At my DevOps Wiki I have a page and want to create a index including links to the articles.
Mainly I find this manual to do this:
But I don't get it working.
How can I link inside a Wiki page? Could you show an example?
I guess I have to set a anchor to the headers and link than the Index item to the anchor?!
Here a example:
1.First article
2.Second article
#1.First article
bla bla bla ...
#2.Second article
bla bla bla ...
and a image
I suspect you are suffering a bit of a nomenclature issue. Re: "I have a page and want to create a index including links to the articles."
As a rule 'page' and "article" are synonymous. As best I can tell, when you say "article" you mean sub-sections of the same page/article. Subsections of a page/article are delineated by you and your use of headers.
When you say "index", I imagine you mean the result provided by a Table of contents (TOC). If you wanted greater control than the TOC provides, you could construct your own "index" of links to just the headers of your choosing, e.g this sample page:
# My Index
1. [First Index Item, H1](#heading1).
1. [Second Index Item, H2.1](#heading2.1).
1. [Third Index Item, H4](#heading4).
# Heading1
Add a bunch of filler here to space out the page so you can see the result of selecting your '_Index_" items ([My Index](#my-index) above).
# Heading2
Add a bunch of filler here to space out the page.
## Heading2.1
Add a bunch of filler here to space out the page.
# Heading3
Add a bunch of filler here to space out the page.
# Heading4
Add a bunch of filler here to space out the page.
here's an example for the syntax:
- [Article1](/Articles/Aricle1)
In the round brackets the path to the article relative to that wikipage is written.
I have set the description meta using:
page.meta.description.field = description
Can I make it so child pages use the description from the closest page that has one set?
So if the root page has description1 then all sub-pages use it, unless a sub-page has it's own description2 in which case it and any sub-pages of it would use description2 and so on...
two parts:
in your typoscript: = levelfield:-1, description, slide
in your Install-Tool add the field to the fields which should slide:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONV_VARS']['FE']['addRootLineFields'] = 'description';
aside from straight slide to first non empty entry, you also have options to collect all the entries along the rootpath:
.slide If set and no content element is found by the select command, the rootLine will be traversed back until some content is found.
Possible values are "-1" (slide back up to the siteroot), "1" (only the current level) and "2" (up from one level back). Use -1 in combination with collect:
.slide.collect: (integer /stdWrap) If set, all content elements found on the current and parent pages will be collected. Otherwise, the sliding would stop after the first hit. Set this value to the amount of levels to collect on, or use "-1" to collect up to the siteroot.
.slide.collectFuzzy: (boolean /stdWrap) Only useful in collect mode. If no content elements have been found for the specified depth in collect mode, traverse further until at least one match has occurred.
.slide.collectReverse: (boolean /stdWrap) Reverse order of elements in collect mode. If set, elements of the current page will be at the bottom.
You should not do this - you will get a bunch of error messages in the google webmaster tool complaining about duplicate meta tags. Google dont like this ... it is a kind of duplicate content.
Watch this video from google evangalist Matt Cutts:
"In short, it is better to let Google auto-create snippets for your pages versus having duplicate meta descriptions."
Does anyone know how to create a link to the header of a different wiki page?
I know if I have a header ##Header name that I can link to it on that page by using (#header-name) as my link, but I want to link to that header from a different page. Is this possible?
ie. I want to have a table of contents that can link to the sub-sections of each wiki page as well as to the page itself.
Edit: I mean a way besides just using the url link
EDIT 1: So totally wrong about before, I just read up a bit more. So we have this new support as well inside of GitHub Wikis! (Relatively new.)
You can also do something like this:
[[ Link text | page_title#header_title ]]
This might work a lot better for you! TIL because of this answer here. You can see me do this with the Prerequisite link and you can see my other links work the other way. Time for me to do some updates!
EDIT 1: Still useful but definitely NOT THE ONLY WAY.
So I answered a question about this before, you should avoid absolute links on GitHub (i.e.
However, a good way (and kind of the only way inside of Wikis EDIT 1: TOTALLY NOT TRUE TO BEING THE ONLY WAY) of doing what you need can be seen like this:
[Header link](/user/repository_name/wiki/page_name#title).
This is kind of the linking unfortunately that the Wiki would support. This will change your directory page based off of GitHub. You can see that it would be linkage you want to hit)
I have actually began doing something like this in a Wiki I work on here. Inside of my Sidebar, you can see I have a Getting Started Page, and then a subsection into it is a Prerequisite heading and it will properly lead people to where they need to go. You would be able to perform this same thing on any page. It is a tad verbose, but worth it as you can easily change things around if need be. This is also case-sensitive since it will change their location so be sure that in your linkage, the page is the proper case and your heading is all lowercase.
Hope this helps!
You can link to the header by simply assigning an id to header. e.g you've "Extension" header in a page called Abc.
# <a id="extension"></a> Extensions
You have another page "Call center" and you want to go to extension in abc , you can use reference linking of markdown i.e "The [extensions][1] are handled by agents"
[1]: url-of-abc/#extension
I tested Maxwell's "good way" to link to the header of another page in Github in Edit 1 on and it works perfectly.
#[crux-ports Installation](/user/crux-ports/blob/master/
markdown generate slug for the heading and convert it to id, example
# [ topic ][ color ]
will be converted to
<h1 id="topic--color" data-line="643" class="code-line">[ topic ][ color ]</h1>
Thus, to link it you can write it as [color](#topic--color).
If the destination anchor is on another page (assume filename with path relative to current markdown page, then you can write it as [color](
Attach the slugify function from vscode
// excerpt from
const str = '# [ topic ][ color ]';
const slug = encodeURI(
.replace(/\s+/g, "-") // Replace whitespace with -
.replace(/[\]\[\!\'\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\#\\\^\_\{\|\}\~\`。,、;:?!…—·ˉ¨‘’“”々~‖∶"'`|〃〔〕〈〉《》「」『』.〖〗【】()[]{}]/g, "") // Remove known punctuators
.replace(/^\-+/, "") // Remove leading -
.replace(/\-+$/, "") // Remove trailing -
console.log(slug) // "topic--color"
when you declare in doxygen, in a markdown file:
#Section1 {#sec1}
##subsection 1.1 {#s_sec1}
It simply becomes in html:
subsection 1
while i'd like:
1. Section1
1.1 subsection 1
In pdflatex it gets numbered automatically. Is there a way to have numbers also in html ? I find the font size change not sufficient.
I don't think that this is possible to get them numbered automatically for HTML pages. The reason is that in contrast to books HTML documents are organized and readed differently. Whereas you have in books a chronological order of chapters, the HTML documents are organized in unordered single pages where a page is not necessarily comparable to a chapter in a book. The main problem is that these pages are not ordered in any chronological way, the only way to access such a page is that this page is linked in any (ordered or unordered) index or linked from another page. Whereas books have only a (1-dimensional) sequence, a website is more organized like a mesh, where each page can reference each other page. This is the big advantage (or sometimes the big disadvantage) of a website, that the readers can decide themselfes in which order they want to read the information.
This can be done with doxygen using a style sheet.
Create a file containing:
body {counter-reset:section;}
h1 {counter-reset:subsection;}
h2 {counter-reset:subsubsection;}
content:counter(section) ". ";
content:counter(section) "." counter(subsection) " ";
content:counter(section) "." counter(subsection) "." counter(subsubsection) " ";
Then set HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET to point to the file you just created.
I have some tabular data about users. I would like to have a Confluence page generated based on it. But I don't want to show the data as it is but instead have a nice table made of it.
For example data includes user identifier. But on the page I would like to have it used for few things. For example make an anchor to the user entry/row, show the identifier in a column and generate link (in another column) to some other tools where the identifier is an argument in URL.
This goes in obvious direction of data vs. presentation separation with all its benefits.
Now the problem is that I don't know how to do that while I feel that it should be somehow possible with all that Confluence offers.
There are various reporting macros. But the problem is how to get the initial tabular data. I tried using Excel (or CSV) attachment. But I failed to extract data from it (otherwise than just showing a simple table based on it).
Any advice? I'm using Confluence 5.4.
I have asked about it previously on Atlassian Answers in question Reporting on spreadsheet data from attachment but there are no answers so far and I think there will be none. While I think Stack Overflow is more popular so I hope that maybe here someone will have any advices.
For the 'display table information on the page' part: This could be achieved with a user macro. The CSV macro and HTML macro can be used to pull data in from an attachment or other locations to display on a wiki page.
There are other ways to display this kind of data. This be done with information extracted from a database using the SQL macro. Confluence can read in from its own database or from external databases.
For example, let's say you wanted to list all pages in a space with hyperlinks using the key page information to edit, view, delete the target page. The information being extracted in this example is in the Confluence table.
'['||B.spacename||'|'||B.spacekey||':]' "Space Name",
'['||A.parentid ||'|///pages/viewpage.action?pageId='||A.parentid||']' "Page Parent",
'['||A.contentid||'|///pages/viewpage.action?pageId='||A.contentid||']' "Page Id",
'['||A.title ||'|///viewpage.action?pageId='||A.contentid||']' "Page Title",
'[View Page |///pages/viewpage.action?pageId='||A.contentid||']' "View Page",
'[Edit Page |///pages/editpage.action?pageId='||A.contentid||']' "Edit Page",
'[Delete Page |///pages/removepage.action?pageId='||A.contentid||']' "Delete Page"
WHERE B.SPACEKEY = 'sp' -- Put the spacekey here
AND A.TITLE like '%this%' -- Optionally, only return results for pages with the word 'this' in them
-- AND A.CONTENTID = 125999877 -- optionally, only return results for a single page by id
Once you have the content on the page it is possible to post-render wiki content using a JavaScript via the html macro.
<script type="text/javascript">
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
AJS.$('#tableid').find('tr > td').contents().html('Hello world'); // or whatever to find and change the html or text
I presume your Confluence is version 4 or later. The default editor is WISIWYG, but you can also enable Source Editor (read Confluence doc on how to do this).
You can create source of a page in external editor and then copy/paste it in to Confluence Source Editor (or use Confluence REST API if you need to import multiple files).
Create a page with sample table, then view source of this page. Copy/paste elements of this page to your tabular data. Use search and replace patterns to insert tags in right places.
For example, if you have CSV file:
- replace commas with </th><th>
- put <tr><th> at the start of each line
- put </th><tr> at the end of each line
This should create nice table in Confluence.
This is either very annoying or very embarrassing. I've set up most of my blog, but I can't figure out where or how the heck I set up single entry templates as opposed to the section/weblog containing them. I just can't find information on how to do it for the life of me.
This is especially important, because I want to define the canonical link for all entries, since ExpressionEngine links to entries in all kinds of ways.
So, the case is that I have a Blog section/weblog with an index working as the front page for This lists all my entries as you would imagine a regular blog to do. The problem arises when I need to customize the code for the single entries' links.
If you have a template set up already which is showing a multitude of entries and you want a single entry page for each entry then what you need to do is this :
Then in the template shown above by template_group/template_name (please change those to whatever your template group and template names actually are ;-) ) you will place this code :
This will then show you just the one entry as you will have used the {url_title_path="template_group/template_name"} in the first channel entries tag above which would basically create a URI something like this :
On the second (template_group/template_name) single entry template page it will see the URL title and use this to filter down the channel entries tag to just that one entry.
Hope that helps a bit.
Best wishes,