Browser's proxy address - visual-studio-code

I have created a browser using visual basic but I didn't setup a proxy address for connecting the internet. Does anybody know how to setup proxy address on it
know how to setup proxy address on my own browser.


Connect to DNS names trough SSL and manually specify IP of the DNS record (Local DNS poisoning/Spoofing)

I'm currently working on a script that will test the health of an ADFS service. The ADFS service uses the same domain name (split brain DNS) for both intranet access, as well as for public DNS (for internet connections through the proxy servers). If I'm logged into an intranet device and I attempt to perform an SSL connection to the ADFS service, my device will use the intranet IP of the service. If I do the same from a device that is not in the intranet, I will connect to the public facing IP.
I want my script to test the health of both the internal and external service, but I haven't found a way to perform an SSL connection to a certain hostname/fqdn, and use an specific IP depending on the test I'm trying to perform (intranet vs extranet). Connecting directly to the internal/external IP address is not an option, since the ip addresses are not part of the SSL cert subject alternative names.
One option I found Is to create a PS Session to a remote host that has public DNS servers configured, and execute my Extranet test through that PS Session, but Ideally, I would like to run both tests from one single server.
I'm trying to find an option that works in the context of my PowerShell session only, I don't want to change the DNS settings of the server or the global DNS cache since that will result in problems on the server, because it depends on that ADFS service for other services to work.
Any help will be appreciated
I could not find a way to achieve exactly what I asked, so instead, what I did was to deploy a small Rest API in Azure which calls my ADFS service. When I call that Rest API, ADFS receives the query from the Internet, allowing me to achieve test the health of my ADFS service from the internet.

Oauth2 - Redirect url to iis on Server 2012 R2

I use Oauth2 to access a database in a cloud.
The code is developed in .net core 2.0.
The redirect urls are:
"AuthRedirectUri": "http://localhost:44378/auth/callback", "PostRedirectUri": "http://localhost:44378/myapp/Index",
I get connected to the database when the app runs on the visual studio (iis express). However, when the app is published on the local server (Windows Server 2012.R2) I receive an "invalid request" message from the third party web app. The published app is on http://localserver:80/. The solutions I have found in the web are redirecting to the localhost which doesn't work in my case.
Which hostname/port should be used to receive the callback code on the server? Shall I change anything in the iis or the server?
The solutions I have found in the web are redirecting to the localhost which doesn't work in my case.
Which hostname/port should be used to receive the callback code on the server? Shall I change anything in the iis or the server?
As far as I know, the redirect url should be your application's domain or IP address which could be access by someone outside your server.
Normally, we will use your server's public IP address and add your IIS application's port as the url(If you have the domain, you you should bind this url with domain address).
I suggest you could find this url and access from internet to make sure you could access the web application.
Then you could use this IP address and port plus sepcial fomat as the redirect url.

How do you configure a domain name for openfire server? Do I just buy a domain and set it as my XMPP domain?

so I am setting up a server for a messaging application which is being developed. I am using openfire server for this which I have installed and running on a PC. Right now, the xmpp domain is set to my computer name and server is working on my network, but obviously as its a local name it cannot be accessed from the outside.I am able to access the server from multiple computers on the same network using the Spark messaging client to test the server. So to be able to access my XMPP server from devices outside my network, do I just buy a domain name and set it as my XMPP domain in Openfire settings?
To answer your question, yes, with the following caveats:
You will either have to host the DNS server yourself or have the DNS provider serve the records for you.
A domain must have a static IP to address to point to. A home or a typical small business Internet account does not include a static IP (some providers actively prevent home accounts from serving web pages/services).
You must also configure your firewall to allow a mapping to the internal server.
I would recommend using an external provider to handle the network and hosting services for your program.

Send mail through proxy

I would like to set up a proxy for SMTP traffic by this i mean send and receive mail through a proxy.
I have a machine which is not directly connect to an internet gateaway, I already have an squid proxy for http and https but now i need to send mail (receive is not fundamental)
Which tools do you advice me to use and if you have some doc or tutorial to use this tool as an smtp proxy it would be great. (I'm running on CentOS 7)
Thanks in advance

How to configure an Internet mail server to use with IIS website

I am looking for a little direction to my problem. Short story, I have a website hosted on a web server. I pay a yearly subscription. This year I am planning on taking it off and hosting it internally. I already backed up, restored, and installed all necessary components (on Windows BTW with IIS, PHP, and MySQL). The site works great internal and by IP address externally through a firewall. (IP address for now until my web host subscription expires, then I will forward and register DNS).
But now this is my problem, my website has email functionality which works on my providers server. I want to install a local mail server for my website that will wind up sending and receiving emails through my website. I am lost here. No sure which path I should take. I have installed and used Exchange 2003 in the past just for internal domains, nothing for internet AND internet.
Anyone with ideas, links, suggestions? I see that IIS does support SMTP virtual servers, is this a possible route? If so, what about POP3 or IMAP (incoming) server solutions?
---Update On Situation---
So far I have configured a local exchange server that works with my local webserver. I then created a CNAME in my web host DNS zone for my IP address. I created a simple subdomain for my site redirected to my home web server. Everything works great, internal email through Exchange 2003 from website on IIS, redirected DNS names, almost there. Now I just need to create Internet Mail functionality in Exchange. Went through the Exchanges wizard to "open system" for Internet mail, created new SMTP connector and ....nothing for external mail test. Failed! Thought everything was configured properly. I also tried to open all ports on firewall, 25 and 110.
I'd recommend using something like PostMarkApp to send transactional email from the website, and use hosted email (Google Apps for Domains) for your email. Its a pain to run a real mail server.
Link to Exchange Internet mail SMTP connector configuration:
Configure Exchange Internet Mail SMTP Connector
Well, I did figure it out. I was on the right path and everything was working but I just configured my client wrong and my ISp blocked port 25, duh. CHanged port to unused 366. But here is a little tip for anyone that may need to figure this out in the future.
1)Setup install IIS with default SMTP and NNTP virtual servers.
2)Install Exchange into organization. Internal naming convention doesn't really make a difference between internal to externally if you are behind a firewall. Basically this means you don't have to create a seperate zone in DNS if using this for a seperate domain hosted elsewhere. Hope this didn't confuse anyone.
3)Right click on server name in Exchange System Manager and go to Internet Mail Wizard
4)If you want your clients to hold a different domain email address than your internal you can setup in exchange through
Exchange System Manager >> Recipients >> Recipient Policies
Then add a Masquerade in Default SMTP Virtual Server
5)Have a gmail Internet SMTP connector set to as smart host with a gmail email account settings and TLS checked
6)Default SMTP VS set with outbound port 587 and TLS checked
If you need to change SMTP ports too, don't forget to change not just firewall but also inside Exchange.