FileUpload how to list already uploaded file - forms

I am using Forms.IO file upload to upload file. When initially my form is loaded screen is as below.
After uploading file my form looks like below.
Now my question is how I can directly display/list already uploaded file on formsio form's file upload control when opening it next time ?


Save image with Tinymce

I implemented Tinymce on a website and it's being used as a content editor by the owner of the website (the content is saved in a .txt file). I would like to know if it is possible to save an image uploaded in the tinymce editor into a specific folder on the server.
You'll be able to choose a specific location for image uploading using the images_upload_url property. You can read more on that and our Image Uploading API here:

how to compress file in sapui5 before uploading on server in instant upload?

I want to compress a file before uploading it on server in sapui5 (image(png/jpeg/jpg)/pdf/). I want to upload a large files but i want to compress that file before uploading. Please suggest me solution ?
I think you will not be able to do it with instant upload. Instead, you should obtain the file from the change event of the file uploader (check out the change event, it has a files parameter).
You can then use that file object together with the zip.js library to create an in-memory zip and save it into e.g. a Blob. Afterwards you simply send the blob into a POST request (e.g. look at How can javascript upload a blob?). Maybe you should also provide some file-uploading specific headers (like the Slug).

How to show the uploaded file in File picker in Moodle?

Hi I am working with Moodle 2.9.1. Here I have a form for upload a question and an answer file. I successfully upload the answer file to a location and inserted the question text and answer file name in database.
Now I want to edit the question, while editing the question the already uploaded file will be shown in the file picker area.
How can I show the uploaded file in filepicker area??
For text editor I can use
$mform->addElement('editor', 'desc', get_string('description'));
$mform->setDefault('desc', array('text'=>$defaulttext));
Please help me..
The filepicker element is used for uploading a single one-off file, that will be processed (and then, usually, discarded). If you are wanting a file that remains part of the Moodle storage and will reappear when you reopen the form, then you should use a filemanager (and restrict to a single file, if needed).
There are details in the Moodle docs about how to use this (including re-populating the 'draft files' area when you load the form).

upload a file using gwt with out showing the file chooser,send file by picking it from default location

I'm beginner to GWT,I've a task that I need to upload a file to the server
but the constraint here is, we should not show the file chooser dialogbox.
with the given input file name we pick that file from the default file location and uploads it.
I think the requirement is clear to you..Please help me on this.
thank you
FileUpload is the widget in GWT for uploading file but you have to choose a file. follow this.
There is no way in GWT to get file in client. If you don't want to choose a file from a default location then just give a text box and read file name, then pass this file name to server and do enough processing there, you can't take File in client side.

creating a full html file out of webloc in a batch mode

I've got over 400 bookmarks saved as .webloc files. I'd like to move them to the iPhone's goodReader app. goodReader cannot open webloc files. It can sork with pdf, html but not webloc.
Do you know of a way or a program that would take a folder as its input, and convert every single .webloc file in it into a PDF version or a html version - so I can grab the converted files and move them onto iPhone.
Thank you
Try this, it should be able to convert the files to pdf