Where can you find all open API mustache logic?
like "httpMethod" or "Operations", the only way I found is by looking at an example.
But some logic isn't clear anyway I still don't understand how to use "requestBody" or if there is a way to make a section dependent on the httpMethod
Thanks in advance
I would like to retrieve some properties e.g. jcr:created using Sightly or any related syntax for the panel component in AEM adaptive forms. 1
The previous Sighlty syntaxes that I have attempted to retrieve the crx/de properties include:
I have tried the following syntaxes but unable to retrieve the value from the property and in worst cases, the component may not be rendered on screen.
I have looked up on Adobe forum sites and past stackoverflow questions that other people may have asked. I have tried the solutions and given answers but was unable to achieve the result. I would greatly appreciate for any help or sharing of applicable knowledge if you have encountered similar issues or previously attempted to solve similar problems. Thank you!
You can always create Use class in Java or Javascript to access these properties, it's cleaner and testable. Better than that, you can use Sling Models which are more readable and easier to implement, here is a good presentation about it https://www.slideshare.net/accunitysoft/understanding-sling-models-in-aem
Properties of resources are readable without any extra definitions needed.
So you might want to check what resource is handled in your component by adding this:
Then you can check the returned path in CRXDE if there really is a jcr:created property available at this path - which should be the case if you are accessing a resource that has a proper sling resource type. Then this call should give a valid return value:
${resource.path} ___ created:
If the path is not displayed as well, then it would help if you could post
the repo path of the content resource you are processing
the sling:resourceType
the path to the component's ht(m)l file that you are using
TLDR: I want setup an AEM page that accepts firstname and lastname as parameter using an SEO friendly URL.
Going to www.host.com/mycontent.richard.williams.html will display information relevant to Richard Williams.
If I go to www.host.com/mycontent.john.smith.html, the page will display information relevant to John Smith.
SEO friendly example: www.host.com/mycontent.richard.williams.html
not SEO friendly example: www.host.com/mycontent.html?firstname=richard&lastname=williams
So I've been following this guide (not sure if this is the best example/guide to help me): http://www.aemcq5tutorials.com/tutorials/sling-servlet-in-aem/
And while it works well for my the example
#SlingServlet(resourceTypes="geometrixx/components/hompepage", selectors={"firstname","lastname"}, extensions="html",methods="GET", metatype=true)
I am trying to make it dynamic.
At the moment, I can only access the servlet if access via: http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en.firstname.lastname.html
I want to make firstname and lastname dynamic parameters/selectors. Like if for example I want to pass the values "richard.williams", I can then use: http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en.richard.williams.html
if I try to use http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en.richard.williams.html right now, I get a blank page.
So basically I want to use selectors for passing parameter values to my page.
Any ideas how this can be done?
ps. At the moment, I only testing/experimenting in my local instance of AEM.
Selectors in sling don't provide the functionality of placing variables in the URL path. i.e. you cannot add {pathParam} like in Spring to sling servlet URL.
In general, selectors are not recommended to be used like an input to a function. They are to be used more like file extensions.
For eg. A request to /mycontent.html returns the same resource as /mycontent.mobile.html. The only difference being, the latter requests for a mobile friendly version.
Request params on the other hand serve the purpose of providing inputs to the servlet.
I cannot think of any direct way to attach a servlet to dynamic paths in sling. You can try using suffix, they are cacheable in the dispatcher, but I can't comment on the SEO friendliness of using suffix.
Consider this URI - /mycontent/user.json/john/smith
Register a servlet using the path /mycontent/user and you can use
String[] names = request.getRequestPathInfo().getSuffix().split(suffix, '/')
to retrieve the suffix contents.
Take a look at answers in this question. Sling ResourceProvider and integrating with jax-rs are other ways you can accomplish this.
Technically this would be feasible with the use of OptingServlet (see https://sling.apache.org/documentation/the-sling-engine/servlets.html#optingservlet-interface)
Your accepts method could easily recognise the expected resourceType and react appropriately.
As mentioned in the docs this approach is discouraged and the solution proposed by Subhash to use suffixes seems way more elegant.
You can create a components which reads selector from the request and add that compoent to en.html
I just dived into spring-restdocs and i really like the way how to document my API. Now I would like to extend the generated examples by python. Means I want snippets like the curl ones just for python.
this is what I found out so far:
I will have to create my own template like default-curl-request.snippet. Is it right that is followed by extending my own implementation by org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.TemplatedSnippet?
If you want to use a template to generate the snippet then what you have described is the right approach to take.
Note that you don't have to use a template. You could opt to implement the Snippet interface directly and you're then free to generate a snippet using any means you like. Here's a snippet implementation from a third-party extensions that takes this approach.
I want to build an web application(ASP.NET MVC 6) that can add modules/plugins without having to rewrite my source code.
Already read about MEF and Areas but are not helping much.
Someone who has overcome this problem that can help me?
Depends on which part of the web application you are targeting.
1.If it's in the request pipeline you would make a Middleware package.
2.It's it's in HTML you would make a TAG Helper package.
3.If it's an intrinsic functionality you would extend appropriate classes and throw them into a package. An example of this would be helpful extension methods or methods to add claims given a claims principal.
4.If you want to go even further you could create your own Visual Studio templates that you can use to pre-fill your options upon creation.
I could not find a wicket tag like wicket:include? Can anyone suggest me anything? I want to include/inject raw source into html files? If there is no such utility, any suggestions to develop it?
i am looking for sth like jsp:include. this inclusion is expected to be handled on the server side.
To do this, you'll need to implement your own IComponentResolver.
This blog article shows an example somewhat resembling what you're after.
Is it raw markup that you want to include, or Wicket content?
If it's raw markup, even a simple Label can do that for you. If you call setEscapeModelStrings( false), the string value of the model will be copied straight in the markup. (Watch out for potential XSS attacks though.)
"Including" Wicket markup is done via Panels (or occasionally Fragments)
Update: If you add more detail about the actual problem you need to solve, there's a good chance that we can find a more "wickety" solution, after all, JSP and Wicket are two different worlds and the mindset of one doesn't work very well in the other.