can't find artifact file after the artifact - github

I want use a artifact after download it in github workflow, so I write the following code:
- name: Download a single artifact
uses: actions/download-artifact#v3
name: my-ecc
- name: output current dir info
run: pwd && ls && echo "\n" && ls /home/runner/work/eunomia-bpf/eunomia-bpf && ls my-ecc
However, alough I successfully download the atrifact named my-ecc, it not appear in current directory.
Look like the following screenshot.
The artifact named my-ecc is download in /home/runner/work/eunomia-bpf/eunomia-bpf, but it not appear in the result of ls command.
Does anyone know why? Any suggestion would be great appreciate.


GitHub Actions: Setting Working Directory with Context Fails to Find File

I am trying to set my working directory with an environment variable so that I can handle 2 different situations, however, if I use context with the working-directory it does not find files in the directory, but if I hardcode the path, it does. I have tried many different syntax iterations but will paste one iteration below so it is easier to see what I am trying to accomplish.
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
. . .
- name: Monorepo - Set working Directory
if: env.WASMCLOUD_REPO_STYLE == 'MONO' # Run if monorepo
run: |
- name: Multirepo - Set working Directory
if: env.WASMCLOUD_REPO_STYLE == 'MULTI' # Run if multirepo
run: |
- name: Build wasmcloud actor
run: make
working-directory: ${{ env.WORKING_DIR }} # If I Hardcode path here it works
The environment variable is showing the correct path during debugging which is formatted as: /home/runner/work/REPO_NAME/REPO_NAME/actors/ACTOR_NAME
For step 3 if I type working-directory: actors/ACTOR_NAME it works (until a later issue :P where it again does not find a directory)
This is my first few days with GitHub Actions so help would be really appreciated. I am not sure why context is not being accepted but a static path is. Examples often show working-directory using context.
See #Benjamin W.'s comments above for the answer.

How to use working-directory in GitHub actions?

I'm trying to set-up and run a GitHub action in a nested folder of the repo.
I thought I could use working-directory, but if I write this:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Test
working-directory: my_folder
- run: echo test
I get an error:
Run echo test
echo test
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
Error: An error occurred trying to start process '/usr/bin/bash' with working directory '/home/runner/work/my_repo/my_repo/my_folder'. No such file or directory
I notice my_repo appears twice in the path of the error.
Here is the run on my repo, where:
my_repo = novade_flutter_packages
my_folder = packages
What am I missing?
You didn't check out the repository on the second job.
Each job runs on a different instance, so you have to checkout it separately for each one of them.

How to create a folder in github actions?

I am new to github actions and need some help.
I have a file for a collection of scripts that is 100s of lines long. I want to translate it into different languages using this github action (
But instead of putting all the files it creates into the main directory. I want to create a folder inside my directory and put all these created files in there.
So in the main directory I have all the scripts I've written and one file. What I want is something like this.
Maindirectory/newreadmefolder/(all the new language files)
A directory can be created this way.:
- name: Create dir
run: |
mkdir mydirname
This has to be added in steps part like in this full action file:
name: mkdir example
branches: [ '**' ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Create dir
run: |
mkdir mydirname
If you also want to move some file, you can add something like mv readme-*.md mydirname at the end, e.g.:
- name: Create dir
run: |
mkdir mydirname
mv readme-*.md mydirname

CircleCI "Could not ensure that workspace directory exists"

I am using CircleCI with a GameCI docker image in order to build a Unity project. The build works, but I am trying to make use of the h-matsuo/github-release orb in order to create a release on GitHub for the build. I have created a new separate job for this, so I needed to share data between the jobs. I am using persist_to_workspace in order to do that, as specified in the documentation, but the solution doesn't seem to work. I get the following error:
Could not ensure that workspace directory /root/project/Zipped exists
For the workspace persist logic, I've added the following lines of code in my config.yml file:
working_directory: /root/project - Inside the executor of the main job
persist_to_workspace - As a last command inside my main job's steps
attach_workspace - As a beginning command inside my second job's steps
Here's my full config.yml file:
version: 2.1
github-release: h-matsuo/github-release#0.1.3
- image: unityci/editor:ubuntu-2019.4.19f1-windows-mono-0.9.0
BUILD_NAME: speedrun-circleci-build
working_directory: /root/project
.build: &build
executor: unity_exec
- checkout
- run: mkdir -p /root/project/Zipped
- run:
name: Git submodule recursive
command: git submodule update --init --recursive
- run:
name: Remove editor folder in shared project
command: rm -rf ./Assets/Shared/Movement/Generic/Attributes/Editor/
- run:
name: Converting Unity license
command: chmod +x ./ci/ && ./ci/
- run:
name: Building game binaries
command: chmod +x ./ci/ && ./ci/
- run:
name: Zipping build
command: apt update && apt -y install zip && zip -r "/root/project/Zipped/" ./Builds/
- store_artifacts:
path: /root/project/Zipped/
- run:
name: Show all files
command: find "$(pwd)"
- persist_to_workspace:
root: Zipped
<<: *build
BUILD_TARGET: StandaloneWindows64
description: Build project and publish a new release tagged `v1.1.1`.
executor: github-release/default
- attach_workspace:
at: /root/project/Zipped
- run:
name: Show all files
command: sudo find "/root/project"
- github-release/create:
tag: v1.1.1
title: Version v1.1.1
description: This release is version v1.1.1.
file-path: ./
version: 2
- build_windows
- release:
- build_windows
Can somebody help me with this please?
If somebody ever encounters the same issue, try to avoid making use of the /root path. I've stored the artifacts somewhere inside /tmp/, and before storing artifacts, I've manually created the folder with chmod 777 by using mkdir with the -m flag to specify chmod permissions.

Concourse task input folder is empty

I'm experimenting with building a gradle based java app. My pipeline looks like this:
- name: hello-concourse-repo
type: git
- name: gradle-build
public: true
- get: hello-concourse-repo
trigger: true
- task: build
file: hello-concourse-repo/ci/build.yml
- task: find
file: hello-concourse-repo/ci/find.yml
The build.yml looks like:
platform: linux
type: docker-image
repository: java
tag: openjdk-8
- name: hello-concourse-repo
- name: output
path: hello-concourse-repo/ci/
- path: .gradle/
And the
export ROOT_FOLDER=$( pwd )
export GRADLE_USER_HOME="${ROOT_FOLDER}/.gradle"
export TERM=${TERM:-dumb}
cd hello-concourse-repo
./gradlew --no-daemon build
mkdir -p output
cp build/libs/*.jar output
cp src/main/docker/* output
ls -l output
And finally find.yml
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: busybox}
- name: output
path: ls
args: ['-alR']
The output of ls at the end of the script shows me that the output folder contains the expected files, but the find task only shows empty folders:
What am I doing wrong that the output folder that I'm using as an input in the find task is empty?
The complete example can be found here with the concourse files in the ci subfolder.
You need to remember some things:
There is an initial working directory for your tasks, lets call it '.' (Unless you specify 'dir'). In this initial directory you will find a directory for all your inputs and outputs.
When you declare an output, there's no need to create a folder 'output' from your script, it will be created automatically.
If you navigate to a different folder in your script, you need to return to the initial working directory or use relative paths to find other folders.
Below you will find the updated script with some comments to fix the problem:
export ROOT_FOLDER=$( pwd )
export GRADLE_USER_HOME="${ROOT_FOLDER}/.gradle"
export TERM=${TERM:-dumb}
cd hello-concourse-repo #You changed directory here, so your 'output' folder is in ../output
./gradlew --no-daemon build
# Add this line to return to the initial working directory or use ../output or $ROOT_FOLDER/output when compiling.
#mkdir -p output <- This line is not required, you already defined an output with this name
cp build/libs/*.jar ../output
cp src/main/docker/* ../output
ls -l ../output
Since you are defining ROOT_FOLDER variable you can use it to navigate.
You are still inside hello-concourse-repo and need to move output up one level.