how to make a PowerUP duration timer resets? - unity3d

I have two different timed Power-Ups in my project, both with 5 seconds duration. I'd like to make that if I pick a Power Up before the time ends, It makes the timer counts again from zero, but it is not happening. If I pick up the same Power UP while remaining 1 second, it lasts just for one second instead of 5. I'm using in the Player Script a public void that is called out by the Power UP when it is picked up
My Player's code:
public void TripleShotActive()
_canTripleShot = true;
public void SpeedBoostPowerupActive()
_speedBoostActive = true;
public void ShieldsActive()
_isShieldsActive = true;
IEnumerator TripleShotPowerDownRoutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);
_canTripleShot = false;
IEnumerator SpeedBoostPowerDownRoutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);
_speedBoostActive = false;
I tried using StopCoroutine before StartCoroutine, but it didn't work

You need to stop the coroutine earlier created by StartCoroutine.
Coroutine _tripleShotPowerDown;
public void TripleShotActive()
_canTripleShot = true;
if(_tripleShotPowerDown != null)
_tripleShotPowerDown = StartCoroutine(TripleShotPowerDownRoutine());


Using a timer in conjunction with 2 push buttons from arduino

So I am using two push buttons (connected to an Arduino Uno) as an input to my game. The player has to push down both buttons at the same time for the character to move in the game. I want the player to hold down the buttons for a different amount of time in each level. I have a working Arduino and a working Unity timer and player script, but am not able to get the code to do what I want. What I basically want is that only when the player presses the buttons down, does the timer start counting down. Right now, the timer starts as soon as the scene begins. I know that I somehow have to reference the timer script to the button object, I have tried this but it still doesn't work. Note that the timer UI does have a Timer tag on it. I have also referenced the Player Controller script in the Timer script. Right now, Its giving me a range of errors. I have attached an image depicting these errors.error image
The Timer script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class Timer : MonoBehaviour
//int startTime = 0;
public bool buttonPressed = false;
public int timeLeft;
public Text countdownText;
GameObject Character;
void Awake()
Character = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
public void Start()
void Update()
countdownText.text = ("Time Left = " + timeLeft);
if (timeLeft <= 0)
//countdownText.text = "Times Up!";
Invoke("ChangeLevel", 0.1f);
public void BeginTimer()
if (buttonPressed == true )
else if (buttonPressed == false)
IEnumerator LoseTime()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
void ChangeLevel()
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);
The Player Script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO.Ports;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM4", 9600);
//player == GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<>();
public float Speed;
public Vector2 height;
public float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
public bool buttonPressed = false;
GameObject Character;
public void Awake()
Character = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
public void Start()
if (!sp.IsOpen)
{ // If the erial port is not open
sp.Open(); // Open
sp.ReadTimeout = 1; // Timeout for reading
public void Update()
if (sp.IsOpen)
{ // Check to see if the serial port is open
string value = sp.ReadLine();//To("Button"); //Read the information
int button = int.Parse(value);
//float amount = float.Parse(value);
//transform.Translate(Speed * Time.deltaTime, 0f, 0f); //walk
if (button == 0) //*Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space*/) //jump
buttonPressed = true;
Character.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(height, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Character.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().position = new Vector3
Mathf.Clamp(GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().position.x, xMin, xMax),
Mathf.Clamp(GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().position.y, yMin, yMax)
Timer tmr = GameObject.Find("Timer").GetComponent<Timer>();
catch (System.Exception)
void ApplicationQuit()
if (sp != null)
I think the problem may be with how I am referencing the scripts in each other.
In your timer you have a quite strange mixup of Update and Coroutine. Also note that BeginTimer is called exactly once! You also shouldn't "manually" call Update of another component.
I wouldn't use Update at all here. Simply start and stop a Coroutine.
The Timer script should only do the countdown. It doesn't have to know more:
public class Timer : MonoBehaviour
public int timeLeft;
public Text countdownText;
private bool timerStarted;
public void BeginTimer(int seconds)
// Here you have to decide whether you want to restart a timer
timeLeft = seconds;
// or if you rather want to continue counting down
//if(!timerStarted) timeLeft = seconds;
public void StopTimer()
private IEnumerator LoseTime()
timerStarted = true;
while (timeLeft > 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
timeLeft --;
countdownText.text = $"Time Left = {timeLeft}";
// Only reached after the timer finished and wasn't interrupted meanwhile
// Using Invoke here is a very good idea since we don't want to interrupt anymore
// if the user lets go of the button(s) now
Invoke(nameof(ChangeLevel), 0.1f);
void ChangeLevel()
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);
In general avoid to use Find at all. If anyhow possible already reference things in the Inspector! If needed you can use Find but only once! What you never want to do is use any of the Find and GetComponent variants repeatedly - rather store the reference the first time and re-use it - and especially not in Update no a per frame basis. They are very expensive calls!
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
public float Speed;
public Vector2 height;
// I prefer to use Vector2 for such things
public Vector2 Min;
public Vector2 Max;
public bool buttonPressed = false;
// Already reference these via the Inspector if possible!
public Rigidbody2D Character;
public Timer timer;
public Rigidbody2D _rigidbody;
private SerialPort sp = new SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM4", 9600);
private void Awake()
// This is my "secret" tip for you! Go to the component in the Inspector
// open the ContextMenu and hit FetchReferences
// This already stores the references in the according fields ;)
private void FetchReferences()
if(!Character)Character = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"). GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
if(!timer) timer = GameObject.Find("Timer").GetComponent<Timer>();
private void Start()
if (!sp.IsOpen)
sp.Open(); // Open
sp.ReadTimeout = 1;
private void Update()
// I wouldn't do the serialport open check here
// your if block simply silently hides the fact that your application
// doesn't work correctly! Rather throw an error!
string value = sp.ReadLine(); //Read the information
int button = int.Parse(value);
//TODO: Since it isn't clear in your question how you get TWO buttons
//TODO: You will have to change this condition in order to only fire if both
//TODO: buttons are currently pressed!
buttonPressed = button == 0;
if (buttonPressed)
Character.AddForce(height, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
// The clamping of a rigidbody should always be done ine FixedUpdate!
// Pass in how many seconds as parameter or make the method
// parameterless and configure a fixed duration via the Inspector of the Timer
// Maybe stop the timer if condition is not fulfilled ?
catch (System.Exception)
// You should do something here! At least a Log ...
private void FixedUpdate()
// Here I wasn't sure: Are there actually two different
// Rigidbody2D involved? I would assume you rather wanted to use the Character rigidbody again!
Character.position = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(Character.position.x, Min.x, Max.x), Mathf.Clamp(Character.position.y, Min.y, Max.y));
// Did you mean OnApplicationQuit here?
private void ApplicationQuit()
if (sp != null)
Typed on smartphone but I hope the idea gets clear

WaitForSeconds function not displaying correctly

I'm working on a laser that fires for a set amount of time before switching off.
I am using WaitForSeconds calling the fire function, waiting for x seconds and then turning it off.
I can see it working by turning the colliders and sprites on and off in the Unity menus, but they never physically appear in the game; whereas without the code they do appear.
void Start()
void LaserFire()
beamCollider.enabled = true;
beamSprite.enabled = true;
void StopFire()
beamCollider.enabled = false;
beamSprite.enabled = false;
IEnumerator LaserTimer()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);

Coroutine doesnt run on second try?

Currently, I have this process on my OnGUI function:
void OnGUI ()
// process here that adds item on list
Counter = list.Count();
I have this code that runs a function when Counter value is changed.
private IEnumerator coroutine = null;
private int counter = 0;
private int limit = 5;
public int Counter
get{ return this.counter; }
this.counter = value;
if(this.counter == limit)
if(this.coroutine != null){ return; } // already running
this.coroutine = StartProcess();
StartCoroutine(this.coroutine); }
StartProcess contains this :
StartProcess ()
yield return StartCorotuine (Process1);
yield return StartCorotuine (Process2);
Everything works smoothly on my first run but on my second run, it seems like my Counter function is no longer running even if my condition is met?
When a coroutine finishes the pointer to it is still valid, it does not reset to null, you get to keep a handler to a dead coroutine, just add =null at the end and you should be fine

Unity2D: PlayerPrefs.HasKey

I'm using playerprefs to save data through out scenes. Although I'm having troubles with saving this data when the application is closed. You see I have a IAP shop that gives the player a boomerang when they purchase one, the boomerang effect (done inside my script) is activated through a button. My problem is, is that playerprefs.haskey isn't saving my boomerang effect when I close the game and then reopening it. Although it does save my boomerang effect when through scenes. This is my script:
public bool forceActive = false;
public GameObject BoomerangOn, BoomerangOff;
public static int buttonCount = 0;
static int timesActivated = 0;
void Start()
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("boomerangbutton")) {
buttonCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("boomerangbutton");
void Update()
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("boomerangbutton", buttonCount);
public void Activated ()
if(timesActivated < BoomeerangText.score)
IEnumerator BoomerangEffect()
BoomerangOn.SetActive (true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (10.0f);
BoomerangOn.SetActive (false);
BoomerangOff.SetActive (true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1f);
BoomerangOff.SetActive (false);
forceActive = false;
Second Edit
Okay I research a bit and linked up boomerang effect script with my boomerang text script. When the user purchase a boomerang from my IAP store, they will get 5 boomerangs, once clicked on, the boomerang text int will go down (like 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 ) and so will my buttoncount int(that is why the timesactivaed is needed). However I change the Activated function to:
public void Activated ()
if (timesActivated < BoomeerangText.score) {
StartCoroutine (BoomerangEffect ());
So far it works regarding activating my boomerang effect when the application is closed, but when it gets to the last int (1) nothing happens, my effect doesn't takes place, so far this is my only problem.
Above is an updated version of what my code looks like now. And below is my Boomerang text script:
public static int score = 0; // The player's score.
public static int click = 1;
public GameObject button;
Text text; // Reference to the Text component.
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("boomerangTextInt")) {
score = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("boomerangTextInt");
void Awake()
text = GetComponent<Text>();
public void Update()
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("boomerangTextInt", score);
void SetScoreText()
text.text = " " + score;
if (score <= 0)
text.text = "None";
button.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = false;
else if (score >= 1)
button.GetComponent<Button>().interactable = true;
// Set the displayed text to be the word "Score" followed by the score value.
public void MinusBoomerangText()
score -= click;
text.text = " " + score;
And in my purchasing script I have this:
public int scoreValue = 5;
if (String.Equals(, PRODUCT_5_BOOMERANG, StringComparison.Ordinal))
BoomerangEffect.buttonCount += 5;
BoomerangText.score += scoreValue;
Debug.Log("Purchase successfull");
Thank you.:)
You are not calling .Save() which means all changes to PlayerPrefs are only in memory and are not persisted to disk, which means the next time you start the application all previous changes are lost.
Try the following in your save function.
void Update()
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("boomerangbutton", buttonCount);
Disclaimer : I am not suggesting this is something you should do in your Update at all, as this in inefficient, but this is the root cause of your problem

Unity 5.0.1 Completely Stopping a Coroutine

Alright so I am running into a slight issue, basically, I have a Coroutine that contains a for-loop. I can call the StopCoroutine and StartCoroutine methods successfully, but of course, that just pauses and unpauses the Coroutine. Is there a way to actually stop it and restart it? My end-goal here is to be able to start a Coroutine, kill it at the user's discretion, and restart it from the beginning any time, also at the user's discretion. Is this accomplishable? Thanks.
To "rewind" the coroutine, just call the coroutine method again with the same parameters. If you want to save these parameters, you can use closures:
public class CoroutineClosureExample : MonoBehaviour
private System.Func<IEnumerator> CreateCoroutineFactory(int someInt, float someFloat)
return () => CoroutineYouWant(someInt, someFloat);
private IEnumerator CoroutineYouWant(int someInt, float someFloat)
for(int i = 0; i < someInt; i++)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
private System.Func<IEnumerator> m_CurrentCoroutineFactory;
private IEnumerator m_CurrentCoroutine;
public void SetCoroutineParameters(int someInt, float someFloat)
m_CurrentCoroutineFactory = CreateCoroutineFactory(someInt, someFloat);
public void RestartCurrentCoroutine()
if (m_CurrentCoroutine != null)
m_CurrentCoroutine = null;
if (m_CurrentCoroutineFactory != null)
m_CurrentCoroutine = m_CurrentCoroutineFactory();