SendGrid v3 Api dynamic template_id not recognised, won't send - sendgrid

I am trying to send a simple password reset email that's defined in a dynamic template. I have tested the template within SendGrid and it works fine. I have copied and pasted the template_id from the website, checked and double-checked it, but trying to post this message:
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"email": ""
"dynamic_template_data": {
"firstname": "Tim",
"url": "https://localhost:5001/account/ProcessPasswordReset?id=4&code=############"
"send_at": 0
"from": {
"email": "",
"name": "A Person"
"reply_to_list": [],
"subject": "Password Reset",
"content": [],
"template_id": "d-23a2c68a9e5349488be23299a04a9485",
"send_at": 0
I get the following response
"errors": [
"message": "Unless a valid template_id is provided, the content parameter is required. There must be at least one defined content block. We typically suggest both text/plain and text/html blocks are included, but only one block is required.",
"field": "content",
"help": ""
As far as I can tell from the documentation, this is a well-formed message with a correct template_id.

Ok so the problem was the empty
"content": [],
This must not be sent at all if there is no content to send. Working as expected now this is removed.


Telegram: no answer sent with answerInlineQuery

I make a POST request in response to an inline request with the following url<some-token>/answerInlineQuery
and body
"inline_query_id": "${inline_query_id}",
"result": {
"InlineQueryResultArticle": [
"type": "article",
"id": "111",
"title": "some-title",
"input_message_content": {"message_text": "TEXT 1"}
Telegram responds 200 OK but there is no changes/answers in the bot.
I've also tried so many modifications of the body to sent. No one was successfull, but no one error I`ve got too.
Finally, this one works.
"inline_query_id": "${inline_query_id}",
"results": [{
"type": "article",
"id": "111",
"title": "some-title",
"input_message_content": {"message_text":"TEXT 1" }
It needs results instead of result. And no definition of InlineQueryResultArticle

Google Fit REST API - dataStreamId with whitespace results in error

I want to use Google's REST API to get the Fitness data of my account. To do so i issue 2 subsequent calls.
GET This returns a list of all available dataSources as in [1].
I use the dataType name and dataStreamId in the request body from [1] to build the request body [2].
The problem: The second call returns an error [3] for all dataSourceIds that contain whitespace although they were returned exactly that way in the first request. In the code sample there is whitespace because the dataSourceId contains the phone model "Nexus 5". If there is no whitespace, the request succeeds without errors.
I already tried replacing the space by something else ("%20" or "_" or "+") but nothing helped. Is this a bug in the API or am i doing something fundamentally wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1:
btw i am using Google's oauth-playground with all the fitness scopes selected.
Edit 2:
In code sample [2] i used the wrong dataTypeName. Was "activity_confidence" but should be "".
[1] GET response
"dataSource": [
"application": {
"packageName": ""
"dataQualityStandard": [
"dataStreamId": " 5:c80045fc:detailed",
"dataStreamName": "detailed",
"dataType": {
"field": [
"format": "map",
"name": "activity_confidence"
"name": ""
"device": {...},
"type": "derived"
[2] POST body
"aggregateBy": [
"dataSourceId": " 5:c80045fc:detailed",
"dataTypeName": ""
"endTimeMillis": 1511132400000,
"startTimeMillis": 1510268400000
[3] POST Error message
"error": {
"code": 400,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "datasource not found: 5:c80045fc:detailed",
"reason": "invalidArgument"
"message": "datasource not found: 5:c80045fc:detailed"
Did you try using a escape character like '\'?
Your data stream ID would look like\ 5:c80045fc:detailed

Getting specific headers along with other body data in Users.thread: get

You can very easily select what headers you want in a Users.thread: get-request, like so:
format = metadata
metadataHeaders = From
"id": "14eaffaf5e3e8242",
"historyId": "510358",
"messages": [
"id": "14eaffaf5e3e8242",
"threadId": "14eaffaf5e3e8242",
"labelIds": [
"snippet": "Wow Emil!",
"historyId": "510292",
"internalDate": "1437471536000",
"payload": {
"mimeType": "multipart/mixed",
"headers": [
"name": "From", // I just got the header I asked for.
"value": "Emil Tholin <>"
"sizeEstimate": 9260
}, ...
You can also get certain parts of the body very easily. E.g. here I ask for the attachmentIds of all the attachments in the message body:
field = messages/id,messages/payload/parts/body/attachmentId
"messages": [
"id": "14eaffaf5e3e8242",
"payload": {
"parts": [
"body": { // This message had an attachment.
"attachmentId": "ANGjdJ_0lphTo48BO0xBT_YOSo3tYah23hzpjyATe3GwfziK0I6401P_8-ZYoGuCQPHhpPP0-S_pjL68WIEZzQ0tu72RcIOE4UY3kA4u8PjXPf3Cm5PxVJjmH9N0hm0fFX31RYo8bfZQ6l7bDbYbnCSZbckG7g8enGaKMPbBzIEEC4HXr_YghOYWSfrXKXiFLnxWN4LfsFk3IXUN2tVvMe_0xMhDDfBlqYPnXHr2PhPghq7bQojNxiH4YziIqaKmwiU4xqVfygbae-K-_Q2blyz0EgI4OXjMzwz56Q5e1w"
"id": "14eaffb277b61cd0" // This message had no attachment.
}, ...
As you can see in the first request, no part of the body is retrieved when asking for specific metadata headers. Individual fields are also hard to pick out in the fields-parameter, since headers are not key-value pairs, but objects on the form { "name": <HEADER_NAME>, "value": <HEADER_VALUE> }.
Is there any way to combine these two requests? I would like to get all the relevant metadata about a message at the same time as getting how many attachments there are in the message.
From Users.threads.get.
"metadata": Returns email headers with message metadata such as identifiers and labels.
The fields parameter is only used to limit the amount of data returned. Since metadata mode is already a limited response you can't use fields to get data outside of that subset. Your best option would be to use your second example with fields and then filter the metadata values locally.

Mandrill sending to multiple people as separate message via the REST API

I'm trying to send out mails using mandrill. The problem is that when I add multiple recipients to the 'to' parameter, it sends out the same mail multiple times with ALL the recepients in the 'to' list. I was expecting the same mail to be sent out individually to every person in the to list. Am I missing something ?
"key": "app-key",
"template_name": "platform-invite",
"template_content": [
"name": "connection",
"content": "<a class=\"mcnButton \" title=\"Lets Go\" href=\"http://someurl\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight: normal;letter-spacing: normal;line-height: 100%;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;color: #FFFFFF;\">Lets go</a>"
"name": "mailbody",
"content": "<p>Hi </p>\n<p>I would like you to be a ... Tic tic tic...</p>"
"message": {
"subject": "My subject line over herer",
"from_email": "",
"to": [
"email": ",
"type": "to"
"email": "",
"type": "to"
"email": "",
"type": "to"
"email": "",
"type": "to"
"merge_vars": {}
"async": false,
"ip_pool": "Main Pool"
There's an option in your Sending Options to expose recipients to one another. You can uncheck that box to not show everyone's information in the 'to' header. The option(s) you select in the Sending Options are used by default for your account. You can override any of these options in individual API calls. In this case, you could use the preserve_recipients parameter to override the current default that's set for your account.

GoodData "Create Report Definition" API Call giving 500 Internal Server Error

I'm trying to create a report definition using the GoodData REST API. I use the following endpoint to invoke the rest call.
When i try to invoke the API call with the following dataset in which the projectId and the userId are valid, it gives me the error with the response code 500.
"reportDefinition": {
"content": {
"filters": [],
"format": "grid",
"grid": {
"rows": [],
"columns": [
"sort": {
"columns": [],
"rows": []
"columnWidths": [],
"metrics": [
"uri": "/gdc/md/qy48iv4flikdlcwpwioizuip74wt8nb5/obj/63f3cecd2a8d3ce2ec9378381c8f39e3",
"alias": ""
"meta": {
"title": "Sample report definition",
"summary": "This is a sample report",
"tags": "",
"deprecated": 0,
"category": "samplecategory"
"error": {
"message": "Internal server error. Please fill in bug report with request_id='lp78FL5S1IPMqB2n'"
I'm certain that the user project_id and the user_id are valid. Is this an error in the API?
Thank you in advance.
Apart from the metrics URI that looks weird (hash instead of numeric ID), I was able to dig in our logs an error that says: "Category is not equal to tag structure".
In your example you have its value set to "samplecategory". "category" property defines what type of object are you creating. If you are creating a report definition it should have value of "reportDefinition".
Last time I worked with GoodData API, metrics had numeric IDs. That seems most likely to be the culprit. Where did you get "/gdc/md/qy48iv4flikdlcwpwioizuip74wt8nb5/obj/63f3cecd2a8d3ce2ec9378381c8f39e3" from, especially the "63f3cecd2a8d3ce2ec9378381c8f39e3" part?