When enabling row selection and in AgGrid is there a way to disable selection when rows are grouped? - ag-grid

When I have the rows grouped and have multiple select enabled it lets me click to select the groups as the grid things this is a valid row, is there any way to easily stop row selection when grouped ?
When grouped I don’t want the grid to allow selecting of the geoup


Expanded row group to remain expanded after applying column filter

We have an application that uses ag-grid to display data to the customer. One of the pain points that we received from our end users is, the expanded row groups collapse after they apply any column filter.
As a result of this, the user again has to scroll through the list of row groups and keep clicking each row group.
Is there any way we can make sure that the expanded row groups remain expanded after the filter has been applied or removed?

Separate row selection from row checkbox selection?

Does ag-grid support separating row selection from checked checkboxes?
My users need to select a row (click on it, or keyboard nav) to see further details about the row. Then they need to check the checkbox (or not) to select the row for later export to Excel.
So for example, they'll click every row to see the further details, but only check some of the checkboxes for later export. Is this supported?
If not, what would be a good approach to implement? Add my own checkboxes to the first column?
You can set suppressRowClickSelection to true when you want checkbox selection, and don't want to also select when the row is clicked. If true, rows won't be selected when clicked.
You can read more about this here - https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-selection/
You can use ag-Grids selection capabilities for the checkbox selection and then use the onRowClicked prop to do a different select on row click. I'm doing just this (but with onRowDoubleClicked.
You still want to set suppressRowClickSelection to true.

Tableau - add row without making it a subset of previous row

I want to add rows to a Tableau text table without making the row a subset of the previous row. Using the example below, I want values for teams and status to display on separate rows rather than status appearing as a subset of team. I also want to add a team filter so that if I filter on team blue, values for green row are zero and status values update . Is this possible? I tried creating separate worksheets but keeping things aligned is problematic.
Example Data:
Desired text table:
What I don't want:
Select both the fields(team, status) simultaneously then right click and go to Transform > Pivot.
Then 2 Dimensions will be created. Drag the Pivot Field Values on to Rows section
and Year on to Columns section and keep Year in Discrete format.
Then drag Number of Records on to value field section.
Before Pivot:
After Pivot and final viz:

Retrieve row data on checkbox selection in Ag-grid

I want to retrieve the row data on checkbox selection. Currently in ag-grid, on selecting a row we can retrieve the row data. Or we can do a multi row select, so rows details can be retrieved. So is there any way to retrieve the row data on checkbox selection. Or multiple rows data on checkboxes selection.
you need to use Row Selection
You may use this onSelectionChanged: onSelectionChanged property or
onRowSelected: rowSelectedFunc

Merging Cells Vertically in SQL Reporting 2008

In SQL Reporting 2008, Is there a way to merge multiple cells that are adjacent to each other along a vertical column?
In the report designer, click on your table, then at the bottom of the screen there is a window spit in two with the headings "Row Groups" and "Column Groups". In row groups, click on the little down arrow next to the default group "table1_Details_Group" and choose to add a parent group. Select the field you want to group on, and don't check the boxes to add a row header or footer. A new column will be added and when you preview you will see that the cells of this column are merged vertically.
You cannot merge cells vertically, only horizontally.
You can, however, create table groups. Grouped data inside a table can be designed to look like merged vertical cells.
You may use matrix table to do it. It force you to have a group column, however you can just set the group column visibility as Hidden. Then add new columns you needed.
see image here: ( my Month is merge cells from two rows)