VS_Code : Shell Integration Failed To Activate - visual-studio-code

When i hover on my vscode terminal name: (in terminal's upper right corner named "Powershell")
it shows : shell intergartion failed to activate,
how to solve this error, while
I tried installing vs code again but still no change, and also installed powershell 7

There are a few potential solutions for this issue.
Make sure that you have the latest version of VS Code and the Shell Integrate extension installed.
Check that the integrated terminal in VS Code is set to the shell you want to use (e.g. PowerShell, Command Prompt, Bash).
Try running VS Code as an administrator.
If you are using Windows, try adding the path of the shell you want to use (e.g. C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe) to the "terminal.integrated.shell.windows" setting in your VS Code settings.
You can also try reinstalling vscode and the extension.
If none of the above solutions work, you can try searching for specific error messages in the output panel of vscode or in the output of the terminal.


I have to "source ~/.zshrc" everytime I open a new terminal only in vscode

Currently have to manually write source ./zshrc to get my zsh plugins to work within the vscode terminal window, however I dont have this issue if I open a zsh shell outside of vscode. I am using Debian on wsl2.
In terminal I get proper syntax example (due to a plugin)
However in vscode I dont unless i run source ./zshrc
As seen here:

Visual Studio Code Terminal Exits Immediately

When I open the terminal in VS Code, the terminal opens for about half a second, crashes, and outputs this message:
The terminal process "/bin/zsh '-l, '" terminated with exit code: 1.
What could possibly be the cause of this problem. and how do I fix it? I'm using a Mac.
You would want to check your user settings first. Review terminal.integrated settings that could affect the launch.
You're using a Mac, so on macOS, go to Code > Preferences > Settings. In the settings, you may want to search for this:
Just in case you modified settings.json without knowing, you could by typing in #modified or accessing it by Filter Settings (top right) > Modified.
If you did not modified anything, then it may be due to these:
Test your shell directly. Try running your designated integrated terminal shell outside VS Code from an external terminal or command prompt. Some terminal launch failures may be due to your shell installation and are not specific to VS Code. The exit codes displayed come from the shell and you may be able to diagnose shell issues by searching on the internet for the specific shell and exit code.
Use the most recent version of VS Code. Each VS Code monthly release has many updates and fixes and may include integrated terminal improvements. You can check your VS Code version via Help > About (on macOS Code > About Visual Studio Code). To find the latest version of VS Code, go to the VS Code release notes. You may also want to check that you have installed the latest version of your shell.
Use the most recent version of your shell. If your shell is installed separate from your platform, try installing the latest available version of the shell. The same advice applies if you are on an older build of your operating system. For example, some older versions of Windows 10 did not work well with the VS Code terminal.
Enable trace logging. You can enable trace logging and capture a log when launching the terminal. Logging often reveals what is wrong as all arguments used to create the terminal process/pty are recorded. Bad shell names, arguments, or environment variables can cause the terminal to not launch. Keep this log for later if your problem isn't solved.
Exit codes and shells
Search for the specific shells or exit codes in Google (if provided), maybe it would help.
If these still did not help, you may consider searching it in Google (mainly Stackoverflow or github).
Reference link: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/supporting/troubleshoot-terminal-launch

Debugging new VS Code CLI flag in devcontainer

I've forked VSCode on Github to try to add a tiny little feature I think would be useful, which adds a new CLI flag to code, to be used inside the VSCode terminal (like code - for stdin). I added the code, wrote tests, and now I want to try out the feature.
I'm developing inside the built-in devcontainer, so I just launched an instance of VSCode from within VSCode, connected to the devcontainer via VNC and tried to use my flag inside the VSCode-OSS terminal. However, I get an error saying "Command is only available in WSL or inside a Visual Studio Code terminal"
According to server.cli.ts, this means that the env variables VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI and VSCODE_CLIENT_COMMAND aren't set, but I don't know who should be setting them, or if I need to launch VSCode in a different way for debugging.
Has anyone using the VSCode DevContainer to write additional CLI flags and knows how to debug them?

VSCode on Linux Mint, integrated terminal not able to type anything

Hi I'm running Linux Mint 19 and I have just installed vscode using the snapd package manager. I've not used vscode on linux before as my usual editor is emacs. However, on a fresh new install of vscode, the integrated terminal does not work, there is just a non blinking cursor in the top left of the screen, but no prompt and no keyboard strokes are registering. This appears to be a common problem as there are a lot of posts about it if googled, but they are all for Windows versions and none of the solutions that I'm able to try do anything. I've tried to open a new terminal window, but the same thing happens I just get two terminal windows that I now cannot use. I've also tried checking the box that says Code-runner: Run In Terminal, but that does nothing either. What can I do to get this to work please, I looks to me like it is just not connected to either a bash or Zsh(which I normally use). Any help on this would be appreciated.
Instead of starting vscode with its default shell script (usually located on /usr/share/code/bin/code), the integrated terminal only works for me when starting it directly from the compiled binary (typically found on /usr/share/code/code, which is the same as the launcher created by the installer:
/usr/share/code/code --no-sandbox --unity-launch %F
While I searched for a solution in the past I've also noticed that lots of folks solved similar problems just by adding --disable-gpu flag, so might be worth checking out as well.

How to run VS Code Insider version when I have regular VS Code installed side by side on MacOS?

I have both VS Code regular and Insider installed side by side on MacOS. But running code on command line always opens up the regular version. How do I open the Insider version instead?
You can manually add the current build (whether insiders or not) to your PATH by opening the vscode command pallet and entering Install "" command in PATH.
Command for insiders is: code-insiders.
vscode CLI