In Scala 3/Dotty, is it possible to write a kind/type constructor that takes a value with a unique path as an argument? - scala

Here is a simple example of my intention:
sealed trait Col[V] {
trait Wrapper
object Col1 extends Col[Int]
object Col2 extends Col[Double]
type WOf[T <: Col[_] with Singleton] = T#Wrapper
this is an alternative (simpler & more generalisable) way of writing:
type WOf[T <: Col[_] with Singleton] = T match {
case Col1.type => Col1.Wrapper
case Col2.type => Col2.Wrapper
But the compiler won't let me:
***.scala:25:42: T is not a legal path
since it is not a concrete type
So what is the correct way to write the kind WOf?
UPDATE 1: I could speculate that Scala 3 can use this type constructor to represent an Eta-expanded polymorphic function of the following definition:
def wOf[T <: Col[_]](v: T): v.Wrapper = ???
I just don't know what it is, is there any reason Scala 3 will choose to make this kind definition only available for a very specific case?

Since this is a niche case of a new language, I would not expect to find example. So I end up asking BSP to generate it based on a variant of the official example:
class DependentPoly {
sealed trait Col[V] {
trait Wrapper
val wrapper: Wrapper = ???
object Col1 extends Col[Int]
object Col2 extends Col[Double]
val polyFn = [C <: Col[?]] => (x: C) => x.wrapper
The type annotation generated by BSP is:
[C <: Col[?]] => (x: C) => x.Wrapper
Unfortunately it triggered a compiler bug at this moment:
So we'll have to wait for it to be fixed before using it anywhere


How to implement subtype resolution of typeclass in scala

I want to understand how to go about implementing the following use-case using typeclasses in Scala (or find out if it is even possible).
Given a sealed trait and a couple of concrete cases:
sealed trait Base
case class Impl1() extends Base
case class Impl2() extends Base
Given a typeclass operating on Base and an instance for each of the corresponding base implementations:
trait Processor[B <: Base]:
def process(b: B): String
given Processor[Impl1] with:
def process(b: Impl1): String = ??? // not important
given Processor[Impl2] with:
def process(b: Impl2): String = ??? // not important
Given a list of base objects:
val objects: List[Base] = ??? // whatever
Is it possible to implement a method that goes something like this?
val processed = => process(obj))
def process[B <: Base](b: B)(using proc: Processor[B]) = proc.process(b)
When I try to naively implement the above as-such, the compiler complains that it can't find an implicit for Processor[Base], which I guess it makes sense, since in the context of the method call for process(obj), the obj val has the Base type.
What I would like to do is to let the compiler figure out the concrete type of obj, fetch the corresponding given instance for the concrete type and inject it into the process method. Is it even possible to do such a thing? Does it even make sense?
(Note - I've written my code in scala 3, but I'll gladly accept an answer in scala 2 syntax).
With a list of base objects you won't be able to do it, the list doesn't contain the real type at compile time and the compiler won't be able to find their respective type classes.
In scala 3 the typed list is the tuple, so you can use a tuple to have a typed list and obtain what you are expecting. The method you need is and adaptation of the one you can find with the same name in the scala 3 documentation and is simple as:
inline def summonAll[T <: Tuple](tup: T): List[String] =
inline tup match
case _: EmptyTuple => Nil
case tupl: (t *: ts) => summonInline[Processor[t]].process(tupl.head) :: summonAll[ts](tupl.tail)
and you can use it only passing the list of elements you want to obtain in a tuple in the expected type:
summonAll[(A, B)]
Here you can see the following full code running:
import scala.compiletime.{erasedValue, summonInline}
trait Processor[A]:
def process(t: A): String
object Processor:
def apply[T: Processor]: Processor[T] = summon[Processor[T]]
given Processor[String] with
def process(t: String): String = "im String: " + t
given Processor[Int] with
def process(t: Int): String = "im Int: " + t
inline def summonAll[T <: Tuple](tup: T): List[String] =
inline tup match
case _: EmptyTuple => Nil
case tupl: (t *: ts) => summonInline[Processor[t]].process(tupl.head) :: summonAll[ts](tupl.tail)
val t1 = ("hi", "bye", 44 )
val t2 = summonAll(t1)
println(t2) //List(im String: hi, im String: bye, im Int: 44)
With this particular typeclass you can easily create the Processor[Base] which the compiler asks for:
given Processor[Base] with:
def process(b: Base): String = b match
case b: Impl1 => process(b)
case b: Impl2 => process(b)
Using type class derivation you can also generate it automatically, but I am afraid it's going to be far more code! And if you enable warnings (which you should), the compiler should warn you about a non-exhaustive match if a new subclass is added anyway. So I'd use this manual version unless you have quite a lot of subclasses to handle in your actual case or they change often.
Note "this particular typeclass" it wouldn't work e.g. if process took more than 1 B parameter, or some parameters with more complex types containing B.

why does scala's implicit lookup ignore companion object of nested class

I was playing around with the following piece of code:
class A
class B
class C
trait Codecs[L] {
case class Codec[R](val code: L => R, val decode: R => L)
object Codec
def code[R](foo: L)(implicit codec: Codec[R]): R = codec.code(foo)
def decode[R](bar: R)(implicit codec: Codec[R]): L = codec.decode(bar)
object Codecs {
implicit object ACodecs extends Codecs[A] {
object Codec {
implicit val ab: Codec[B] = new Codec(_ => new B, _ => new A)
implicit val ac: Codec[C] = new Codec(_ => new C, _ => new A)
object test extends App {
val codecs = implicitly[Codecs[A]]
codecs.code[B](new A)
It won't compile, as the compiler is unable to find an implicit value of type Codecs.Codec[B].
As I understand, the two values ab and ac are of type Acodecs.Codec[_](or something like that), which isn't exactly what the compiler is looking for. I am also aware that moving the case class Codec[_] and its companion outside of the trait solves the problem (after making it take 2 type params). If an implicit value is required, the compiler should include the companion object of the required type in the implicit scope. My questions are:
How do I point the compiler at the companion of a path-dependent subtype, more specifically:
Is it possible to alter the signature of the two methods of the trait (ideally alter the type signature of the implicit param) to make this compile? How would one refer to the type Acodecs.Codec[_] from inside the trait Codecs[_]?
Like, how do you do this typeclass thing on a nested type?
Is there like a pattern or something dealing with this sort of problem?
The issue is that your type is bound to a specific instance since it's an inner class. And the compiler doesn't know that implicitly[Codecs[A]] is giving the exact same instance as what it's finding implicitly on the next line. For instance, if you pass it explicitly:
codecs.code[B](new A)(Codecs.ACodecs.Codec.ab)
You get this error message:
type mismatch;
found : Codecs.ACodecs.Codec[B]
required: codecs.Codec[B]
So it believes the enclosing instances to be possibly different, and so different types.
I've never really seen this specific kind of nesting of implicits - i.e. an implicit typeclass with path-dependent implicit typeclasses within it. So I doubt there's a pattern for dealing with it and would in fact kind of recommend against it. It seems overly complicated. Here's how I would personally treat this case:
case class Codec[L, R](val code: L => R, val decode: R => L)
trait Codecs[L] {
type LocalCodec[R] = Codec[L, R]
def code[R](foo: L)(implicit codec: LocalCodec[R]): R = codec.code(foo)
def decode[R](bar: R)(implicit codec: LocalCodec[R]): L = codec.decode(bar)
object Codecs {
implicit object ACodecs extends Codecs[A] {
implicit val ab: LocalCodec[B] = new LocalCodec(_ => new B, _ => new A)
implicit val ac: LocalCodec[C] = new LocalCodec(_ => new C, _ => new A)
object test extends App {
import Codecs.ACodecs._
val codecs = implicitly[Codecs[A]]
codecs.code[B](new A)
You still get the benefit of a "half-narrowed" type to work with but it's just a type alias so there's no path-dependency issues.

How can I write a function have a polymorphic return type based on the type argument of its type parameter?

I have some code like this:
sealed trait Foo[A] {
def value: A
case class StringFoo(value: String) extends Foo[String]
case class IntFoo(value: Int) extends Foo[Int]
I'd like to have a function which can use the A type given a subtype's type parameter.
// Hypothetical invocation
val i: Int = dostuff[IntFoo](param)
val s: String = dostuff[StringFoo](param)
I can't figure out how to declare dostuff in a way that works. The closest thing I can figure out is
def dostuff[B <: Foo[A]](p: Param): A
But that doesn't work because A is undefined in that position. I can do something like
def dostuff[A, B <: Foo[A]](p: Param): A
But then I have to invoke it like dostuff[String, StringFoo](param) which is pretty ugly.
It seems like the compiler should have all the information it needs to move A across to the return type, how can I make this work, either in standard scala or with a library. I'm on scala 2.10 currently if that impacts the answer. I'm open to a 2.11-only solution if it's possible there but impossible in 2.10
Another option is to use type members:
sealed trait Foo {
type Value
def value: Value
case class StringFoo(value: String) extends Foo { type Value = String }
case class IntFoo(value: Int) extends Foo { type Value = Int }
def dostuff[B <: Foo](p: Any): B#Value = ???
// Hypothetical invocation
val i: Int = dostuff[IntFoo](param)
val s: String = dostuff[StringFoo](param)
Note that both solutions mainly work around the syntactic restriction in Scala, that you cannot fix one type parameter of a list and have the compiler infer the other.
As you might know, if you have a parameter of type Foo[A], then you can make the method generic in just A:
def dostuff[A](p: Foo[A]): A = ???
Since that might not always be the case, we can try to use an implicit parameter that can express the relationship between A and B. Since we can't only apply some of the generic parameters to a method call (generic parameter inference is all or nothing), we have to split this into 2 calls. This is an option:
case class Stuff[B <: Foo[_]]() {
def get[A](p: Param)(implicit ev: B => Foo[A]): A = ???
You can check the types in the REPL:
:t Stuff[IntFoo].get(new Param) //Int
:t Stuff[StringFoo].get(new Param) //String
Another option along the same lines, but using an anonymous class, is:
def stuff[B <: Foo[_]] = new {
def apply[A](p: Param)(implicit ev: B <:< Foo[A]): A = ???
:t stuff[IntFoo](new Param) //Int
Here, I've used apply in stead of get, so you can apply the method more naturally. Also, as suggested in your comment, here I've used <:< in the evidence type. For those looking to learn more about this type of generalized type constraint, you can read more here.
You might also consider using abstract type members instead of generic parameters here. When struggling with generic type inference, this often provides an elegant solution. You can read more about abstract type members and their relationship to generics here.

How do I use a structural type with generic parameters?

I have two case classes
case class StringCaseClass(argument: String)
case class IntCaseClass(argument: Int)
I want to define a structural type which will match the companion object of both of these
type HasApply1 {
def apply[A, R](argument: A): R
This will compile fine, but when I try to use it like this
def method(caseClass: HasApply1) {
// whatever
I will get a compiler error
found : StringCaseClass.type
required: WithApply1
(which expands to) AnyRef{def apply[A, R](string: A): R}
Is there any way of accomplishing this? If I redefine the structural type to have concrete types for A and R it will compile correctly, but then I lose the flexiblity
#aloiscochard's comment is almost there. What he forgot to mention is that case class companion objects already implement the appropriate FunctionN trait, so you can simply do this,
scala> case class StringCaseClass(argument: String)
defined class StringCaseClass
scala> case class IntCaseClass(argument: Int)
defined class IntCaseClass
scala> def method[A, R](caseClass: A => R, a: A) = caseClass(a)
method: [A, R](caseClass: A => R, a: A)R
scala> method(StringCaseClass, "foo")
res0: StringCaseClass = StringCaseClass(foo)
scala> method(IntCaseClass, 23)
res1: IntCaseClass = IntCaseClass(23)
In general you should avoid structural typing as it's very expensive. The call will be converted into a reflection call because of limitations in the JVM. When you start using scala 2.10 structural types will result in a warning at compile time (though you could disable that using a flag).
If you're looking into a more general way to add functionality to classes that don't share an inheritance hierarchy you could use Type Classes.
Here's a quick example:
trait CanCreateRFromA[A,R]{
def createNew(a:A): R
implicit object CanCreateBlahFromInt extends CanCreateRFromA[Int,Blah2]{
def createNew(i:Int):Blah2 = new Blah2(i)
implicit object CanCreateBlah1FromString extends CanCreateRFromA[String,Blah1]{
def createNew(s:String):Blah1 = new Blah1(s)
case class Blah1(something:String)
case class Blah2(something:Int)
def createRFromA[A,R](a:A)(implicit tc:CanCreateRFromA[A,R])= tc.createNew(a)
Then you can call:
createRFromA(1) // This gives a Blah2
createRFromA("1") // This gives a Blah1
Again I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but it probably is possible to do what you want with a type class and it will be much faster.
You didn't pass an instance of StringCaseClass to your method. What you passed there is companion object of StringCaseClass (which is automatically generated for case classes).
Try if this works: method(StringCaseClass("dummy")).

Partially applying type parameters

I'm desperately trying to solve the following:
trait Access[Res[_]] { def access[C]: Res[C] }
trait CList[C1, A] extends Access[CList[_, A]] // ?!
def test[C1, C2, A](c: CList[C1, A]): CList[C2, A] = c.access[C2]
scalac just says: "error: illegal cyclic reference involving trait CList". how can I make this compile?
You might be interested in type lambdas. The partial application you used in your answer is actually implemented in scalaz.
As the code tends to get less readable though, they started using type lambdas instead. The type in question could be written as
({type λ[α] = CList[α,A]})#λ
This works by creating a type projection on a parameterized type λ inside a structural type thus capturing the outer type parameter (in this case A).
The other problem concerning variance described in your answer could be solved by making the Res parameter in Access covariant.
After these changes your code should look like this:
trait Access[+Res[_]] { def access[C] : Res[C]}
trait CList[C, +A] extends Access[({type λ[α] = CList[α,A]})#λ]
googling for "partial type application" i found this solution posted by James Iry on the scala debate list ( ; adapted so the arg order is changed):
type Partial2[T[_,_], B] = {
type Apply[A] = T[A,B]
trait CList[C1, A] extends Access[Partial2[CList, A]#Apply]
cheese louise, is this really the only way to do that in scala in 2011 ?!!
This fails with covariance in A :,-(
trait Access[Res[_]] { def access[C]: Res[C] }
type Partial2[T[_,_], B] = {
type Apply[A] = T[A,B]
trait CList[C1, +A] extends Access[Partial2[CList, A]#Apply]
"covariant type A occurs in invariant position"
Just to update things
add this compiler plugin to your sbt for kind projection and you'll get a nice syntax using ?. This removes the type projection boilerplate which looks messy!
So you can write stuff like Either[String, ?]
addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" %% "kind-projector" % "0.9.7")
it's implemented with the same old type projection underneath
You can also find it here:
I know this is a really old question, but anyway:
trait AnyAccess {
type Res[X]
def access[Z]: Res[Z]
trait AnyCList extends AnyAccess { me =>
type C
type A
// this could be a subtype bound instead, if needed
type Res[X] = AnyCList { type C = X; type A = me.A }
case object AnyCList {
type of[C0, +A0] = AnyCList { type C = C0; type A <: A0 }
case object buh {
def test[C1, C2, A](c: AnyCList.of[C1, A]): AnyCList.of[C2, A] = c.access[C2]
Here's a method that worked for me to "partially apply type parameters":
I had a function like
def foo[A, B, C, D, E](...)
Such that I needed to hint only one type parameter for the compiler to infer the rest. This worked for me:
object InferType {
type InferType[A] = Option[A]
def apply[A]: Option[A] = None
Update foo to take an additional parameter of type InferType:
// t parameter is unused in implementation but
// is used by compiler to infer other type parameters
def foo[A, B, C, D, E](..., t: InferType[D])
foo(..., InferType[ConcreteD])