Pinescript v5 Code Strategy for Rising MA & Pivot low - pine-script-v5

I am new to this. I am having problem coding strategy
Rising MA = which I have done
when Pivot Low ... this is where I am having trouble as I have and identified the Pivot low.
but cant seem to add it in successfully to the code. as per attached image.
I think it would be a if stmt?
posted pic of what i tried


Image processing/restoration in Matlab

I have several images that i would like to correct from artifacts. They show different animals but they appear to look like they were folded (look at the image attached). The folds are straight and they go through the wings as well, they are just hard to see but they are there. I would like to remove the folds but at the same time preserve the information from the picture (structure and color of the wings).
I am using MATLAB right now and i have tried several methods but nothing seems to work.
Initially i tried to see if i can see anything by using an FFT but i do not see a structure in the spectrum that i can remove. I tried to use several edge detection methods (like Sobel, etc) but the problem is that the edge detection always finds the edges of the wings (because they are stronger)
rather than the straight lines. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about how to proceed with this problem? I am not attaching any code because none of the methods i have tried (and described) are working.
Thank you for the help in advance.
I'll leave this bit here for anyone that knows how to erase those lines without affecting the quality of the image:
a = imread('');
b = abs(diff(a,1,2));
b = max(b,[],3);
c = imerode(b,strel('rectangle',[200,1]));
I think you should use a 2-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform
It might be easier to first use GIMP / Photoshop if a filter can resolve it.
I'm guessing the CC sensor got broken (it looks to good for old scanner problems). Maybe an electric distortion while it was reading the camera sensor. Such signals in theory have a repeating nature.
I dont think this was caused by a wrong colordepth/colorspace translation
If you like to code, then you might also write a custom pixel based filter in which you take x vertical pixels (say 20 or so) compare them to the next vertical row of 20 pixels. Compare against HSL (L lightnes), not RGB.
From all pixels calculate brightness changes this way.
Then per pixel check H (heu) is within range of nearby pixels take slope average of their brightness(ea take 30 pixels horizontal, calculate average brightnes of first 10 and last 10 pixels apply that brightness to center pixel 15,... //30, 15, 10 try to find what works well
Since you have whole strokes that apear brighter/darker such filter would smooth that effect out, the difficulty is to remain other patterns (the wings are less distorted), knowing what color space the sensor had might allow for a better decision as HSL, maybe HSV or so..

Bald detection using image processing

I was wondering if someone can provide me a guideline to detect if a person in a picture is bald or not, or even better, how much hair s\he has.
So far I tried to detect the face and the eyes position. From that information, I roughly estimate the forehead and bald area by cutting the area above the eyes as high as some portion of the face.
Then I extract HOG features and train the system with bald and not-bald images using SVM.
Now when I'm looking at the test results, I see some pictures classified as bald but some of them actually have blonde hair or long forehead that hair is not visible after the cutting process. I'm using MATLAB for these operations.
So I know the method seems to be a bit naive, but can you suggest a way of finding out the bald area or extracting the hair, if exists. What method would be the most appropriate for that kind of problem?
very general, so answer is general unless further info provided
Use Computer Vision (e.g MATLAB Computer Vision toolkit) to detect face/head
head has analogies (for human faces), using these one can get the area of the head where hair or baldness is (it seems you already have these)
Calculate the (probabilistic color space model) range where the skin of the person lies (most peorple have similar skin collor space range)
Calculate percentage of skin versus other color (meaning hair) in that area
You have it!
To estimate a skin color model check following papers:
If an area does not fit well with skin model it can be taken as non-skin (meaning hair, assuming no hats etc are present in samples)
Head region is very small, hence, using HOG for classification doesn't make much sense.
You can use prior information - like detect faces; baldness/hair is certain to be found on the area above the face. Also, use some denser feature descriptors.
You are probably ending up with very sparse representation or equivalently less information because of which your classifier is not able to classify correctly.

obstacle avoidance implementation in matlab

This could be a really broad question, but if you can help me with ideas, it would be a great help to me.
I am trying to implement basic path finding algorithm in matlab. I have to create a map where the robot can navigate and also avoid obstacles and reach destination. I have the algorithm fine with me. But am struggling with the gui as I haven't used much of Gui in matlab.
This is the following idea I had.
I created a plot and just defined 4 coods for each obstacle, destination as a circle and a start point. But am stuck when I think how I can detect whether the robot has hit an obstacle or not. One way is to create the equation of line and try to see if the point ever comes to lie on it. But the movement is based ona random generated variable. Thus it is possible for the robot to cross the line and get inside the polygon.
My apologies for bein too elaborate, but can you please tell me the best way to implement this in matlab? It is mandatory to do this in matlab. Please suggest me a better and easy way to program it. Thanks in advance.
If your obstacles are all polygons you could try to use the ray casting algorithm described on the following wikipedia site.
Point in polygon algorithm
With this you should be able to determine if the robot position lies within an obstacle, or you could determine if the next movement will bring the robot into contact with the obstacle.
If you are looking for a simple algorithm that can take care of obstacles inherently i would suggest the potential fields algorithm (can get stuck in certain cases)
Potential Fields
else you can also try the A* algorithm, which is better in my opinion; Good description of A*

Matlab video processing of heart beating. code supplemented

I'm trying to write a code The helps me in my biology work.
Concept of code is to analyze a video file of contracting cells in a tissue
Example 1
Example 2:
And plot out the following:
Count of beats per min.
Strenght of Beat
Regularity of beating
And so i wrote a Matlab code that would loop through a video and compare each frame vs the one that follow it, and see if there was any changes in frames and plot these changes on a curve.
Example of My code Results
Core of Current code i wrote:
for i=2:totalframes
ref=rgb2gray(compared);%% convert to gray
level=graythresh(ref);%% calculate threshold
compared=im2bw(compared,level);%% convert to binary
differ=sum(sum(imabsdiff(vid,compared))); %% get sum of difference between 2 frames
if (differ ~=0) && (any(amp==differ)==0) %%0 is = no change happened so i dont wana record that !
amp(end+1)=differ; % save difference to array amp wi
time(end+1)=i/framerate; %save to time array with sec's, used another array so i can filter both later.
vid=compared; %% save current frame as refrence to compare the next frame against.
So thats my code, but is there a way i can improve it so i can get better results ?
because i get fealing that imabsdiff is not exactly what i should use because my video contain alot of noise and that affect my results alot, and i think all my amp data is actually faked !
Also i actually can only extract beating rate out of this, by counting peaks, but how can i improve my code to be able to get all required data out of it ??
thanks also really appreciate your help, this is a small portion of code, if u need more info please let me know.
You say you are trying to write a "simple code", but this is not really a simple problem. If you want to measure the motion accuratly, you should use an optical flow algorithm or look at the deformation field from a registration algorithm.
EDIT: As Matt is saying, and as we see from your curve, your method is suitable for extracting the number of beats and the regularity. To accuratly find the strength of the beats however, you need to calculate the movement of the cells (more movement = stronger beat). Unfortuantly, this is not straight forwards, and that is why I gave you links to two algorithms that can calculate the movement for you.
A few fairly simple things to try that might help:
I would look in detail at what your thresholding is doing, and whether that's really what you want to do. I don't know what graythresh does exactly, but it's possible it's lumping different features that you would want to distinguish into the same pixel values. Have you tried plotting the differences between images without thresholding? Or you could threshold into multiple classes, rather than just black and white.
If noise is the main problem, you could try smoothing the images before taking the difference, so that differences in noise would be evened out but differences in large features, caused by motion, would still be there.
You could try edge-detecting your images before taking the difference.
As a previous answerer mentioned, you could also look into motion-tracking and registration algorithms, which would estimate the actual motion between each image, rather than just telling you whether the images are different or not. I think this is a decent summary on Wikipedia: But they can be rather complicated.
I think if all you need is to find the time and period of contractions, though, then you wouldn't necessarily need to do a detailed motion tracking or deformable registration between images. All you need to know is when they change significantly. (The "strength" of a contraction is another matter, to define that rigorously you probably would need to know the actual motion going on.)
What are the structures we see in the video? For example what is the big dark object in the lower part of the image? This object would be relativly easy to track, but would data from this object be relevant to get data about cell contraction?
Is this image from a light microscop? At what magnification? What is the scale?
From the video it looks like there are several motions and regions of motion. So should you focus on a smaller or larger area to get your measurments? Per cell contraction or region contraction? From experience I know that changing what you do at the microscope might be much better then complex image processing ;)
I had sucsess with Gunn and Nixons Dual Snake for a similar problem:
I placed the first aproximation in the first frame by hand and used the segmentation result as starting curv for the next frame and so on. My implementation for this is from 2000 and I only have it on paper, but if you find Gunn and Nixons paper interesting I can probably find my code and scan it.
#Matt suggested smoothing and edge detection to improve your results. This is good advise. You can combine smoothing, thresholding and edge detection in one function call, the Canny edge detector.Then you can dialate the edges to get greater overlap between frames. Little overlap will probably mean a big movement between frames. You can use this the same way as before to find the beat. You can now make a second pass and add all the dialated edge images related to one beat. This should give you an idea about the area traced out by the cells as they move trough a contraction. Maybe this can be used as a useful measure for contraction of a large cluster of cells.
I don't have access to Matlab and the Image Processing Toolbox now, so I can't give you tested code. Here are some hints: , and

Help Required in Collision Detection Using Box2d

After some sample projects, I have started with my first game in cocos 2d and box 2d where objects fall from a parachute and you kill them using slingshot. Now i'm stuck # couple of things for a while:
Collision Issue:
Using Box 2d i have made collision with objects. However when i add a counter to get a count of my collision i doesn't work. Counter increases even though the percentile is moved out of the screen.Don't know how to get rid of this.
I'm trying to get random rotation to my sprites which fall from above, Like a parachute experience. Now all of then rotate # a same angle.
Lastly i need to get rid of the surrounding sprites when collision happens. Ex: When the percentile collides with a falling object, in a radius of 2.5 cms the other sprites should also disappear.
I Badly need help and suggestions, hence all the 3 questions # once :-). I have provided the link for my project so that you can look # the source code. Desperately looking for your help guys!!!
Download Source Code:
Budding Developer,
You have a pretty good tutorial here:
I think that one can solve your problems :)
You can get the best tutorial for the particular requirement you have described over here.....
The link for that is as follows
The tutorial is of 2 parts and describes the code briefly.. The code of that is described and you can get good amount of help from there.
ques 1 + 3: you need read link which share by Mikael and Marine
ques 2: in cocos2d, if you want get random value, you can use support function (such as: rand(), random(), CCRANDOM_0_1() ....)... i think, you need set rotation value for object. i dont know your problem, you need explain it (link is "File Not Found or Deleted / Disabled due to inactivity or DMCA")