Firebase Authentication Account Not Showing in Console Despite Successful Creation [closed] - flutter

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 days ago.
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I have a Flutter code that creates a new account using the Firebase Authentication library. However, even though the account is created successfully and I can even log in to it using another code, the account does not appear in the Firebase Authentication console. I have tried checking if I am connected to the correct Firebase project, looking for the account in the console, accessing the account again using the Firebase Authentication library, and making sure that the data I provided during the account creation process is correct. Despite all these attempts, the account does not show up in the console. How can I resolve this issue?
Checking that I am connected to the correct Firebase project.
Looking for the account in the Firebase Authentication console.
Accessing the account again using the Firebase Authentication library.
Verifying that the data I provided during the account creation process is correct.
Despite trying these steps, the account I created using Flutter and Firebase Authentication does not show up in the console.


how to redirect user to specific custom login page using OIDC Provider interactions [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 months ago.
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how to redirect user to specific custom login page using OIDC Provider interactions
I am trying to implement oidc provider application. It working with the default autorisation Endpoint(login page) I first redirect to : http://localhost:8003/auth?client_id=oidcCLIENT&scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flogin%2Fcallback&state=BuAAA9hAF0IMTKpJQH51h9ueu8StadrmeNS9-cm_w3Q&code_challenge=mjEOrgT5j4CvQHd8ZJlmw7kh9COUpnxzgbLsBsPbIMA&code_challenge_method=S256
and after redirect to http://localhost:8003/interaction/4CvQHd8ZJlmw7kh9CO. Now I want to redirect user on a spécifique custom login page like http://localhost:8003/urlto/custom/autorisation_endpoin
please I need a help.
my configuration
my OIDC provider instance creation
the following detail are my step to solve this problem
I create a new express project
I configure the created project
I follow oidc provider using exemple
Now I have full access to oidc provider implementation

was working well but FirebaseException ([cloud_firestore/permission-denied] The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.)

I have been working on the Flutter app with firebase and the app was working well but today when I trying to retrieve the data from using snapshot I got this exception.
FirebaseException ([cloud_firestore/permission-denied] The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.)
is there any update on firebase i have to do or what ?
When you create a project and set Firestore access it test mode, it sets the database up to allow public access for only a month. If this suddenly happened without a change on your side, it could be that your security rules expired.
Now would be a good moment to implement proper security rules for your data, as leaving all data publicly accessible is a recipe for future problems.
So learn how to secure the data, have a look at the documentation on security rules, this more technical documentation, and also see:
Firestore Permission Denied in Android
Email: [Firebase] Client access to your Cloud Firestore database expiring in X day(s)

Invalid JWT token for New subaccount in SaaS

We are working on SaaS application development on SAP BTP ,facing very strange issue ,with new subaccounts ,after publishing our application through SaaS registry service and implementation of all call backs and including dependency call back ,when we are creating a new Tenant Subaccount and doing a subscription facing issue in login steps below ---
subscription is working fine and able to generate tenant specific url.
When user login to application unbale to call any backend service api via logged in User as XSUAA is unable to authenticate as JWT signature is not valid -
"<error_description>Cannot verify signature of access
token</error_description> invalid_token"
Same workflow works fine with old subaccounts created some time back for testing purposes.
Facing issue with newly created Subaccounts for tenant.
Please help.
The SAP Business Technology Platform has changed the way of Tenant's JWT validation in the first half of 2020. Inste of using well-known and only one URL to get the validation key, it's now relying on the jku field and issuer to make sure every Tenant has a URL to fetch a key for the JWT validation.
The SAP Cloud SDK version 3.16.1 and above should fully support this validation mechanism. This means that the SDK version you use should be perfectly fine.
There could be edge cases where the application logic might require an update. That's why I suggest you create an issue here and provide the following information:
Since when the issue started affecting you? Was it working a week before and broke just now? Or you haven't added new Tenants in a while and now it's breaking?
Dependency tree of you App
Please, provide detailed exception stack trace or logs to identify the root cause.
Send us the code snippet where you believe things fail.
When we can make it reproducible, solving this should be rather straightforward.
We are happy to update this thread when a solution is found so that community can benefit.
Looking forward to the detailed issue and reproduction steps.

Using Google Cloud Speech and Unity, can't authenticate speech requests, but only on certain computers

This is the error Unity is spitting out in the logs, over and over:
Status(StatusCode=Unauthenticated, Detail="Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See")
More context is:
I use cloud speech for work and it's working fine everywhere except for one customer's computer. The app is built with Unity and uses the gRPC plugin to do the streaming variant of cloud speech. The customer is in another country but my first guess is that wouldn't matter, as we have other customers in the same country that don't have this issue.
I tried looking through the documentation Google provides for error codes and this one isn't in there. I looked through the troubleshooting section and saw something about authentication. I supply the credentials at runtime from a JSON file stored in the app. The code when using the credentials looks something like this:
googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(Utils.DecodeBase64(encodedCredentials));
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(SpeechClient.DefaultEndpoint.Host, googleCredential.ToChannelCredentials());
var speech = SpeechClient.Create(channel);
I'm trying to gather more information here so we can narrow down our troubleshooting to help the customer get the app running. Like does this point towards a specific router/firewall setting kind of thing, etc?
Thank you.

Read Firebase rules without authentification

I found a previous question very similar to mine, however the other developper needed to write to Firebase and I don’t, hence this near duplicate question:
I have a very simple database with about 150 documents and the users don’t need to authenticate to use my app. Authentication just don’t make sense for what the app does and users only read the database, they don’t write.
My current rules are read allow only which of course triggers the Firebase rule warning daily.
1) Is there a way to set rules similar to “only requests coming from my app can access it”. Given that the app is linked to firebase one would think it’s possible?
2) If I must use authentification, is there a way that I can do this behind the scenes so that the user is unaware of that? Maybe by using a UUID to identify a user and no password or something like that. I want to avoid showing a log in screen at all cost. Think of it as asking to log in to check gas prices...
** This is an iOS app
No, it's not possible.
You can use anonymous authentication to create a user account without requiring a sign-in.