Nested fields and partitioning in MongoDB to BigQuery template - mongodb

I want to use MongoDB to BigQuery dataflow template and I have 2 questions:
Can I somehow configure partitioning for the destination table? For e.g. if I want to dump my database every day?
Can I map nested fields in MongoDB to records in BQ instead of columns with string values?
I see User option with values FLATTEN and NONE, but FLATTEN will flatten documents for 1 level only.
May any of these two approaches help?:
Create a destination table with structure definition before running dataflow
Using UDF
I tried to use MongoDB to BigQuery dataflow with User option set to FLATTEN.


What does the distinct on clause mean in cloud datastore and how does it effect the reads?

This is what the cloud datastore doc says but I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly this means:
A projection query that does not use the distinct on clause is a small operation and counts as only a single entity read for the query itself.
Projection queries can use the distinct on clause to ensure that only the first result for each distinct combination of values for the specified properties will be returned. This will return only the first result for entities which have the same values for the properties that are being projected.
Let's say i have a table for questions and i only want to get the question text sorted by the created date would this be counted as a single read and rest as small operations?
If your goal is to just project the date and text fields, you can create a composite index on those two fields. When you query, this is a small operation with all the results as a single read. You are not trying to de-duplicate (so no distinct/on) in this case and so it is a small operation with a single read.

fill up mongo data automatically by using script

I am a newbie to mongo, I have a collection in my mongodb, To test a feature in my project I need to update database with some random data.I need a script to do that. by identifying the datatype of the field script should fill up the data automatically.
suppose I have the fields in the collection:
id, name, first_name, last_name, current_date, user_income etc.
Since the my questions are as follows:
1. Can we get all field names of a collection with their data types?
2. Can we generate a random value of that data type in mongo shell?
3. how to set the values dynamically to store random data.
I am frequently putting manually to do this.
1. Can we get all field names of a collection with their data types?
mongodb collections are schema-less, which means each document (row in relation database) can have different fields. When you find a document from a collection, you could get its fields names and data types.
2. Can we generate a random value of that data type in mongo shell?
3. how to set the values dynamically to store random data.
mongo shell use JavaScript, you may write a js script and run it with mongo the_js_file.js. So you could generate a random value in the js script.
It's useful to have a look at the mongo JavaScript API documentation and the mongo shell JavaScript Method Reference.
Other script language such as Python can also do that. mongodb has their APIs too.

can we use find query inside map in mongo

I need to perform some aggregation on one existing table and then use aggregated table to perform the map reduce.
The aggregation table is sort of a temporary used so that it can be used in map reduce. Record set in temporary table reaches around 8M.
What can be the way to avoid the temporary table?
One way could be to write find() query inside map() function and emit the aggregated result(initially being stored on aggregation table).
However, I am not able to implement this.
Is there a way! Please help.
You can use the "query" parameter on MongoDB MapReduce. With this parameter the data sent to map function is filtered before processing.
More info on MapReduce documentation

Hadoop - producing multi column ouptut (MongoDB)

I am using Hadoop to apply map reduce in my MongoDB database.
I can able to execute the sample in this link.
Right now I can able to get only key, value pair in output collection after map reduce job was executed. I wonder if it is possible to save multiple columns in a map reduce output collection?
or embedded document in value column?
Yes - use BSONWritable as your reducer output class, and create a BSONWritable object with as many columns as you need.
See example here:

MongoDB: How to execute a query to result of another query (nested queries)?

I need to apply a set of filters (queries) to a collection. By default, the MongoDB applies AND operator to all queries submitted to find function. Instead of whole AND I need to apply each query sequentially (one by one). That is, I need to run the first-query and get a set of documents, run the second-query to result of first-query, and so on.
Is this Possible?
Instead Of:
db.list.find({..q1..}, {..q2..}, {..q3..});
Why do I need this?
Bcoz, the second-query needs to apply an aggregate function to result of first-query, instead of applying the aggregate to whole collection.
Yes this is possible in MongoDB. You can write nested queries as per the requirement.Even in my application I created nested MongoDb queries.If you are familiar with SQL syntax then compare this with in of sql syntax:
select cname from table where cid in (select .....)
In the same way you can create nested MongoDB queries on different collections also.