have Hasura inheritance properties to do it graphically not in script to make super type and sub type inherit? - postgresql

I was trying to make multiple role in hasura for example assume I have techician,customer role, then I need to have users table to fetch with role attribute and if I use inheritance it works completely but inheritance is not available on hasura.
I tried using script
create table customer () inherits (users);
but I need to know if there is other way to do


Sequelize associate a table without defining its schema

Lets say I have a table in the DB called departments, In my code I don't need to interact directly with it and its schema is defined as a part of another service.
I want to make a new table called employees that will have a foreign key from departments.
Is there a way to make this association (referencing the table) without needing to defining the table schema again in my project?
To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to define an association between two tables one with a model defined in Sequelize and the other with no model defined in Sequelize.
To define an association between two models you must define their respective models in Sequelize.

PostgreSQL - How to import custom data type when creating foreign table (using postgres-fdw)?

I'm trying to create foreign table view using postgresql_fdw (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/postgres-fdw.html).
When trying to IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public FROM SERVER replica_db1 INTO db1, it reports
type "public.custom_type" does not exist
same as in https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/postgres-fdw.html
I want to know, how can I automatically copy custom data type into target db?
The documentation tells you:
If the remote tables to be imported have columns of user-defined data types, the local server must have compatible types of the same names.
So make sure that the local database has a type of the same name, and it had better be similar too (at least have the same text representation).
If you want functions and operators on that type to be pushed down, you'll have to put them into an extension that you install in both databases.
Then specify that extension in the extension option of the foreign server.

How to query a parent table and inherited child table together in one query

I am using go and pq to interface with my postgres database.
I have a simple user table which has basic fields. Id, name, type. My auxillary table, admin inherits from user and adds it's own field panel, and another one that is owner and adds owner. Whether that be using table inheritance, or a supporting table.
My question is if I hit and endpoint that points to user/1 at this point I don't know what type of user this person is yet here. I know we can use jwts and other ways to provide this from the front end. I'm more curious about if there is a way to figure out the user and it's type and query the additional fields in one query?
Ie. I hit the endpoint I would Select from users, get the type, then use that type to get the additional fields. So I would effectively be doing two queries on two tables to get the complete data. Is there a better solution of doing this? Is there some optimizations I could do.

Entity Framework: How can I assign permissions on new code first tables?

I think the question speaks for itself. I have a fairly typical case where I've created a new entity class on which I've specified the [Table] attribute. The Add-Migration command has generated the corresponding DbMigration.CreateTable, etc.
However, I would like to ensure that the table is create in SQL Server with the select permission assigned to group... let's call it ABCGRP.
Can this be done via attributes, the Fluent API or will I need to simply create a SQL script with a GRANT operation?

Preceding any database access with specific command in CakePHP

I'm new to CakePHP and using version 1.3.
How can I dynamically change the 'schema' property as found in DATABASE_CONFIG prior to any database operation? What is the class where I could have the postgres-specific command "set search_path to 'schema_xyz'" executed before any database interaction?
I want to use Postgres' ability to maintain multiple distinct namespaces (aka schema in postgres parlance) within a single database to implement multi-tenancy in my application. That is, every namespace will contain the same set of tables, but evidently with different content. Here, it's important not to understand schema as meaning table metadata, but rather as the postgres-specific concept of namespace where a schema is a container for tables. The exact Postgres command isn't important. What is, is the mechanism by which it can be invoked, and steering clear of Cake's typical meaning of table description, as seen in the SchemaShell. The only place I have found where Cake exposes the concept of namespace is in the database.php file, which is then used when the DB connection is first established. See: api13.cakephp.org/view_source/dbo-postgres/#line-113 (new user link limit, sorry)
if ($this->connection) {
$this->connected = true;
$this->_execute("SET search_path TO " . $config['schema']);
I want to set that search_path before ALL DB queries, not just at connection time as is currently done.
As a proof of concept, I have tried setting $useDbConfig in my models, but according to the debug output where the SQL commands are printed, this only seems to affect a subset of all queries. I've moved this up into app_model.php with the same result. As did augmenting that with creating a db_config instance on the fly and passing to the ConnectionManager through loadDataSource. Maybe I should slap that code in all flavors of before... methods.
I have seen many posts online where people discuss using one of several DB configurations in database.php to use different databases for dev, lab and production environments. But I have a single database with multiple namespaces/schemas. Also, my number of such namespaces will be too high and dynamic to make hardcoding a new variable in database.php practical.
Thus, where is the spot in CakePHP where I could insert something to set the search_path prior to any database command? I'll deal with optimizing that later. Remember that I'm new to Cake, so try to be as specific as you can. Let me know if I can clarify this question.
Thanks in advance. Here's the partially working code snippet:
class AppModel extends Model {
function beforeFind($queryData)
$cm = &ConnectionManager::getInstance();
$namespace = 'xyz_namespace'; //name of the new schema/namespace/search path
$new_db_config_name = 'new_config'; //name for the new DB config to be used in the ConnectionManager
$new_db_config = $cm->config->default; //copy the 'default' DB config into an array
$new_db_config['schema'] = $namespace; //change/add the new schema/namespace/search path
$cm->create($new_db_config_name, $new_db_config); //turn the array into a DbConfig object
$cm->loadDataSource($new_db_config_name); //load the new DbConfig into the ConnectionManager
$this->useDbConfig = $new_db_config_name; //tell the model to new use the Db Config
return $queryData;
There is a very simple way in PostgreSQL if you want to switch schema per login role:
ALTER ROLE foo SET search_path=bar, public;
ALTER ROLE baz SET search_path=bam, public;
Thus a connection initiated by that role has that search_path set automatically.
If your login names are the same as the desired schema names, there is an even simpler way, I quote the fine manual:
If one of the list items is the special value $user, then the schema
having the name returned by SESSION_USER is substituted, if there is
such a schema. (If not, $user is ignored.)
But be advised that - the fine manual again:
Role-specific variable settings take effect only at login; SET ROLE
and SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION do not process role-specific variable
If I understand your question correctly, (bear with me, I know little about Postgres but basically I think you mean, reloading the schema whenever the table perspective changes?), here's how to dynamically switch schemas in your controller:
// Model::getDataSource()->configKeyName holds whichever db config you're using
if ($this->Model->getDataSource()->configKeyName != 'default') {
// do something...
$this->Model->table = "extras";
} else {
// predictably, Model::setDataSource($configKey) changes configs
$this->Model->setDataSource("offsite"); // this could be a string variable
Or from the model, $this->getDataSource()->configKeyName and $this->schema(true) and so forth. Note $this->schema(true) actually reloads the model schema and registers it with cake. app_model, a component, or config/bootstrap might be an appropriate place for this. I'm not sure where Cake would have defined the search_path the first time, but it would almost certainly be a property of the dataSource object and could be redefined there just like the table name, etc. And then reload Cake's schema to register the changed path. It is necessary to ensure Cake unloads any default it may have picked up, and load the correct schema based on the currently defined table. (It sounds like this may have been the only step you were missing.)
If this does not answer your question or if I misunderstood, let me know. HTH. :)