How do I make my repository show python symbol? - github

How do I get my repository to show the python symbol like the below?

At the beginning, you must commit and push your project to your repo. Most of your project must consist of python. GitHub will automatically assign the symbol to your repository.


What is the meaning of folders with an arrow in a Github repository?

I am not able to open this repository, why is that?
Folders with an arrow can indicate two things on the Github UI:
a symbolic link
a git sub-modules
The difference between the two is that if it's a submodule the commit hash of the latest commit is added after the name of the folder.
I am not able to open this repository, why is that?
In your posted example, what you see is a symbolic link and you cannot open in because probably it points to a location that doesn't exist on your computer.

Git hub project _ Learning)

I am working on a simple project to learn github. After I worked on my project in eclipse on my local computer, I pushed my project to github for other teammates. A second member of my team pulled this project from github and pushed back to github after making some changes. Now this morning I want to pull this updated project from github to my local machine (eclipse) so I can work on this updated project.
How can I pull this updated project from github to direct into eclipse on my local computer .
I am tried to do:
"git clone" but it is not directly going to eclipse. If I save this project on my machine and then try to import into eclipse I got error message, "can not import, there is already one project exist with same name".
I did not see pull option in eclipse under:
Right click on project - team - Pull
Any suggestions??
Thank you in advance for all your help
I'll make one point that I'm not certain you do NOT understand, but as I often see this misunderstood, I'll point it out.
You should separate the notion of "git repository" and "project". When you clone a git repository from github (or bitbucket, or some central repository), you should store it in a directory tree outside of your Eclipse workspace. You then should right-click on the repository and select "Import..." to create a project from the contents of that repository.
Related to that, you should look for the "Pull" operation on the repository entry, not the project. I recommend to display the Git Repositories view on the left side, below the Package/Project Explorer, and make sure that you attempt all git operations in that view, instead of the Package Explorer view.
The only detail from your original post that I can address is the error about already having a project with that name. That error message is not ambiguous at all. You already had a project with that name. I have no idea whether that project was a copy of the repository that you had somehow already imported, or whether it's an empty project, or what. You don't provide any information about that.

Go : 'use of internal package not allowed ' when running a Go project forked from a GitHub repository

I'm getting used to Go, and trying to understand how it works.
So I'm trying to run the test code from my repository zoonoo/go-ethereum, forked from the original repository ethereum/go-ethereum.
When I run go test . under the eth directory, I get the following error :
eth/api.go:37:2: use of internal package not allowed
37th line of eth/api.go is as follows : ""
Does this mean when you fork a go repository, you have to change the path of all dependencies within the code to run the code?
Does Go package system support repository fork at all?
As illustrated in another Go project:
Cloning a fork
If you wish to work with fork of InfluxDB, your own fork for example, you must still follow the directory structure above. But instead of cloning the main repo, instead clone your fork. Follow the steps below to work with a fork:
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocodez
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone<username>/influxdb
Retaining the directory structure $GOPATH/src/ is necessary so that Go imports work correctly.
Replace InfluxDB name/URL by your project, and the same idea applies.
In your case, the GitHub fork is only there for you to push your contribution back to it, and to make Pull request from it.
It won't serve as a source for go get to work, since the packages wouldn't match your GitHub for repo URL.
This is because internal packages in go can only be imported by packages in the same directory root. It's kind of like package private classes in java. If you want to edit the code without having to rename all package imports you need to maintain the same folder structure that the package expects so if is in your $GOPATH rename the directory to or create a symbolic link and work from the linked directory instead.

How can I push project in specific folder in my GitHub repository?

I have created a new repository in GitHub named "EpamCourses2015". Next I created folder within it named "homeworks". There is only one URI "", so in my EGit plugin in eclipse I added "homeworks" myself, like "" but it gives me an error when I add in ref mappings:
Transport Error: Cannot get remote repository refs.
not found
Any one can tell me please, how can I push my projects into separate folder in my GitHub repository?
Github isn't designed to be used like that really, you can only clone and push your parent repository into Github and subrepositories are not properly supported.
You should clone your EpamCourses2015 repository, add your homeworks folder into that, commit it and then push that to Github
If you wish to do this inside Eclipse, clone the EpamCourses2015 repository and create your homeworks project inside that folder, Eclipse should automatically detect the parent repository and allow you to add it

github: referring another project file revision

To prevent copy/pasting foreign code to my github repository I would like to refer from my project (in specific dir) another project files (of the specific revision)
To make things clear I'd like to achieve situation like in this repo:
How can I do so?
Not sure if it's a github only feature, or somehow git itself supports it.
You are looking for git submodules. It is a feature of git, but GitHub's file browser will resolve submodules when you view them on the site (which is what you can see in the repository you linked to).
Note that while submodules let you choose their location (within your repository), name, and commit (from the submodule's repository), they will include the entire trees of the original repositories. If you only want specific files or directories, check out subtree merge instead.