How to make the camera in Unity be able to see my character? - unity3d

I'm creating a 2D project.
The Camera is a child of the character. This is the second camera. The main camera is able to see the whole thing. The only thing that the second camera shows is the blue background.
This picture shows the hierarchal and inspector of the Object:
hierarchal and inspector
This picture shows the inspector of the second camera:
Camera Inspector
This shows the position of camera:
I'm expecting a way to make the camera be able to see my character and the map.

The problem is the camera position ... It's child for the character and I see it's z is 0 which that mean it is in the same depth of 2D Layer .. so you have to move it back.. you can change the view to 3D mode to see it more clearly ..
Conculotion : switch to 3D mode and change the Z position in the camera .
Hope it help..
Better solution : make a script to get the transform of the character and then set the camera to that position (((( with offset )))
public Transform character;
public Vector3 offset;
void Update(){
transform.position = character.position+offset;
Put Script like this in the camera and get it out from the character and set the offset for something like (0,0,-2) and try diffrent z values untill get you want


(Unity + 2D) Change UI Button position issue

The last few days I've been stuck with a headache of a problem in Unity.
Okay, I won't go into details with my game, but I've made a super-simple example which represents my issue.
I have a 2D scene these components:
When the scene loads, and I tap the button this script executes:
Vector3 pos = transform.position;
pos.x -= 10;
transform.position = pos;
I have also tried this code:
transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
The problem is, that when I click the button, the x-pos of the object sets to -1536 which is not as expected. Picture shows the scene after the button has been clicked. Notice the Rect Transform values:
So I did a little Googling and found out about ScreenToWorldPoint, WorldToScreenPoint etc but no of these conversions solves my problem.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing someting here, which probably is right in front of my, but I simply can't figure out what.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Best regards.
The issue is that you are using transform.position instead of rectTransform.anchoredPosition.
While it's true that UI elements are still GameObjects and do have the normal Transform component accessible in script, what you see in the editor is a representation of the RectTransform that is built on top. This is a special inspector window for UI elements, which use the anchored positioning system so you can specify how the edges line up with their parent elements.
When you set a GameObject's transform.position, you are providing a world space position specified in 3D scene units (meters by default). This is different from a local position relative to the canvas or parent UI element, specified in reference pixels (the reference pixel size is determined by the canvas "Reference Resolution" field).
A potential issue with your use of Camera.WorldToScreenPoint is that that function returns a position specified in pixels. Whereas, as mentioned before, setting the transform.position is specified in scene units (i.e. meters by default) and not relative to the parent UI element. The inspector, though, knows it's a UI element so instead of showing you that value, it is showing you the world position translated to the UI's local coordinates.
In other words, when you set the position to zero, you are getting the indices of whatever pixels happen to be over the scene's zero point in your main camera's view, and converting those pixel numbers to meters, and moving the element there. The editor is showing you a position in reference pixels (which are not necessarily screen pixels, check your canvas setting) relative to the object's parent UI element. To verify, try tilting your camera a bit and note that the value displayed will be different.
So again you would need to use rectTransform.anchoredPosition, and you would further need to ensure that the canvas resolution is the same as your screen resolution (or do the math to account for the difference). The way the object is anchored will also matter for what the rectTransform values refer to.
Try using transform.localposition = new Vector3(0,0,0); as your button is a child of multiple game objects. You could also try using transform.TransformPoint, which should just convert localpos to worldpos.
The issue is that your button is inside of another object. You want to be changing the local position. transform.localPosition -= new Vector3(10, 0, 0)
As #Joseph has clearly explained, you have to make changes on your RectTransform for your UI components, instead of change Transform.
To achieve what you want, do it like this:
RectTransform rectTransform = this.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
Vector2 anchoredPos = rectTransform.anchoredPosition;
anchoredPos.x -= 10;
rectTransform.anchoredPosition = anchoredPos;
Just keep in mind that this 10 are not your 3D world space units (like meters or centimeters).
Try these things because I did not understand what you were trying to do
Try using transform.deltaposition
Go to the canvas and go then scale with screen size then! You can use transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x -10,transform.position.y, transform.positon.z)
And if this doesn't work
transform.Translate(new Vector3(transform.deltaposition.x - 10,transform.deltaposition.y, transform.deltaposition.z);
I have a better idea. Instead of changing the positions of the buttons, why not change the values that the buttons represent?
Moving Buttons
Remember that the buttons are GameObjects, and every gameobject has a position vector in its transform. So if your button is named ButtonA, then in your code you want to get a reference to that.
GameObject buttonA = GameObject.Find("ButtonA");
//or you can assign the game object from the inspector
Once you have a reference to the button, you can proceed in moving it. So let's imagine that we want to move ButtonA 10 units left.
Vector3 pos = buttonA.transform.position;
pos.X -= 10f;
buttonA.transform.position = pos;

How to make a 3D compass in Unity? similar to the transform compass in scene mode

I'm trying to make a 3D compass in unity, like the one in scene mode.
But its not looking to bright.
At the moment
end goal How do I better emulate the scene mode transform compass? and keep the GamObject "3DCompass" always in view? (without putting it under the Main Camera)
public class Compass3D : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 NorthDir;
public Transform Player; // Camera
public GameObject NorthLayer;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void ChangeNorthDir()
NorthDir.z = Player.eulerAngles.y; //May need to change
NorthLayer.transform.eulerAngles = NorthDir;
Well, firstly, you need to realize that the compass' orientation never changes. That's kind of the point of it. The compass always points the same way, meaning it doesn't rotate.
Meaning there's no need for you to do anything in update, you just set where the north is supposed to point to, and leave it at that. The illusion of it rotating comes from person rotating, while the compass keeps pointing the same (global) direction.
The second thing is a big, lazy, awesome secret I'm going to tell you about:
So what you need to do is just rotate the compass correctly on Start, meaning rotate it so that its "Forward direction" is Vector3.forwards (that's a global Z+), and its upward is Vector3.up (global y+). And then never touch the rotation again.
But you want it to stay in view (without being childed to the camera), so what you'll do in update is that:
public class Compass3D : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 NorthDir;
public Transform Player; // Camera
public Vector3 offsetFromPlayer; //needed to keep position from camera. this basically determines where on screen the compass will be positioned. 0,0,0 would be at the same position as the camera, experiment with other values to find one which positions compass relative to camera in such way that it displays on screen where you want it
public GameObject NorthLayer;
void Start()
//northDir can be whatever you want, I'm going to assume you want it to point along Unity's forward axis
NorthDir = Vector3.forward;
//set the compass to point to north (assuming its "N" needle points in the direction of model's forward axis (z+). if not, change the model, or nest it into a gameobject within which you'll rotate the model so that the N points along the parent gameobject's z+ axis
NorthLayer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(NorthDir, Vector3.up);
//nothing else needed, the rotation will be fine forever now. if you want to change it later, just do the above line again, and supply it the new NorthDir
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//only thing you need to do in update, is keep the relative position to camera. tbh, easiest way would be to parent the compass, but you said you don't want that, so...
transform.position = Player.position + (Player.rotation * offsetFromPlayer);
//you need to make sure that the compass' offset from camera rotates with the direction of the camera itself, otherwise when camera rotates, the compass will get out of view. that's what multiplying by Player.rotation is there for. you rotate Vectors by multiplying them with quaternions (which is how we express rotations).
What this code does: first it sets the compass so it points towards north. And then it never touches that again, because once the compass points towards north, if it's not parented to anything (which I assume it's not), it will keep pointing north. IF it is parented to anything else, just copypaste that line from start to Update too, so that when the orientation of compass' parent changes, the compass fixes its pointing back to global north.
Then, in update, it only updates its position, to keep at the same place relative to camera. The important thing to note is that the position needs to take the camera's direction into account, so that when camera rotates, the compass moves similarly to if you had your hand outstretched in front of you, and you rotated your whole body. If the compass is not parented to anything, that motion the tip of your hand does is still just a position change, but it is position relative to your whole body and its direction, so that position change needs to take that into account.
In this code, if you put the offsetFromPlayer as Vector3(0,0,1), that would mean "one unit along the way the camera is looking". If you put it as Vector3(1,0,1), that would mean "one unit along the way the camera is looking, and one unit to the right". So you'll need to experiment with that value to find one that makes the compass display where you actually want it to be on the screen.

How to convert a position into starting point for app using unity and ARKit?

Trying to develop an AR app.When the app is opened,at that point the device location is (0,0,0) that is if I print or display my coordinates it will be (0,0,0).I want to create a starting point like at the entrance of a door.When other users using my app can open the app anywhere.
What I am trying to do is I already kept an AR at the entrance of the door.Users open app at random position which become their starting point, all AR objects will appear.When they pass through the AR object ,I want the coordinates of their device be(0,0,0).But if I run the below code in unity editor it takes the camera to the position where app has started.I am looking to convert the entrance position into App starting point.
Camera.main.transform.position=new Vector3(0,0,0);
From what I understand if we change the position of camera in app it can show glitches
Your question is very unclear -.-
but IF what you try doing is reset the camera to (0,0,0) while keeping all game objects at the same relative position to it you could try:
var localToCamera = Camera.main.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
var obj = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject));
foreach (var o in obj)
var go = (o as GameObject);
go.transform.FromMatrix(localToCamera * go.transform.localToWorldMatrix);
what the UGLY code above is supposed to do:
it's going to crawl through all GameObjects and reposition them in such a way that if you set the camera to position (0,0,0) and facing (0,0,1), they will remain at the same position and orientation relatively to the camera.
notice that the camera itself WILL get repositioned to (0,0,0) and facing (0,0,1) after this code is executed because
Camera.main.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * localToWorldMatrix == identity
I can't put this code in the comments because it's too long.
// code from the top of my head here, syntax or function names might not be exact
var forward = arcamera.transform.forward;
forward.y = 0;
arcamera.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookDirection(forward);
// now the camera forward should be in the (x,z) plane
// since you did not tilt the horizontal plane, hopefully the plane detection still detected vertical and horizontal planes

Unity How To Get The Camera borders as a vector3?

i need to get the camera borders as a vector3 to store it and use it later in the game .
as the image show you , i need to get this positions , so whatever camera move anywhere , i can determine the borders of my game.
you can use Camera.ScreenPointToRay(Vector3 pixelPosition) to get a given ray from the camera that crosses a given pixel coordinate (z position is ignored), than if you multiply by distance (your end plane distance?) you'll get coortinates of your points

Why Particplesystem Position is wrong while attached to a GameObject?

I'm working with unity 5(2D project).
I attached a ParticleSystem to a GameObject(an UI Button). now i can see both of them but they are not in the same position.
I move particplesystem manually and put both object in the same position .but when i move my object they will not move togothere... particlesystem will move lower and objects will have different positions.
thank you from #Code Clown and #Noel Widmer.
as my friends said at first i should transforms the GUI's screen position to world position and then to the particle system's local position in each update.
I made this by these two line of codes.
Vector3 p = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(GameObject.Find("MyObject").transform.position);
transform.localPosition = p;