lot of time to test it, I would like to inform myself, if it's possible to make charts with DevExpress with this requirements:
Any number of y-axes with various values
Events (detect if clicked for example)
Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
Integrate it as HTML in custome code
Supports JSON
Mixed line-style (for example, a part of a line in the chart is solid, another is dotted, but it's the same line)
Responsive Design
My results with highcharts:
Any number of y-axes with various value types:
Mixed linetypes in same line (blue line):
Special chart constalations:
This special requirements are for the healthcare, because they have some weird and special charts they need for checking medical results. So it's simply complicate, to find a good plugin. If there is someone who has a knowledge with DevExpress and charts and can answer me I would be thankfull.
Any number of y-axes with various values
DevExtreme has Multiple Axes Demo
Events (detect if clicked for example)
DevExtreme Charts have handlers for events. Here is a demo illustrates onPointClick
Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
See it in Appearance Customization Article & Customize Points and Labels demo
Supports JSON
Remote Data Source Using an Ajax Query Demo
Responsive Design
DevExtreme Charts looks good on phones, tablets and desktops (Mobile & Web)
You can see more in Widgets Gallery Demo & Documentation

How to integrate ECharts with BIRT/Pentaho?

I'm looking for a report engine which may:
connect to data source via JDBC
create logic data set by grouping/aggregating the raw data
include a data filter on the top of each report, which allows my client use the report interactively
add custom charts, in my case, it's ECharts https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts
support multi-tenancy paradigm (new requirement)
Now BIRT and Pentaho are the two players on my table.
For pentaho, it's really hard to find useful document to at least clarify if it's capable. Please if you're familiar with it, let me know if pentaho community version meets my requirements.
For BIRT, I've found evidence it support my first 3 needs. But for custom charts, I can only find examples/docs about adding custom IMAGE/SVG charts. As ECharts is based on canvas, I'm not sure if it's possible to integrate ECharts with BIRT.
Thank you!
Yes, it is possible to integrate javascript charts in BIRT. Basically:
Select the top-level element of your report outline -> Script tab -> clientScripts
Include here your echart resources (.js and .css) using "head.js" (see link below for more informations)
Add a text element to the report
Set the type of this new element to 'HTML'
In a script tag, initialize your echart object in a "head.ready()" instruction (see link below for more informations). The tricky part is to understand how to use a server-side dataset in a client-side chart within this html script.
You can find more informations and a full example of a such report here, this example embeds a jvectormap in a birt report. Furthermore, see a live demo here, where a JIT chart is integrated in a BIRT report.
However since these charts are created using a client-side framework, obviously BIRT won't be able to export them in PDF format. You can see in the live demo linked above, how a BIRT report can easily handle a different output when users export to PDF.
You can do it in Pentaho, but which tool to use it's a matter of debate.
Using Pentaho Report Designer:
- Connects to DBs using JDBC;
- Allows grouping rows based on a field or fields and calculating functions such as running sums;
- Can use selectors (single or multi-valued selectors) to interact with the report, passing the selector values to the queries;
- As far as I can tell, you don't have many options to choose a specific charting engine.
However, you can use CCC as the charting engine, which is a Protovis based Javascript charting engine, cross-browser compatible (for the most part), renders SVG charts with a decent fallback for IE (I believe the fallback is flash but I'm not sure if it changed recently) and produces decent looking charts.
If you HAVE to use that chart library, then I suggest using C-Tools dashboards instead, where you can embed as many different JS files you want and you have full control over the JS and CSS of the page. But most of the reporting functions from PRD will have to be implmented by you.

GWT Chart library - ability to blow-up components inside the chart

I have a specific requirement for my GWT charting library. I need a library that supports a variety of graphs (bar, line, pie) and should have the ability to handle events from inside a chart (like clicking on a bar inside the bar graph - this would allow me to show extra information as a popup when its clicked).
I know that conventional wisdom states that its not possible without using Flash/Flex or a third-party embedded component but I am assuming that there would be a HTML5 charting library that would allow me to do it. I have tried to search but unsuccessfully. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I am not a fan of FusionCharts. They have fancy charts but missed the market trend towards HTML5 and allowed Highchart to pick up charting market.
A good way to analyze is to pick up Fusion Charts competition as starting point and then list out your parameters.The below link is heavy duty marketing. Use it only to know what Fusion Chart' competitors are.
The rest of the content on the above link is more of marketing bs.
Google Charts support all that, AFAIK.
Or is that answer too obvious ?
And there is a GWT wrapper available.

Looking for an interactive pie chart to use with GWT (without extern communication)?

I'm looking for a stand-alone Pie Chart which I can use in a GWT application. The Chart should be interactive, so that I can react on user input (read mouse clicks on the chart).
I've already looked at Google Chart Tools with GWT Visualization. This is exactly what I want. A simple to use PieChart class with user interaction and a simple and comprehensive data input. Except that the data is transfered to Google for the rendering part. The data should not leave the client or our server.
Have you tried Fusion Charts? Here's the Pie Chart showcase. Its a Flash object hence you will need to use JSNI to embed the object into your widget or use a library like GWT2SWF to do it for you.
I have used Fusion Charts + GWT2SWF combination in one of my products, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a interactive flash charting tool (outside of google's toolset)
A colleague of mine found following library: GChart. Rather then using Flash we'll try to draw our own. Not sure how easy this will be.
You mentioned:
"The Data should not leave the server"
With Google visualization APIs (as opposed to the chart apis) the data remains on your server, only the code is downloaded from google.
However, if you meant that you shouldnt need access to google at all, then GCharts is the only remaining and a pretty good option.
Check out GWT-RCharts hosted on http://code.google.com/p/gwt-rcharts/ . It is stand alone i.e doesn't have external dependency like Visualization. The API works on SVG/VML specification so no plugin dependency. You may find it quite easy to install, implement and use. You can find the demo at http://gwt-rcharts.appspot.com/

Overlaying of charts

I want to know whether this is possible using Google Charts API: First, create a bar chart with the given input data. And then overlay a line chart (or a line) on top of it.
My use case here, is to show a student's performance in a test when compared to the rest of the crowd which is already available as a bar chart.
EDIT: Dug and found out about markers. Will explore and may be answer my own question :)
This is covered pretty explicitly in the current documentation, see compound charts
Yes, markers are probably what you are looking for. In particular, you may wish to look at a newer feature called "financial markers". This (little advertised) feature was added recently.