Unable to connect one of the databases via DBeaver - postgresql

I am trying to connect one of my databases via DBeaver. It sometimes gets connected and sometimes does not. It says connection request timed out. I have tried increasing the timeout but it is of no help. I am able to connect other databases via DBeaver without any issues. When I try to connect this problematic DB via PgAdmin, it gets connected but takes a lot of time to connect as compared to other databases which get connected pretty soon. I am unable to figure out where exactly the problem could be.


Heroku Postgres filling up connections without any use

I have a Heroku Postgres DB(free tier) that's connected to my backend API for testing purposes. Today I tried accessing the database and I kept getting an error "too many connections for Role 'role'". Please note that I've not connected to this API today and for some reason, all 20 connections have been used up.
I can't even connect to the DB through PgAdmin to even try and kill some of the connections as I get the same error there.
Any help please?

SQL Live Backup Over Intermittent Connection

I have a few PCs that have local PostgreSQL databases running, just logging data. Data is only ever inserted, never removed or updated. The remote PCs are connected to the internet by cellular modem and depending on their location, often do not have internet access. When they do have an internet connection I would like them to push a copy of their databases to a central location and keep the remote database up to date with any new data. Essentially, I need an 'rsync' for databases.
At first it seemed like what I need is to set up PostgreSQL Hot-Standby but I'm unsure if this is actually what I need because my situation seems to differ from the examples I've seen.
Each remote PC has a Postgres server with a single database that has a unique name, the tables within the DBs have generic names. I would like to synchronize these databases to a single remote Postgres server. I think this should be okay due to the unique DB names.
My connectivity is very intermittent, days to weeks without a connection. I've seen PgAdmin be very reliable despite a terrible (cellular) internet connection, if Postges Hot-Standby is the same I may be alright.
As far as I can see my options are either to set up PostgreSQL Hot-Standby, or roll my own solution. I don't want to roll my own solution. However it is simple enough if I can't find anything better; a Python daemon run by systemd to find the diff between the local and remote DB, then push the new rows from the local to the remote DB. But I'm sure someone has solved this problem, I just haven't found the solution yet.
You don't need hot standby (which is the PostgreSQL term for being able to query the replicated database), but streaming replication. You need a central standby server for each intermittently connected remote database server. If you use replication slots, you can be sure that replication will never fall behind.

"error: too many connections for database 'postgres'" when trying to connect to any Postgres 13 instance

My team and I are currently experiencing an issue where we can't connect to Cloud SQL's Postgres instance(s) from anything other than the psql cli tool. We get a too many connections for database "postgres" error (in PGAdmin, DBeaver, and our node typeorm/pg backend). It initially happened on our (only) Postgres database instance. After restarting, stopping and starting again, increasing machine CPU/memory proved to do nothing, I deleted the database instance entirely and created a new one from scratch.
However, after a few hours the problem came back. I know that we're not actually having too many connections as I am able to query pg_stat_activity from psql command line and see the following:
Only one of those (postgres username) connections is ours.
My coworker also can't connect at all - not even from psql cli.
If it matters, we are using PostgreSQL 13, europe-west2 (London), single zone availability, db-g1-small instance with 1.7GB memory, 10GB HDD, and we have public IP enabled and the correct IP addresses whitelisted.
I'd really appreciate if anyone has any insights into what's causing this.
EDIT: I further increased the instance size (to no longer be a shared core), and I managed to successfully connect my backend to it. However my psql cli no longer works - it appears that only the first client to connect is allowed to connect after a restart (even if it disconnects, other clients can't connect...).
From the error message, it is clear that the database "postgres" has a custom connection limit (set, for example, by ALTER DATABASE postgres CONNECTION LIMIT 1). And apparently, it is quite small. Why is everyone try to connect to that database anyway? Usually 'postgres' database is reserved for maintenance operations, and you should create other databases for daily use.
You can see the setting with:
select datconnlimit from pg_database where datname='postgres';
I don't know if the low setting is something you did, or maybe Google does it on its own for their cloud offering.
#jjanes had the right idea/mention.
I created another database within the Cloud SQL instance that wasn't named postgres and then it was fine.
It wasn't anything to do with maximum connection settings (as this was within Google Cloud SQL) or not closing connections (as TypeORM/pg does this already).

Troubleshoot org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection attempt timed out that only occasionally happens

I have several applications running on tomcat with a local PostgresSQL database. And tomcat occasionally reports the following errors:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection attempt timed out.
I am able to connect to the database using other tools such as DBeaver. And this problem looks only happens when several applications are connecting to the database. So I want to know how to troubleshoot this issue. Is there any log in PostgresSQL that I can check?
PostgreSQL does have logging. It is very configurable, and we can't tell you how you have it configured. Common locations are /var/log/postgresql/, and in PGDATA/log/. However, a connection timeout will probably not be in the postgresql log as it probably never achieved contact with the postgresql server to start with.

connect to localhost in MySQLWorkbench

I am trying to connect my MySQLWorkbench to localhost, so I can make a database. I have made the connection in the WorkBench, but everytime i test the connection I get a failure. The username and code is 100% correct. I also tried to make the port to 8888, but then workbench just goes in some kind of loop, where it is thinking all the time
I have made some screenshots of it, I hope anyone out there who can help me?
Best Regards
* EDIT: *
I tried to delete the connection, and made it over again. This time it seems that I can connect now. I tried to make a database ´test´ which functions. As the screenshot shows, I afterwords tried to make a database ´examples´, where I get the error in the console:
"12:59:32 CREATE DATABASE examples Error Code: 1044. Access denied for user ''#'localhost' to database 'examples' 0.000 sec"
For general informations about creating connections in MySQL Workbench watch my Youtube video: http://youtu.be/DCgRF4KOYIY?list=PLWx5a9Tn2EvH0q2WXpUBqptxi5640qk9O. It shows what can go wrong with addresses and ports.
Generally speaking, make sure that the user you are connecting with has the proper rights to 1) connect from the given machine (see in the video sometimes localhost is not equal to the IPv4 loopback address and 2) has the rights to create objects, query them and so on. The root user usually has these rights, but sometimes, with custom installations, it can happen this has been changed.