I POST my image by python through WP REST API, but the response is just the array of items in media library - wordpress-rest-api

First of all, I have found out what's wrong with my python code, but I really want some one to tell me how it popped out because I'm just a noob amateur.
I tried to post my album collected on my wordpress by using my python script as usual, but I got an unexpected throw-out when it start to image upload. My img upload function just like this:
def restImgUL(imgPath,imgName,token):
file_extension = os.path.splitext(imgPath)[-1]
img = open(imgPath,'rb')
imgName = imgName.replace(";","")
_json = {
'caption': imgName,
image_name = f"{imgName}{file_extension}"
headers = { 'Content-Type': '','Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename=%s'%image_name.encode("utf-8").decode("latin1"),"Authorization":"Bearer %s"%token}
res = requests.post(url=url,data=img,headers=headers,json=_json)
rrr = res.json()
if "id" in rrr:
return rrr["id"]
The wrong response is an array include items in my first page of media library. I found some clues in rest api handbooks. If I attempt to GET /wp/v2/media, response will be like what I've recieved. But I use POST type request in my python code, I don't really understand what happened there. I have no choice but to try some other methods to bypass this problem. I tried to make a new endpoint and write something like this:
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'rlra/v1', '/media', array(
'methods' => 'POST',
'callback' => 'cmupload',
) );
} );
function cmupload(){
return "This is a test!!!"
However, I got rest_no_route when I POST to it. I changed the methods to GET eventually, and got the right text from my server. I think maybe something changed my POST request into a GET one? I tried to figure out with Charles, and found my connection with 302 permanent redirect. So I check my request link and change http into https, everything works.
So, could anyone tell me why a 302 redirect will change my POST request into GET, I've been worn-out due to the lost letter "s" in these days.


Getting 'expected { Object (message, detail) } to have property 'count' error in API testing using cypress

I want to assert the total count received from the response.
This is my code:
failOnStatusCode: false,
accept: "application/json"
}).then(Response => {
let body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Response.body))
and this is the error that I have got
Please use
expect(body).has.property('count', 27)
as the value is a number
(see screen-shot, there are no quotes around 27)
You are not getting the JSON response you think you should have.
If go to the URL in the browser, I get this
{"message":"field required","detail":[{"loc":["header","authorization"],"msg":"field required","type":"value_error.missing"}]}
which is what is partially shown in the screenshot of the error message.
This is an error response from the server, and it means your request is not correct.
Then you can directly use the assertion like this. You don't need to parse or stringify.
You can check this example from the cypress docs.

Add flag to UnityWebRequest

I am trying to make a POST request to webpage that expects the --data field to be filled with some data to be processed. I'm pretty much trying to recreate this curl request, but with UnityWebRequest.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/clic/say?text=Make+the+gene+set --data '{"geneSetMembers":["UST"],"geneSetName":"selection0"}'
The UnityWebRequest documentation mentions that GET requests don't set any flags other than the url, but it's not clear if no other custom options exist for posts. Is there some way to format a WWWform or something that will hold the data such that the server will recognize it?
var form = new WWWForm();
// some way to plug in the jsonified data to the form
webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(url + route + to_say, form);
webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
webRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// etc etc
I've tried just giving the form a field named "data" a la
form.AddField("data", "{ \"geneSetMembers\":[\"UST\"],\"geneSetName\":\"selection0\"}");
but the server does not like it, saying it "got error Invalid JSON literal name: data" So clearly that's the wrong syntax for it
EDIT: put lines in the same order they were in original code. Sorry, I have commented lines between them
Maybe your server doesn't like to receive the data as a field called data.
This ofcourse depends totally on the PHP code we don't see since you didn't share that part. b
But at least I can tell you that --data or also simply -d in curl refer to the entire data section and is not a field called data.
You could try to instead use a MultiPartFormDataSection passing just the data itself without a specific field name
var data = "{\"geneSetMembers\":[\"UST\"],\"geneSetName\":\"selection0\"}";
var form = new List<IMultiFormPart>{ new MultiPartFormDataSection(data) };
webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(url + route + to_say, form);
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
which is now sent as content-type multipart/form-data though ...
Another alternative if your server really needs to receive a content-type application/json might be to "manually" compose the request e.g. like
var data = "{\"geneSetMembers\":[\"UST\"],\"geneSetName\":\"selection0\"}";
var request = new UnityWebRequest(url + route + to_say, "POST");
var bodyRaw = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
request.uploadHandler = (UploadHandler) new UploadHandlerRaw(bodyRaw);
request.downloadHandler = (DownloadHandler) new DownloadHandlerBuffer();
request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
yield return request.SendWebRequest();
Though of you look close now this seems actually not to be the case since if you read the man curl
(HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, in the same way that a browser does when a user has filled in an HTML form and presses the submit button. This will cause curl to pass the data to the server using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
which is actually exactly the default content type used by the simple string version of UnityWebRequest.Post.
So thinking about it it should actually be as simple as using the pure string version of UnityWebRequest.Post:
var data = "{\"geneSetMembers\":[\"UST\"],\"geneSetName\":\"selection0\"}";
var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(url + route + to_say, data);
yield return request.SendWebRequest();

Angular 2 how to read Custom error message from backend

My problem with Angular 2 that was not exist in AngularJS, that I was sending the error message as a string with backend API call in case I have error, with error status 401 as example, the problem now that I can't read this message from Angular2 http response message, while I can do that from AngularJS:
I tried the following codes and nothing was helpful:
this._http.post('/login',{email: 'email#example.com', password: '123'})
.then((resp) => console.log(resp), (error) => console.log(error));
this._http.post('/login',{email: 'email#example.com', password: '123'})
.subscribe(response =>console.log(response), (error) => console.log(error));
And from back-end I send response as a text, for OK or Unauthorized, for OK i send back String token == UUID.randomUUID().toString();, for error I send back message like String error = " Invalid credentials ";, the problem is that the console.log works and print the text for success (token in this case), but in case error, its just prints: Response with status: 200 for URL: null.
If I change code to JSON.stringify(error) I get something like this:
{"_body":{},"status":401,"ok":false,"statusText":"Unauthorized","headers":{"null":["HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"],"Access-Control-Allow-Headers":["Origin"," X-Requested-With"," Content-Type"," Accept"," Referer"," User-Agent"],"Access-Control-Allow-Met
hods":["POST"," GET"," PUT"," DELETE"," OPTIONS"],"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Allow":["*"],"Content-Length":["36"],"Content-Type":["text/plain; charset=utf-8"],"Date":["Tue"," 23 Aug 2016 14:53:25 GMT"]},"type":2,"url":null}
As you can see the error test not even mentioned inside the Object !!
I tried to change the response for error from backend to return json like this:
"message": "invalid email or password"
I can get the result inside _body, and I can only read it like this: console.log(error._body.message) ! but i feel its something wrong this way, and I don't want to response as a json in this case.
For angularjs (angular 1), its so simple just to print the response and everything is cool, while in angular 2 its a really problem.
What the problem, and how I can solve this issue without any refactor to backend?
I'm using Angular 2.0.0-rc.4 and same for http : `"#angular/http": "2.0.0-rc.4"
In my case I'm working with the Asp Web Api as back end,this thing is making me crazy as well, the only solution I found is transform in a json and read the message, I know is really ugly but works for me.
CheckError(error: any) {
let servermsg: any = JSON.parse(error._body)["ModelState"]["Login"][0];
if (servermsg) {
this.showMsg = true;
this.msg = servermsg;
If you are returning JSON object from the server, you may use the below code at client side:
let errMsg: ErrorMessage = err.json();
export class ErrorMessage {

PUT Request not happening at all in Fantom

I am having some trouble with PUT requests to the google sheets api.
I have this code
spreadsheet_inputer := WebClient(`$google_sheet_URI_cells/R3C6?access_token=$accesstoken`)
xml_test := XDoc{
XElem("id") { XText("https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/$spreadsheet_id/1/private/full/R3C6?access_token=$accesstoken"), },
XElem("link") { addAttr("rel","edit");addAttr("type","application/atom+xml");addAttr("href","https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/$spreadsheet_id/1/private/full/R3C6?access_token=$accesstoken"); },
XElem("gs:cell") { addAttr("row","3");addAttr("col","6");addAttr("inputValue","testing 123"); },
spreadsheet_inputer.reqHeaders["If-match"] = "*"
spreadsheet_inputer.reqHeaders["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml"
spreadsheet_inputer.reqMethod = "PUT"
Right now it returns
sys::IOErr: No input stream for response 0
at the echo statement.
I have all the necessary data (at least i'm pretty sure) and it works here https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
Just to note, it does not accurately update the calendars.
EDIT: I had it return the response code and it was a 0, any pointers on what this means from the google sheets api? Or the fantom webclient?
WebClient.resCode is a non-nullable Int so it is 0 by default hence the problem would be either the request not being sent or the response not being read.
As you are obviously writing the request, the problem should the latter. Try calling WebClient.readRes() before resStr.
This readRes()
Read the response status line and response headers. This method may be called after the request has been written via writeReq and reqOut. Once this method completes the response status and headers are available. If there is a response body, it is available for reading via resIn. Throw IOErr if there is a network or protocol error. Return this.
Try this:
I suspect the following line will also cause you problems:
becasue writeXml() escapes the string to be XML safe, whereas you'll want to just print the string. Try this:

Facebook Graph API - Get ID from Facebook Page URL

I have seen this question but what I want is different.
I want to get the Facebook ID not from a general URL (and therefore conditional if it has Like button or not). I want to get the Facebook ID given a Facebook page using the Graph API.
Notice that Facebook pages can have several formats, such as:
I know I could do some regex to get either the my_page name or my_page_ID, but I am wondering if any one know if GraphAPI is supporting what I want.
It seems to me that the easiest solution to what you describe is to just get the id/name from the url you have using lastIndexOf("/") (which most languages have an equivalent for) and then get "https://graph.facebook.com/" + id.
The data that this url returns has the id (i.e.: 6708787004) and the username (i.e.: southpark), so regardless of which identifier you use (what you extract from the url using lastIndexOf), you should get the same result.
This code:
identifier = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/"))
graphUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + identifier
urlJsonData = getGraphData(graphUrl)
Should work the same (that is result with the same data) for both:
url = http://www.facebook.com/southpark
url = http://www.facebook.com/6708787004
(you'll obviously need to implement the getGraphData method).
Also, the 2nd url form in the question is not a valid url for pages, at least not from my tests, I get:
You may have clicked an expired link or mistyped the address. Some web
addresses are case sensitive.
The answer to the question is posted above but the method shown below works fine we do not have to perform the regex on the facebook page urls
I got the answer by this method
FB.api('/any_fb_page_url', function(response){
any_fb_page_url can be any of the following types
This are also listed in question above
This code is tested on JS console available on Facebook Developers site tools
You can get the page id by using the below api
Reference image
This answer is updated and checked in 2019:
and it is very simple because you do not need to extract anything from the link. for examples:
"name": "Vaireo Shop",
"id": "2138395226250622"
full nodeJS answer:
async function getBusinessFromFBByPageURL(pageURL: string) {
const accessToken = process.env.fb_app_access_token;
const graphUrl = `https://graph.facebook.com/?id=${pageURL}? access_token=${accessToken}`;
const fbGraphResponse = await Axios.get(graphUrl);
function getFacebookId($url) {
$id = substr(strrchr($url,'/'),1);
$json = file_get_contents('http://graph.facebook.com/'.$id);
$json = json_decode($json);
return $json->id;
echo getFacebookId($_GET['url']);
Thats a PHP example of how to get the ID.
As of Nov 26 2021 none of these solutions work.
Facebook has locked down the API so you need an App Review.
This answer takes into account that a URL can end with a trailing slash, something that Facebook event pages seem to have in their URLs now.
function getId(url) {
var path = new URL(url).pathname;
var parts = path.split('/');
parts = parts.filter(function(part) {
return part.length !== 0;
return parts[parts.length - 1];
You can Use Requests and re Modules in python
import requests,re
profile_url = "https://www.facebook.com/alanwalker97"
idre = re.complie('"entity_id":"([0-9]+)"')
con = requests.get(profile_url).content
id = idre.findall(con)
print("\n[*] ID: "+id[0])
[*] ID: 100001013078780
Perhaps you can look through the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/#searching docs: search against a couple of types and if you find what you're looking for go from there.