Geofire query at location - flutter

I'm building an app which uses location. The people who are closer to 10 meters should be showed.
I use Geofire but the problem I'm facing is the value I pass to it's radius for it to get me people doesn't work at all. I pass 10 meters but when I calculate the distance using distance between, of the list of people it gave me I get 346 meters instead. Is it a problem from their end or mine? That is my code.
Geofire.queryAtLocation(position.latitude, position.longitude, chat)!.listen((map) {
print("This is the map: $map");
if (map != null) {
var callBack = map['callBack'];
double value = Geolocator.distanceBetween(position.latitude, position.longitude,
map['latitude'], map['longitude']);
print("Distance: $value meters");
switch (callBack) {
case Geofire.onKeyEntered:
NearByUsers nearbyUsers = NearByUsers();
nearbyUsers.key = map['key'];
nearbyUsers.latitude = map['latitude'];
nearbyUsers.longitude = map['longitude'];
if(value < chat) {
if (nearbyAvailableUserKeysLoaded == true) {
case Geofire.onKeyExited:
case Geofire.onKeyMoved:
NearByUsers nearbyUsers = NearByUsers();
nearbyUsers.key = map['keys'];
nearbyUsers.latitude = map['latitude'];
nearbyUsers.longitude = map['longitude'];
case Geofire.onGeoQueryReady:
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
// Your state change code goes here


How to change the text depending upon the value getting from data base?

I am getting the distance by location and location is stored is in firebase data base, here I want to change the text if the distance is O between two points.(Like less than km not the value "O").Pls help me out..
I tried doing this but not working, to give you some idea here is the code:-
setState(() {
if(value?.distanceBW != null){
distanceBW = value.distanceBW;
if(distanceBW == 0 ){
setState(() {
return "Less than 1";
return distanceBW;
Create a top level variable, say String textToDisplay = "";
Then update it's value accordingly like:
if(value?.distanceBW != null){
distanceBW = value.distanceBW;
if(distanceBW == "0" || distanceBW.isEmpty())
setState(() => textToDisplay = "Less than 1");
setState(() => textToDisplay = distanceBW.toString());
Use this variable textToDisplay in your Text widget,
also make sure to give a type String to distanceBW instead of var.

How can you setup a flutter rawkeyboardlistener to read {} (curly brackets) instead of square brackets?

I have a flutter solution that interprets a QR code via a scanning device. I use the RawKeyboardListener to read the scanned QR code that then parses it into a variable.
The QR value is an object {something: somethingelse}, but when read by the RawKeyboardListener, it reads the {} as [] and as a result, the object is then invalid.
String runtime = event.runtimeType.toString();
if ( != LogicalKeyboardKey.enter) {
setState(() {
scannedItem += runtime == 'RawKeyUpEvent' ? : '';
} else if (scannedItem != '') {
setState(() {
var data = json.decode(scannedItem);
I played around with the solution and ended up fixing it, though I do feel there is a better way of resolving this
if ( {
switch ( {
case 'Bracket Left':
keyLabel = '{';
case 'Bracket Right':
keyLabel = '}';
case 'Quote':
keyLabel = '"';
case 'Semicolon':
keyLabel = ':';
keyLabel = keyLabel.toUpperCase();

Trying to Move Cards

I am trying to move a card I have found using the search function from one list to another on the same board.
I have tried to set up a new list using the a new factory.list and searching for the list using FirstorDefault LINQ Query but keep getting an Error.
Below is some code I have tried to move my cards.
string query = jnum;
var search = factory.Search(query, 1, SearchModelType.Cards, new IQueryable[] { board });
await search.Refresh();
var CardList = search.Cards.ToList();
foreach (var card in CardList)
string tName = card.Name.Substring(0, 6);
if (tName == jnum.Trim())
cardid = card.Id;
var FoundCard = factory.Card(cardid);
string FoundListid = FoundCard.List.Id;
var fromlist = factory.List(FoundListid);
if (Item != null)
if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Approved for Print".ToUpper()))
//var ToList = factory.List("5db19603e4428377d77963b4");
var ToList = board.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Signed Off");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from on proof
//MessageBox.Show("Approved for Print");
else if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Awaiting Review".ToUpper()))
//var ToList = factory.List("5db19603e4428377d77963b3");
var ToList = board.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "On Proof");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from in progress or to start
// MessageBox.Show("Awaiting Review");
else if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Amends".ToUpper()))
var ToList = factory.List("5dc9442eb245e60a39b3d4a7");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from on proof
// non job mail
I keep getting a is not a valid value Error.
Thanks for help

How can i fix my code to make my count value update from my function

How can i make _handlerRadioValuegender() update my count value which I declared as var count = 3 on top.
I tried what i can do and here are all debugprint() functions results. It is now always taking the value which I define on top means my _handler function has no effect on the count value.
var count = 3;
int _handleRadioValuegender(int value) {
setState(() {
_gender = value;
switch (_gender) {
case 0:
case 1:
String gender() {
if (count == 1) {
return 'Male';
} else if (count == 3) {
return 'Female';
} else {
I want my count value to be updated from my _handlerRadioValuegender() function and when gender() access it, then it should return value according to that.Screenshot of debugprints()

efficient way to determine Quad Tree neighbors for Quad Sphere Face edges?

I've been trying to optimise how I lookup the neighbors for the Quad Tree faces in my Quad Sphere's Top and Bottom faces with the rest of the faces. I've attempted several methods to determine neighbors, where the latest one improved the lookup speed, but I'm wondering if there is something better
Method 1:
Keep a lookup table of all users of all vertices used by all Quads and then, for each Quad, find any other Quads that aren't ancestors that share edge vertices with the original Quad (minus the corner vertices because these are shared by multiple, non-neighbors). This works great for low numbers of subdivisions and vertices, but as each of these increases, the performance becomes much worse.
See example here of this implementation:
Method 2:
Keep a lookup table of all Quads at each Level of subdivision, indexed by level and then for each Quad, find any other Quads at either the same level or one level less (parents level) that aren't ancestors and check their edge vertices to see if they match with the original Quad's edge vertices. This works better than Method 1, but still starts to suffer if you get too deep in the levels of subdivision. This looks like the following code snippet:
public Quad FindNeighbor(Quad quad, EdgeType edge)
Vector3[] edgeVerts = quad.GetWorldVerts(quad.GetEdgeVerts(edge));
int level = quad.GetLevel(); // neighbors can only be equal or 1 lower level
List<Quad> potentialNeighbors = Quads[level].Where(n => n != quad).ToList();
if (potentialNeighbors.Any())
foreach (Quad potentialNeighbor in potentialNeighbors)
var topEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Top));
if (topEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var bottomEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Bottom));
if (bottomEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var leftEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Left));
if (leftEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var rightEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Right));
if (rightEdge.All(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
if (level > 0)
// if we made it this far we haven't found a neighbor yet so try 1 level lower Quads
potentialNeighbors = Quads[level - 1].Where(n => n != quad.GetParent()).ToList();
if (potentialNeighbors.Any())
foreach (Quad potentialNeighbor in potentialNeighbors)
var topEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Top));
if (topEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var bottomEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Bottom));
if (bottomEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var leftEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Left));
if (leftEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
var rightEdge = potentialNeighbor.GetWorldVerts(potentialNeighbor.GetEdgeVerts(EdgeType.Right));
if (rightEdge.Any(v => edgeVerts.Contains(v)))
return potentialNeighbor;
return null;
Is there anyone who has experience with this and is willing to share some other means of optimising the lookup? Thanks in advance.
What I've ended up doing, since this post didn't receive any responses, is assigning the sibling neighbors based on some basic rules and then for the non-sibling neighbors I locate the parent quad, get their neighbor children and see if any of them share an edge with this quad
private void AddNeighbors()
switch (QuadType)
case QuadType.BottomLeft:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopLeft); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomRight); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Bottom, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Left)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Left, c));
case QuadType.BottomRight:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopRight); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomLeft); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Bottom, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Right)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Right, c));
case QuadType.TopLeft:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomLeft); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopRight); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Top)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Top, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Left)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Left, c));
case QuadType.TopRight:
// add siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Bottom, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.BottomRight); });
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Left, () => { return GetParent().GetChild(QuadType.TopLeft); });
// add non-siblings
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Top, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Top)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Top, c));
AddNeighbor(EdgeType.Right, () =>
return GetParent().GetNeighbor(EdgeType.Right)?.GetChildren()?.FirstOrDefault(c => c != null && HasSharedEdge(EdgeType.Right, c));
this seems to work quickly as all Sibling neighbors are a direct assignment and the locating of non-sibling neighbors is limited to iterating over 4 sides of 4 quads. Here is the HasSharedEdge method:
public bool HasSharedEdge(EdgeType edge, Quad quad)
var topLeft = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.TopLeft);
var topRight = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.TopRight);
var bottomLeft = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.BottomLeft);
var bottomRight = quad.ToWorldVert(quad.BottomRight);
// shared Top edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, topLeft, topRight, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Bottom edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomLeft, bottomRight, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Left edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomLeft, topLeft, Tolerance))
return true;
// shared Right edge
if (IsLineWithinEdge(edge, bottomRight, topRight, Tolerance))
return true;
return false;
Maybe this can help someone else in the future