how can I add recommended extensions in portable vscode? The idea is to start vscode in any workspace and get the popup for recommendations.
It does not work to put them in data/extension.json.
I tried to put the
{ "recommendations": ["dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", "esbenp.prettier-vscode"] }
this line in data/extensions.json also in data/extensions/extensions.json, but there are no recommended extensions visible in VSCode.
I don't know what happen, but I was working on VSCODE in windows adding neovim path to the settings.json.
I clicked inside the settings.json and vscode started to open new editor tabs by itself with the same content of settings.json.
I have uninstalled vscode several times, removed the Appdata roaming vscode, the Appdata local code, etc. I installed the vscode again and same behavior. I restarted my windows machine and same behavior.
The sync is on so the settings replicates to all my vscode installations. I started my Linux machine to see if this was something that replicated to my linux version. No, it is working normal.
I can work on VScode if I don't open the settings. It has open new editors (clones of settings) upto 500 hundred times.
I was able to stop it when I changed directory and it asked me if I wanted to close and all open tabs. The moment that I go to settings starts again.
You could start to not sync extentions. Maybe one is breaking it.
But You could also try to install an older version of vs code.
How to downgrade vscode
I just installed the Visual Studio Code (v1.52.1) extension "Spelling Checker."
Now how do I use the thing?
I searched all the menus for a command to run this extension, or any extension. I asked Google "how to run a VSC extension" and only got matches that tell me how to install an extension. Apparently extensions are just supposed to run themselves.
There's a whole class of extensions for which that makes sense, such as extensions that add enhancements to editor windows. But there's another whole class of extensions, like this one, for which it makes no sense at all.
How do you run an extension?
This is confusing as the answer is spelled out in five-minute videos or is skirted around.
On your keyboard: Cmd+Shift+P (macOS) Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows, Linux, etc.) or under "View" and "Command Palette" opens the Command Palette so you can execute an extension's command such as "Browse Lite" for say - hopefully, the developers say what the command is.
Note: Cmd+P (macOS) or Ctrl+P will search files by name. The shift is what's needed to launch the extension magic.
Open Visual studio code.
Go to extension option.
Then click on any extension.
After that disconnect your internet.
Then it will prompt for install extension manually.
Then it will ask to locate that .vsc file.
Select that and file and install it.
like the title mentioned, how to disable jupyter editor in vscode?
every time,I want to new a file just for text or markdown,I do not like to appear a choice between two, but just default for the inner editor applied by vscode. and how can I configure this.
for right now,I never need to use jupyter notebook.
It seems to be appeared unexpected after vscode update or installed some python package.
This can be disabled by python.dataScience.useNotebookEditor if you are using the Python extension.
You also need the Jupyter extension along with Python extension for VS Code. The setting key has been renamed from python.dataScience.useNotebookEditor to jupyter.useNotebookEditor^update
With the July/August 2021 introduction of the new Native Notebook Support in VS Code, the answers involving your settings.json are now obsolete. Now the Notebook editor will be used to open .*ipynb files even if you've never installed the Python or Jupyter extensions.
However, you can open a *.ipynb file in the regular text editor by right-clicking on the file in the VS Code File Explorer, doing "Open With", and then selecting the "Text Editor".
I'm clueless what feature came out of which extension, is there a way to have its source displayed?
Also would be interesteed to know if its possible to trace the source code of the features.
The only thing I can think of is checking the package.json files, as even vscode.commands.getCommands() only returns plain strings. This can be done with the vscode.extensions API:
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
setTimeout(() => {
for (const extension of vscode.extensions.all) {
let commands = extension.packageJSON.contributes?.commands;
if (!Array.isArray(commands)) {
for (const command of commands) {
console.log(command.title + " is from " +;
}, 2000);
Note that all only includes activated extensions, hence the timeout to make sure all extensions that activate on startup are done with their activation.
what feature came out of which extension
Yes, you can do this, taking advantage of VSC's intellisense:
I'm Assuming (1) by feature, you mean a command executable from the command pallette and
Open keybindings.json in vscode
You should see JSON like below; if not, add one like below (you're not going to keep it).
"key": ".",
"when": "suggestWidgetVisible"
Where it says "REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR COMMAND NAME", begin typing the name of the command you're interested in
The VSC suggestion widget will open, showing roughly EXTENSION_NAME.YOUR_COMMAND. If the suggest widget doesn't open, press ctrl+space to open it.
Note the name of the extension; that's what contributed that feature/command. If the name doesn't match an extension, it's probably a core VSC feature
trace the source code of the features
Most extensions are on GitHub, as is the core code for VSC, so you can simply navigate to the relevant repository and seacrch the code for that command.
Check this link out from VS Code documentation.
Here you can see where the extensions are installed by default.
And further, you can access their source code.
Where are extensions installed?
Extensions are installed in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:
Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
macOS ~/.vscode/extensions
Linux ~/.vscode/extensions
You can change the location by launching VS Code with the --extensions-dir command-line option
About which feature cames from which extension, I'm not sure if it's possible to achive that.
Click on an extension and in the editor that opens showing its readme, click on the Feature Contributions link and you'll see the settings and commands that extension contributes. For example:
Autocomplete for CSS is not working in VSCode.
Usually, if I start writing an statement inside a CSS file, VSCode has an intenseness, which suggested all possible options.
But as you can see, it doesn't work inside my css file.
Any help?
I had the same issue after I installed the VSCode extension PostCSS Language Support,
I fixed it by disabling the extension.
If you have PostCSS Language Support installed add the following config in your settings.
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"postcss": "css"
If you are using the PostCSS Language Support plugin, you may want to additionally install the PostCSS Intellisense and Highlighting plugin. Follow the plugin instructions to enable emmet support.
I realized that at the bottom right of the screen, my language mode was set to postCSS. So simply clicking there and changing it to CSS solved this. Images are for illustration
you might have installed some extensions which prevent css form doing autocomplete, uninstalling the latest extensions (from the time it started happening) will resolve your problem
You have to download visual studio code system rather than visual studio code use.... go to official site of visual studio code.... and select an option visual studio code system 64 or 32 bit..... Now you have to run the setup as "Run as administrator"