no link change to relative photo change popup - tinymce

I have set the link change to relative, but after inserting it via an external filemanager, and then opening the photo change popup, the link remains absolute. Only after saving it changes it to relative. strangely, in the code preview, the link is correct after uploading.
Does anyone know how to change it?


Why image is not reflecting on page properties of touch UI dialog in AEM 6.2 after reloading?

When I reload the page and open page properties, instead of an image which I uploaded, I find the path of that image (i.e of content folder). Can anyone suggest what am I doing wrong?
I got the answer. It was happening because of the image properties that i had provided was not correct.

How to change the facebook ui feed size?

I have included share button in my website. The share button works fine in web browsers.
But when access through mobile, after clicking the share button, the share popup size is same as web browser. So it is not getting displayed properly.
Can anyone please suggest, how to alter the height and width of the feed popup?
Afaik you cannot change the appearance and size of the popups made with FB.ui. You could try opening your own popup:
See "URL Redirection".
One other possibility is to use the "sharer.php", it is even easier to handle because you only need to add the URL as parameter and it will automatically get the Open Graph data from that URL.

url in webview doesn't highlight

I have loaded htm file in assets folder to webview.
It contains few links and when I tap it, it opens url accordingly.
The problem is that I want to give highlight effect when tapped on this link.
Currently, nothing happened when click it even orange rectangle is not shown.
Please rescue me.

Strange image displayed under the like button

on a site I created I have added a standard like function for advertisements users made.
Whenever I use like on a product page it works fine, e.e. but on a Services page it shows a weird icon, e.g.
Even when I delete this image from my directory Facebook still show this weird and unwanted image.
Please explain how I can fix this and (if applicable) how I can determine myself which image Facebook will use to make a thumbnail.
This is a critical errors as all facebook likes are now very wrong...
Thx for your help.
You need to choose what image Facebook will use for the thumbnail. If you don't, Facebook will just find a random image on the screen and use it. For your first page it's using the beach picture. For the second it's using the ugly yellow 'play' button right next to where it says "Showreel".
To specify what image should show up you need to add a meta tag to your head like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://Your image location.jpg" />
More info here:

Dynamically changing Open Graph properties for Facebook Like button?

I am using the jQuery PrettyPhoto as an image gallery. Each image has it's own facebook-like button on the bottom of the image modal. I'd like to have the image that was liked to appear as the thumbnail on the 'user who clicked like's status update related to liking the image. (Also, I'd like the title to be unique, but I am assuming they can be changed the same way, if at all.)
As of now, the Facebook snippet seems to be scraping the gallery meta properties on load, grabbing the og:title and og:image content that is listed there. I've tried to dynamically change these values whenever a new gallery image is clicked, but it seemed to be using the values of the page loaded meta content (which makes sense).
Is there a way to change what the facebook like button sees as the image it should use on-'like'? Each gallery image is dynamically loaded on the same page, only changing the achor value per image. I've tried a number of ways with no success, but maybe someone has some experience with this or a similar issue.
Thanks for any help or leads!
As you didn't supply any example, I checked with here. As I can see they also use original like button, so the og:title and og:image should be different in each image. Instead of images, can you use html in every popup and put image, your like button etc there?
PS: Or else, you have to dynamically change the title of gallery by javascript, which is not a very idea situation. Facebook will always look for og:title for scrapping data, you can't simply feed it by custom code.