How do I add SteamAppID to fizzysteamworks 5.1 in Unity? - unity3d

I'm trying to add Multiplayer using fizzysteamworks and mirror. On older versions I've seen the AppID is added in the inspector window. However this is not available on 5.1. I've looked this up but I can't find anything that works or is relevant for this version of FS. Help Appriciated.
I have added steam_appid.txt to the build directory after building. And tried using other versions of mirror and Fs. I am using 2021.3.16f1 of unity so no other versions of Mirror or FS have been working.


unity exits when clicking the play button after adding MRTK packages

I have a problem in development of mixed reality app and there has been 2 days that I'm stuck.
My problem is that after adding packages of MRTK to the unity project, if I click the play button, the unity exits (closing) without any error massages or warning.
I tested two versions of unity (2020.3.32f1 and 2020.3.33f1) and both had the same problem.
I am using this link (MRTK document) and also this one Mixed Reality Feature Tool as a guide for configuration and adding the packages of MRTK to my project.
I have also tried two different versions of the packages i.e. (Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation and Mixed Reality Toolkit Extensions both versions of 2.7.3 and 2.7.2 and for Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin package I tried 1.4.0 and 1.3.1 versions).
I am using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.14
Inside Unity, I am choosing Universal Windows Platform from the Build Settings and I want to practice a little development of mixed reality applications, but I am stuck at the beginning and when ever I press the play button the unity exits (closed) without any warning or error.
Just for more information → I don't have Microsoft Hololens2, therefor I am considering to use Windows Mixed Reality simulator (Mixed Reality Portal).
I can't get what mistakes I am doing, please if you have any idea help me.
Thanks in advance.
There are many steps to configure a Unity Project for Mixed Reality. According to the description, it is hard to determine which step causes the issue. I have created a repository which is implemented with the necessary MR packages, and the configuration has been done. Feel free to pull the repo from Please open it and click run to test.
If you still have this issue, you may need to have a clean installation of Unity 2020.3.33f1 (LTS), Visual Studio 2022 and make sure all the required components have been installed, including a comparatively new Windows SDK.
If you have a dump file for the crash, you may also share it and find support from Unity forum -- General Discussion - Unity Forum

What are the latest versions of the ARFoundation and ARKit XR Plugins can I use that still work with azure spatial anchors?

I'm working with Spatial Anchors for the first time. I have my own AR projects where I'm using different versions of the ARFoundation package (both verified and preview) and the ARKit XR Plugin. I would like to use the latest preview versions of the ARFoundation (3.1 preview 1)and the ARKit XR Plugin (3.1 preview 1) packages. I wanted to know if ASA should still be compatible or if I need to work with an earlier version? If so, why one?
You can always try of course, but it is likely something will break if you're using a more recent version of the AR packages than the ones ASA are scaled up to. I concur that it's not always immediately clear whether one can update the AR packages or to which version from the Git or Documentation.
What you can do to make sure is check the manifest file in the Github samples to see what version of the packages they have active, and go from there. It's a JSON you can find under projectname\Unity\Packages. Link to current ASA manifest file on Github
These are the ones currently listed
"com.unity.xr.arcore": "2.2.0-preview.2",
"com.unity.xr.arfoundation": "2.1.4",
"com.unity.xr.arkit": "2.1.1",
Hope this helps,

Vuforia unity uwp Hololens .net 4.6

I have been using the Vuforia API in Unity with ILCPP in 3.5, but now i need to use .NET and version 4.x
I'm using Unity 2018.1.2. I already changed the .xml configuration files from . to , because of some errors in the compiler, as it explain in this post
But when i use it in Hololens it crashes when it recognize the image.
Looks like it's messing two files when i compile it.
Compile screen
Best regards, Rafael Pereira.

How to get Oculus Rift DK2 working in Unity 5.4 on windows 10

I upgraded to Windows 10, downloaded the newest drivers for the graphics card, and installed the latest SDK I also installed the oculus utilities for unity 5 and the ovr plugin. I tried following this tutorial but I cant seem to find the OculusConfigTool referenced. Also I've been trying to use the VRSamples from unity but I keep getting [VRDevice] initialization of device oculus not found.
I had this working before i upgraded to windows 10, so what am I doing wrong?
Ok finally got this to work ... in the instructions I followed it said to place the ovr plugin files in a folder called "unity". I found thisthis thread and placed it in a folder called "oculus" and replaced the file in there, now it works

Integrating GPGS and AdMob or Vungle

Using Unity 5.2.3.
Using Android SDK Rev. 23.1.1
Using Google Play Game Services Package 0.9.31a (Services Version 8.4.0) for unity.
Using AdMob 3.0.1
Using Vungle (can't link, stackoverflow not allowing more than 2 links)
Note: I am using AdMob and Vungle separately with Play game services.
I have integrated Play game services with my app and that's work fine but whenever I try to include any other packages like AdMob or Vungle following happens.
AdMob: I have included the package, whenever Compile or Reopen the project play-services-basement-8.4.0 get deleted, Play Games Package has Resolve Client Jars and I am 100% sure that to blame.
Vungle: I configured Vungle Package as described in their documentation but again whenever I compile or reopen the Project several of Vungle files along with Vungle's main file Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/"android-support-v4.jar" get deleted. Again maybe Resolve Client Jars to blame.
In both cases above, I have manually copied the missing files and include them while Unity was closed but those were gone as soon as project opens.
I have issued a bug report with Unity but they said they can't help with 3rd party and they don't have issue on Unity's end.
Please Help and let me know any additional information, ill be happy to assist you.
Since PlayServicesResolver just find dependency by rules and copy "NEWEST" to project folder and Google Play Games already have dependency on support-library-v4 23.1.+. , we can not resolve this within Unity Plugin.
I would recommend:
As work around, you can navigate to Assets>Google Play Services>Settings>uncheck-"enable background resolution"
and manually copy support library from
Assets/Plugins/Android, and run Assets>Google Play Services>Resolve Client Jars and keep 21.0.3"
This will leave "older version" of "android-support-v4.jar", but Google Play Games might not work with this version of "android-support-v4.jar".
Can you please try this?