Access show fields based on value - forms

I'm trying to make a form with Access.
If the value in 'Activiteiten' is 'Onderzoek' I want the field 'Penvoerder' and 'Subsidie' to appear.
And if the value 'Activiteiten' is something else I want different values to appear.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
I've tried multiple settings in the properties of the fields. But this didn't work.

Use the OnCurrent event:
Dim Visible As Boolean
Visible = (Me!Activiteiten.Value = "Onderzoek")
Me!Penvoerder.Visible = Visible


Do I have to create a reference for each text I have in a panel, if I want to access them to modify?

I have a panel with 8 text field, 4 are used as descriptive field (what a label would do, basically), while the other 4 are modified with values.
I am creating a GameObject variable for every element that I have in the panel, using find to find the specific text element. I can leverage on the fact that each text object has only one text object attached to it, so I can address to it directly with GetComponent
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
textfield1 = GameObject.Find("text_name");
textfield2 = GameObject.Find("text_age");
textfield3 = GameObject.Find("text_role");
textfield4 = GameObject.Find("text_field");
textfield1.GetComponent<Text>().text = "joe";
textfield2.GetComponent<Text>().text = "22";
textfield3.GetComponent<Text>().text = "striker";
textfield4.GetComponent<Text>().text = "attack";
While this works, I can't foresee myself creating 20-30 objects if a panel has more info to display.
Since I have the reference to the object Panel, is there a way to address directly the text field which is a child of the panel, using the text field name for example?
So if a panel has 4 text field, I can modify each of it addressing directly by name, and then using GetComponent<Text>().textto change the value.
You MUST NOT call GetComponent<Text>() each time you want to access/modify text.
This is an extremely basic fact about Unity.
It is immediately mentioned in the relevant manual entries.
Since you have 8 textbox and I don't know how long you update each one. It would be good if you cache all of them in the beginning of the game then use them later on without GetComponent<Text>(). This will improve performance a lot and make your frame-rate happy.
Array looks good for something like this. And you need to comment each one too.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
On the editor, Expand the "Text Box Array" and change the array Size to 8.
Now drag each GameObject with the text to the arrays in order. If you do it in order, you can easily remember their names and be able to access them in order.
For example, if the first text gameobecjt you dragged to the array is called text_name, the access it, you use textBoxArray[0]. The second text which is text_age can be accessed with textBoxArray[1]. .....
To make it easier for you later on, you should have multiple line comment that describes which array points to what.You do this so that when you return to modify your code months after, you won't have to look around in the Editor to find what points to what. For example:
textBoxArray[0] = text_name
textBoxArray[1] = text_age
textBoxArray[2] = text_role
textBoxArray[3] = text_field
No performance lost and that decreases the amount of code in your game.
Initializing the arrays by code instead of the Editor
Assuming you want to initialize the arrays by code instead of the Editor. You can do it in the start function like below.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
void Start()
//Create arrays of 8
textBoxArray = new Text[8]; //8 texts
//Cache all the Text GameObjects
textBoxArray[0] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_name").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[1] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_age").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[2] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_role").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[3] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_field").GetComponent<Text>();
You should notice that GameObject.Find() starts with "/" and that increases performance too as it will only search for Texts under "infopanel" instead of searching in the whole scene.
Assuming that your hierarchy is setup that all your TextMeshes are children of the panel, you could use the Transform.Find method to get each child, then it's TextMesh, and assign a value.
So, for example, if you wanted to assign the value "Joe" to the TextMesh attached to "text_name", which in turn is a child of "infopanel", you could do the following
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
panel_info.transform.Find("text_name").GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = "Joe";

Access Form with checkbox toggled textboxes to make visible

Im trying to cut down on the clutter of my form since the data im getting can fill in more or less fields from my table.
as of right now im trying to build an event but I do not know the right syntax to use to create my event.
right now i have:
= if toggle.onclick ="yes" then
end if
in the After Update tab of the Event tab.
I hope that gives you an idea of what im trying to do.
I have this on a test form so the only objects are:
checkbox name "toggle"
textbox name "data"
the text box is default to not visible at the moment.
my goal is to have a list of check boxes and once they are checked their corresponding text box would appear on a refresh. this way the workers wont be intimidated by the amount of textboxes are on my current form. also will reduce the vast clutter on the current form.
By default, the 'Toggle' value will be True or False - not 'yes' or 'no'. Thus the following is what you need to toggle fields:
Private Sub Toggle_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Toggle = True Then
Me.Data.Visible = True
Me.Data.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

GXT 3 spinnerField validation

I want to validate that user cannot change spinner value manually by typing in text box of spinner.
For example a field sales multiple = x which I fetched from server not fix.
and displays a spinner field with limitation of like bellow
spinner.setMinValue = x
spinner.setIncrement = x
spinner.setValue = x
so user forcefully select a value which is multiple with x. e.g. if x=3 the user have to enter 3,6,9... and so on.
So here my issue is if I type a 2 in spinner field text box. GXT widget accept that value.
Posible solutions:
Is there any predefined properties of spinnerfield that i forget to set it?
Is there any predefined validator for this?
Can I set text box of spinner field read only by css so user cannot focus on text box but still change a value.
If none of above how to achieve manually?
i've searched a bit in the different classes and I don't see either a precise method which would set what you want.
Don't know about one, and even with one, a validator doesn't change the value in the input field, but maybe it's enough for your needs.
You can disable the text input by calling setEditable(boolean) on the spinnerfield (testSpinner.setEditable(false);)
Maybe you could search around the IntegerPropertyEditor, I haven't tried but as long as a new Spinner is like this:
SpinnerField<Integer> testSpinner = new SpinnerField<Integer>(new NumberPropertyEditor.IntegerPropertyEditor());
you can seen that there is another Constructor for IntegerPropertyEditor, which takes a "NumberFormat" param, but there is no NumberFormart() constructor, so I'm not sure about how you create your own one, but that could be an idea (to format numbers in the input to be a multiple of the increment).
The last option would be that Sencha forgot this possibility and that you should report this as a "bug" on the forum ?
Hope to have helped a bit, good luck :).

How to update another text box while typing in access 2007 form?

I have a few text boxes which have to be filled with numeric values from 0 to 100. Below them there is another text box which stands for a total (the sum of the values from the text boxes above). How can I update the sum text box while typing in any of the other text boxes above?
If you are happy that the sum box updates after a box is updated (enter, tab or such like is pressed), then this can be done without any code. First, you will need to set the format of the textboxes to be summed to numeric, then the control source of the sum box becomes:
=Nz([text0],0)+Nz([text2],0)+Nz([text4],0)+Nz([text6],0)+Nz([text8],0) ...
Note the use of Nz, it may be possible to eliminate this by setting the default value property of the various textboxes to be summed.
A large set of controls that need to be summed in this way is often an indication of an error in the design of the database. You would normally expect this kind of thing to be a separate recordset, which could more easily be summed.
I know this is old, but Google didn't come up with much for this topic and this thread didn't really help either. I was able to figure out a very easy way to do this, so hopefully anyone else looking for this will find this helpful.
My need was for actual text as opposed to numbers, but the same applies.
To do what the OP is asking for you'll need at least 3 textboxes. 1 is the textbox you want to have updated each time you type, 2 is the textbox you will be typing in, and 3 is a hidden textbox.
Set textbox 1 to reference the value of the hidden textbox 3 in its control source:
="something in my textbox " & [textbox3]
In the OnChange event of textbox 2 right a line that will set the value of the hidden textbox 3 to the Text property of textbox 2 that you are typing in:
Private Sub textbox2_Change()
Me.textbox3.Value = Me.textbox2.Text
End Sub
Each time the value of the hidden textbox 3 gets updated, the calculation/reference in the displayed textbox 1 will be updated. No need to save caret locations or anything else mentioned in this post.
I was able to do this in Access 2007 by using the On Lost Focus event of the text box.
Just put something like this on the On Lost focus event of each text box that you want to be added , just make sure to set the default value of each text box to 0.
Me.Totals.Value = Me.Text1.Value + Me.Text2.Value + etc..
The moment you click on the next text box or anywhere as long as it loses focus, your sum will already be on the Totals box. You may add as many text boxes as you like, just include them in the code.
This is problematic due to the asinine requirement in Access that you have to set focus to text areas before you can get their value. I would recommend you change your design so that the text field is updated in response to a button click instead of on change.
If you want to go the update-on-change route, you would attach change events to each of the addend text fields. The event handlers would need to save the caret position/selection length, update the sum in the output text field, and restore the caret position. You need to save/restore the caret position because this is lost when the focus changes.
Here's an example for two text fields (txt1 and txt2). The output field is named txtOutput.
Private Sub txt1_Change()
Dim caret_position As Variant
caret_position = Array(txt1.SelStart, txt1.SelLength)
txt1.SelStart = caret_position(0)
txt1.SelLength = caret_position(1)
End Sub
Private Sub txt2_Change()
Dim caret_position As Variant
caret_position = Array(txt2.SelStart, txt2.SelLength)
txt2.SelStart = caret_position(0)
txt2.SelLength = caret_position(1)
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSum()
Dim sum As Variant
sum = CDec(0)
If IsNumeric(txt1.Text) Then
sum = sum + CDec(txt1.Text)
End If
If IsNumeric(txt2.Text) Then
sum = sum + CDec(txt2.Text)
End If
txtOutput.Text = sum
End Sub

Smart GWT how to select item in ComboBoxItem

I have what seems like it should be a really simple problem, but somehow it is not. SmartGwt has a way of taking something easy and making it overly complicated!
I have a ComboBoxItem populated by a LinkedHashMap. All I want to do is to be able to programmatically select a row/value to display. In plain GWT, this would be something like:
I have searched and searched, and I have come up empty. Please someone help!!!
Suppose your map has values like
ComboBoxItem listBox = new ComboBoxItem();
listBox.setValue(1) will display "a" in listBox
listBox.setvalue(2) will display "b" in listBox
You Can set value's for drop down in Combobox item through setValuMap(String array[])
String []valueMap = {"A","B"};
this will set the value in string array to combox box. You can set value programmatically through setValue(String value) function.