How to batch delete versions of a npm package on Github? - github

I need to delete hundreds of versions of a npm package linked to a Github repository. All versions should not be deleted, only versions containing a specific prefix and/or suffix.
How can I do that? The Github UI is terrible, I've to delete them one by one and after each deletion it refreshes the page.
Thank you


Problem in maintaining versions of repository on GitHub

I have a github repository which contains some python files and some folders.
Now, can I create an entirely new version of the entire repo, while simultaneously maintaining the previous version too.
I tried to create a new version of the repo by creating a new release. But in that I am unable to upload the folders as they are. It only allows us to upload binaries. So, how should I go about it ?

ReadTheDocs refresh tags and versions

Because we've done some rearranging of our documentation setup, I have two separate read the docs projects which I need to build from the same GitHub repo. One of them is brand new, and the other used to be pointed to the old repo.
I have set up a webhook on each project, and added both these webhooks to the repo.
The problem is that in the project that used to be pointed to the old repo, the stable build is still associated with the SHA of the latest release on the old repo, which does not exist in the new repo. This causes the stable build to fail.
One other thing I hope to solve, when activating some of the new versions (which used to exist in the old repo) an "_a" is added to then of the published version name, even though there are not multiple publishable versions with the same name.
I'm wondering: is it possible to completely refresh all of the RTD-detected versions and tags? I think doing so would solve both these issues.
I've tried "wiping" the builds but that doesn't help, I have read the RTD docs on versions many times, and I've triggered new push events from github (which are sent and received successfully) but still can't make any progress.
The best way to solve this turned out to be just recreating the RTD projects. If anyone else comes across this issue, you could check out the ticket I made on the RTD repo
Trigger a Build on any of the existing versions that RTD knows about. After that build job starts the Versions list will be updated from the git repo.

Odd NuGet cache issue; does NuGet keep track of package updates made?

I happened to get into a bit of a mess yesterday with our NuGet repository, and I've resolved it - but wanted to confirm my suspicions as to why it happened.
I did the following:
Amended some files
Packed the nuspec which includes these files
Pushed to our NuGet repository and confirmed
Confirmed that the NuGet repo had the latest version by downloading them on a dev environment
The changes I'd made were not included in the update in this dev environment (realised I hadn't updated the correct files). So I packed and pushed again without incrementing the version
Downloaded the nupkg on a different dev environment, still the changes were not there.
Took the exact same NuGet package and placed it in a local dir, and noticed when I updated from there it did include the changes.
You'll notice as part of step 4 the old (incorrect) NuGet package was downloaded onto dev environment 1. Would NuGet have known this and, due to a lack of sound versioning, cached or kept hold of this copy somehow (despite my new push) and only allowed other dev environments this version and not the newest?
NOTE: I cleared the local cache on both dev environments prior to any updates made. My question was whether this was a server-side thing or not.
In addition to the copy of the package that is added to the packages folder in your solution NuGet will also cache packages already used in the following directory: C:\Users\YOUR_USER\.nuget\packages. Therefore if you do not change the version after making change you will have to remove the cached version from the directory I listed above for it to get the new changes since you did not change the package version.
I have the similar same problem. It's seem like a old issue.
So I will clear the http cache after I update the package version.
nuget locals http-cache -clear
It will work when you update your project package version.

Do I have to update project version when only README has changed on GitHub?

I'm editing one of my open-source projects on GitHub and I want to replace link (pointing to a demo) in
Do I have to update library version every time I introduce some minor changes to the README file or documentation (without any actual code changes)?
What is the community accepted practice?
If it's important, I'm using Bower to distribute my package and SemVer as a versioning system.
The README file is part of your codebase. It should describe the current (= in current commit) state of the code. A developer might read it outside GitHub's environment, e.g. from the node_modules directory on their hard drive, expecting it is up to date.
Therefore I would recommend to release a new version when the README changes.
It will usually result in just a patch number increase. But remember that when marking something as deprecated one must release a new minor version (paragraph 7 in SemVer v2.0.0).
If you plan to do really a lot of changes there are two ways to avoid releasing too often:
Make changes in a branch. Merge to master here and there, release a new patch version.
Move the documentation (or a part of it) somewhere else. GitHub Wiki or a simple webpage, e.g. using GitHub Pages, could come in handy.
You could include, as library version, the content of of git describe --all --long, as described in How can I get the Git build number and embed it in a file? (using git describe).
That way, you get the latest tag, plus the number of (small) commits you did since that tag.
That means:
you don't have to put a new tag if you don't want to
but you still keep an exact reference the the version of your repo which was used for delivering your app.

Manage local nuget repository

I have a local nuget repository, where I would like to browse the packages, is there some kind of tool for this?
We have a project that is pushed to my local repository, when we have new updates we just push a new version. We needed to branch the project and therefor we pushed this new version. But I somehow didn't change the package id. So now I need to browse and remove this package, change the id and push it again?
So my questions is, is there any tool I can use to manage my local nuget packages?
I'm not aware of any 'tool' to accomplish this. However, you can manually remove the .nupkg file for the latest (bad) version from your packages folder.
Since you are running the repo from IIS, you can check your web.config file for the following key:
<add key="packagesPath" value="C:\folder\folderHoldingNupkgFiles" />
This will tell you where you .nupkg files are stored. Go there and find the latest version that you published and remove it. Afterward, change the id, etc, and republish as the new package.
Once this happens, you should see the original/previous version from before, as well as you new/branched version.