We have a System in Unity3D which builds small Apps and is mainly based on interfaces.
For different solutions, I integrate a few different packages or Assets. these dependencies conflict with each other so i can't integrate them all. The current state is, that each 3rd Party dependent code is in a different Git repo and gets cloned if needed.
My question is, if there is a better way to manage dependencies in Unity and is practicable for developing on the Main System and the different interface implementations and the same time?
One could use packages, but is there a way to automate building and integrating packages when developing on a package and same time testing it with the main system?
One could use a preprocessor directive in each interface implementation to only compile when the 3rd party dependency is present, but that seems to be a pretty bad solution.
Whats the right way to do it?
for instance, this one is a shim repository for highlightjs. I know a shim or a polyfill is always used to fit in low level broswers. But I am focus in chrome only, and when I change the shim highlightjs to to normal one, it results in a lot of error.
So I wonder what's the difference between a shim repository and a repository? can anyone tell me?
The term "shim repository" has become somewhat popular for web programming components projects. Those repositories are "shims" in the sense that they created as a stand-in for those components and released in a standard format that meets the needs of 3rd-party projects and their package managers that incorporate these components.
Wikipedia defines a shim as follows
In computer programming, a shim is a small library that transparently
intercepts API calls and changes the arguments passed, handles the
operation itself or redirects the operation elsewhere. Shims can be
used to support an old API in a newer environment, or a new API in an
older environment. Shims can also be used for running programs on
different software platforms than they were developed for.
That's pretty much it.
my first question on here and I cant seem to find a similar question so sorry if this has been asked before.
This is Unity related by the way, and yes I have also posted on Unity3D answers but thought I might also be able to get help from knowledgeable individuals on stack overflow also.
Basically I am wondering if there is a way to make platform dependent objects or components. I know I can wrap code in pre-processor directive commands which I have been doing, but I tend to use a ton of plugins, many of which only function on specific platforms.
However, I have just one project for all my platform dependent versions of the game and wish to continue working this way. So I was wondering if somehow I can make say an object that has the compatible plugin components, that will only be created if a certain platform is being built for.
If not, is there a way to make an object use say a specific plugins component if say on WP8, but then another entirely different component in its place if building for Android?
If these are not possible, how do you guys get around having platform dependant plugins? Do you simply just make separate projects for each platform? (feels like that defeats the point of unity's cross platform-ness though...)
Thanks guys, any help will be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately, you will be forced to rely on pre-processor directives if you need to run unique code per platform.
However, this can be a lot easier to manage if you apply a facade-based design pattern. Instead of peppering platform-specific details in myriad scripts throughout your project, you can create one or more facade components that expose a more generic, abstract interface. The facades can internally manage prefabs, APIs, or whatever other platform-specific details you need.
As an example, you could write a SaveManager class that manages player save data. On platforms where direct file access is available, the SaveManager instantiates and controls an internal FileSaveManager that uses direct file access. On other platforms such as web builds, the SaveManager instantiates and controls a PlayerPrefsSaveManager that uses Unity's PlayerPrefs system instead. That way, each of those classes contains only the code that it needs, and other classes can just call SaveManager without worrying about those details.
Do you know of a workflow that includes source maps for an app compiled with grunt?
I am well aware of plugins like uglifyjs that allow you to simply generate a source map. But I'm looking for incorporating this into a more complex workflow, rather than just making a one-off source map.
I've noticed that the most popular Yeoman generators (that I know of) are missing source maps in their workflows. Is this just because of a lack of support in the major plugins for source maps? Or is it instead that source maps aren't necessary in work flows, and I just can't think of a clever enough alternative?
Notable sources of trouble with popular grunt plugins that I've run into include:
uglify being unable to handle even the most basic of project structures without a hacky fix.
usemin also being unable to handle source maps beyond the simplest of configurations, in that it can really only support one per project (but still requires a hack to correct it). A possible solution is obviously to stop using usemin altogether, but then you lose out on all of the benefits of it, like pairing it with rev, watch, and connect.
I'm thinking that my best course of action might be testing with un-concatenated/not-minified sources when I'm testing my app. This is, of course, less than ideal, as I'd like my test environment to mirror the production one as best as possible.
Do you use source maps in your grunt project? How do you do it? If not, how do you get around the lack of support for them?
Updates 02/17/14
Z Goddard and I are working on fixing up source maps across the grunt-contrib suite. The planned options for the entire suite can be read about in this repo. We're also working on a new library, sourcemap-util, that will provide helper functions for generating source maps with any library. I'll update this when there's more progress.
I've done enough research to now be able to answer my own question.
No, there is not really any good way to handle source maps right now with grunt.
Both usemin and grunt-contrib-uglify need updates for this to work as I'd like. I submitted a pull request to grunt-contrib-uglify that is a good start on better source map support. With luck, this pull will be merged.
As for usemin, I disagree with its approach to handling dependencies. I've begun a separate project, grunt-resourceful, that goes about things differently. That project is still in its infancy, so I don't suggest using it now. I'll update this once 1.0.0 is released.
(Presumably the following question is not iPhone specific, aside from the fact that we would likely use a Framework or dynamic library otherwise.)
I am building a proprietary iPhone SDK for a client, to integrate with their web back-end. Since we don't want to distribute the source code to customers, we need to distribute the SDK as a static library. This all works fine, and I have verified that I can link new iPhone apps against the library and install them on the device.
My concern is around third party libraries that our SDK depends on. For example we are currently using HTTPRiot and Three20 (the exact libraries may change, but that's not the point). I am worried that this may result in conflicts if customers are also using any of these libraries (and perhaps even different versions) in their app.
What are the best practices around this? Is there some way to exclude the dependent libraries' symbols from our own static library (in which case customers would have to manually link to both our SDK as well as HTTPRiot and Three20)? Or is there some other established mechanism?
I'm trying to strike a balance between ease of use and flexibility / compatibility. Ideally customers would only have to drop our own SDK into their project and make a minimal number of build settings changes, but if it makes things more robust, it might make more sense to have customers link against multiple libraries individually. Or I suppose we could distribute multiple versions of the SDK, with and without third party dependencies, to cover both cases.
I hope my questions make sense... Coming mainly from a Ruby and Java background, I haven't had to deal with compiled libraries (in the traditional sense) for a long time... ;)
If it were me I would specify exactly which versions of those 3rd party libraries my library interoperates with. I would then test against them, document them, and probably deliver with those particular versions included in the release.
Two things I would worry about:
-I would want to be sure it 'just works' when my customers install it.
-I wouldn't want to guarantee support for arbitrary future versions of those 3rd party libraries.
It is fine to include a process for the customer to move to newer versions, but if anything doesn't work then I would expect the customer to pay for that development work as an enhancement, rather than it being a free bug fix (unless you include that in the original license/support arrangement).
At that point it becomes an issue of ensuring your specific versions of the 3rd party libraries can work happily alongside anything else the customer needs (in your case a web back-end). In my experience that is usually a function of the library, e.g. some aren't designed so multiple versions can run side-by-side.
At work we're developing a large-scale application with quite a few front-end, back-end and support components. Typically the front-end is developed in C# and the back-end is developed in Java, although parts of the back-end are also developed in C# and possibly later C++.
The choice of language and platform is not arbitrary; we try to weigh the relative merits of each in development time, tool-chain cost, familiarity with the language by the specific development team etc. What all these components have in common, though, is that they are all required for the complete operation of the product, and that they are being developed concurrently by independent (but highly communicative) teams.
Previously, we have used Team Foundation Server for our .NET code and Subversion for our Java code; because there was clear separation of the teams' responsibilities, this caused little problem beyond the inconvenience of placing binaries (WARs, in this case) generated from one source tree in another, and the high manual overhead of keeping the branches and revisions in sync. With this project, the degree of separation between the teams is intentionally much smaller, and the volume of branching/merging is expected to be considerably higher; as a result we're moving to a unified VCS, more specifically Subversion.
This brings me to the meat of the question: how does one mix Java and C# code effectively? In practice, we'll have .NET code dependent on a Java codebase; the Java binaries are required to run anything other than unit test code (integration tests already require the binaries, and QA, acceptance testing etc. certainly does as well). What we currently have in mind looks something like:
The idea is that the entire source tree is placed under one branch; the .NET code is dependant on the Java code, so we'll add a post-build step to the solution which will (most likely) call the ant script for the Java components. This allows branching of the entire codebase (for .NET developers) or just the Java components (for Java developers).
The problems with this solution are:
What happens when one of the two codebases becomes so large that making copies of it for every branch gets impractical? (our thoughts: split to separate repositories for .NET and Java code and use svn:externals, any input on this would be greatly appreciated).
We use Eclipse for Java development. How do we manage the "shared" workspace (i.e. which projects are required for which components, the dependency graph etc.)? Up until now we've had relatively few Java components, so each developer could just keep all of them in the workspace at the same time. With the increase in Java components and Java developers I don't see how we can keep doing that; any suggestions on how to keep the workspace versioned (a la solution files) while still maintaining sync between the two code-bases?
I would love to hear your input!
1: I've found it best to group things by component, rather than langugage. If one component requires several languages for interface, you still need to develop, test and release them as one. So, splitting a component across several repos is not a good idea.
If one part of the code depends tightly on the other, keep it together. Better to split components across repos. (This even goes for internal structure, where, especially as things grow, it's difficult if you package things by type, rather than by function, i.e. in MVC, don't have three huge packages for each category, rather keep FooView, FooModel and FooController tight.)
svn:externals might work, and with the later versions I think you can use "internals", i.e. link to other dirs in the same repo. That is miles easier than managing separate repos, especially with tagging and branching. (shudder)
2: You could always have the developers setup different workspaces, or perhaps use working sets. Commercial Eclipse releases has better support for sharing workspace settings than the OS variant. (Haven't tried, only worked and been frustrated with the OS one)
I've done C++ (MSVS) and Java (Eclipse) in one repo, and it works pretty well. Also C++/Python similarly. Make sure your build system supports building and testing everything (even if your IDEs only build one part).