Nodered - No data from smartmeter - docker-compose

I am running noderd on a raspberry pi 4 as docker container (as well as mosquitto, timescaledb and grafana). But I fail to get data from a smartmeter (sml protocol) into nodered. The raspi is connected to an optical sensor via usb cable and I get data on the raspi (sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0 | od -tx1).
I do not find any parameter configuration for the smartmeter node (node-red-contrib-smartmeter) to get any data into nodered. Below you see the flow (connection details: 9600 Baud rate, 8N1 - should be fine since it is from the manual and already worked before).
To check the serial device connection with the docker container I have installed serialport in nodered. After some adjustments the serialport node in nodered could connect to /dev/ttyUSB0. Now, I get values - strang ones - from my serial device into nodered.
But for the smartmeter node I still get no values even though the parameters are the same than from the serialport node. Do you have any idea? Is there an alternative for the smartmeter node that should work?
Thank you very much in advance!


Configuring IEEE 1588 PTPV2 with STM32 and ksz8463

I want to set up ptp (precision time protocol) now and HSR protocol in future. So I have a STM32H743ZIT6 and a KSZ8463FRL switch.
The switch has 3 port. According to datasheet port 1 and port 2 can be used as TC (Transparent Clock: P2P/E2E) and port 3 can be used as OC (Ordinary Clock: Master/Slave). I'm confused. Which port should connect to my mcu? Which port should be connect to GMC (Grand Master Clock)? My board is slave for another master now but can my board be used as Master too?
I connect port 3 to mcu and port 1 and 2 is free.
I haven't enough information. Please help me or introduce useful references. Thanks.
Ordinary Clock Ports are uplink facing so Port3 should be connected to GM. This this configuration, the MCU board is slave for GM and can be connected to port 1 or 2.
To use the board as Master, the MCU has to be connected to port 3(Port 3 always connects to Master). The CPU can sync to a GPS and act as GM this way.
The 1588v2 support on STM32H743 may be buggy... as per STM32 forums.

GPIO Zero Hx711 remote connection

I have 2 Raspberry Pi4, running as first one is master and the second one is slave. They are connected via ethernet cable.
A loadcell and HX711 have been wired to the slave
I would like to read the weight data from the master.
GPIO Zero library(
Has few examples Led, Button etc. as master and slave
I could not find an example for Hx711.
Does any one has experience with GPIO Zero library and Hx711 server, client solution.

Process behind gateway ports

I deployed a mongodb in the default docker network bridge.
Please recall that, the gateway of the bridge network is
For more information, refer to
Recently, I discovered that the mongodb receives a lot of slow queries from a process running behind
How do I find out what process is running on the gateway port
docker network inspect bridge
shows only nodes within the bridge network, but shows nothing related what processes are running on its gateway ports.
Each MongoDB client identifies itself when it establishes the connection. Example:
{"t":{"$date":"2020-11-25T10:49:02.505-05:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":51800, "ctx":"conn216","msg":"client metadata","attr":{"remote":"","client":"conn216","doc":{"driver":{"name":"mongo-ruby-driver","version":"2.14.0.rc1"},"os":{"type":"linux","name":"linux-gnu","architecture":"x86_64"},"platform":"Ruby 2.7.1, x86_64-linux, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"}}}
This gives you the language, driver and driver's version.
You can pass additional metadata to identify connections. For example in Ruby you would do this via Client#initialize :app_name option.
For mapping ports to processes, see e.g.

How can I find "Exec" node's commands to program Raspberry Pi in Node-Red?

I am new at programming Raspberry Pi, can you help me to find commands for "Exec" node?
vcgencmd measure_temp
For example this code gives the temperature of Raspberry Pi if you write it on "Exec" node in Node-Red.
There is no list of commands for the exec node.
This node can be used to run any application that can be executed on the platform running Node-RED, in this case linux.
(These applications should be things that run without requesting any further input after starting and provided output to stdout/stderr)

docker swarm - connections from wildfly to postgres randomly hang

I'm experiencing a weird problem when deploying a docker stack (compose file).
I have a three node docker swarm - master and two workers.
All machines are CentOS 7.5 with kernel 3.10.0 and docker 18.03.1-ce.
Most things run on the master, one of which is a wildfly (v9.x) application server.
On one of the workers is a postgres database.
After deploying the stack things work normally, but after a while (or maybe after a specific action in the web app) request start to hang.
Running netstat -ntp inside the wildfly container shows 52 bytes stuck in the Send-q:
tcp 0 52 ESTABLISHED -
On the postgres side the connection is also in ESTABLISHED state, but the send and receive queues are 0.
It's always exactly 52 bytes. I read somewhere that ACK packets with timestamps are also 52 bytes. Is there any way I can verify that?
We have the following sysctl tunables set:
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 600
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 60
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
The first three were needed because of this.
All services in the stack are connected to the same default network that docker creates.
Now if I move the postgres service to be on the same host as the wildfly service the problem doesn't seem to surface or if I declare a separate network for postgres and add it only to the services that need the database (and the database of course) the problem also doesn't seem to show.
Has anyone come across a similar issue? Can anyone provide any pointers on how I can debug the problem further?
Turns out this is a known issue with pooled connections in swarm with services on different nodes.
Basically the workaround is to set the above tuneables + enable tcp keepalive on the socket. See here and here for more details.