Actors with shared state - swift

The following two actors share the same URLSession instance. The actors work in isolation, so is this a problem because each actor may change properties on the session at the same time? How can I protect against this?
actor ImageDownloaderA {
let session = URLSession.shared
func fetchImage() async throws -> Data {
let request = ...
return try await ...)
actor ImageDownloaderB {
let session = URLSession.shared
func fetchImage() async throws -> Data {
let request = ...
return try await ...)
struct Fetcher {
func fetcher() async throws {
let downloaderA = ImageDownloaderA()
let downloaderB = ImageDownloaderB()
_ = try await downloaderA.fetchImage()
_ = try await downloaderB.fetchImage()

URLSession is Sendable and is safe to be passed across concurrency domains. The documentation also explicitly tells us that it is thread-safe:
Thread Safety
The URL session API is thread-safe. You can freely create sessions and
tasks in any thread context. When your delegate methods call the
provided completion handlers, the work is automatically scheduled on
the correct delegate queue.
It should be noted that these two requests are not actually executing concurrently. This is not because of URLSession, but rather because this code will await the completion of ImageDownloaderA.fetchImage before even starting ImageDownloaderB.fetchImage. If we want concurrent execution, we might use async let or a task group.
Now, you’re not showing us what you’re doing with these two responses, but let’s imagine that for demonstration purposes you wanted them to simply print the number of bytes that each returned.
func fetcher() async throws {
let downloaderA = ImageDownloaderA()
let downloaderB = ImageDownloaderB()
async let data1 = downloaderA.fetchImage()
async let data2 = downloaderB.fetchImage()
let count1 = try await data1.count
let count2 = try await data2.count
print(count1, count2)
That will run the requests concurrently because we used async let and then only introduced await suspension points after both had been started. For details on async let, see SE-0317.
But, regardless, you can use the same URLSession in separate concurrency contexts without incident.


Cancelling the task of a URLSession.AsyncBytes doesn't seem to work

I want to download a large file, knowing the number of bytes transferred, and be able to cancel the download if necessary.
I know that this can be done having a URLSessionDownloadTask and conforming to the URLSessionDownloadDelegate, but I wanted to achieve it through an async/await mechanism, so I used URLSession.shared.bytes(from: url) and then a for-await-in loop to handle each byte.
The issue comes when trying to cancel the ongoing task, as even though the URLSession.AsyncBytes's Task has been cancelled, the for-await-in loop keeps processing bytes, so I'm assuming that the download is still ongoing.
I've tested it with this piece of code in a playground.
let url = URL(string: "")!
let (asyncBytes, _) = try await URLSession.shared.bytes(from: url)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
var data = Data()
for try await byte in asyncBytes {
I would have expected that, as soon as the task is cancelled, the download would have been stopped and, therefore, the for-await-in would stop processing bytes.
What am I missing here? Can these tasks not be effectively cancelled?
Canceling a URLSessionDataTask works fine with AsyncBytes. That having been said, even if the URLSessionDataTask is canceled, the AsyncBytes will continue to iterate through the bytes received prior to cancelation. But the data task does stop.
Consider experiment1:
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let url: URL = …
private let session: URLSession = …
private var cancelButtonTapped = false
private var dataTask: URLSessionDataTask?
#Published var bytesBeforeCancel = 0
#Published var bytesAfterCancel = 0
func experiment1() async throws {
let (asyncBytes, _) = try await session.bytes(from: url)
dataTask = asyncBytes.task
var data = Data()
for try await byte in asyncBytes {
if cancelButtonTapped {
bytesAfterCancel += 1
} else {
bytesBeforeCancel += 1
func cancel() {
cancelButtonTapped = true
So, I canceled after 1 second (at which point I had iterated through 2,022 bytes), and it continues to iterate through the remaining 14,204 bytes that had been received prior to the cancelation of the URLSessionDataTask. But the download does stop successfully. (In my example, the actual asset being downloaded was 74mb.) When using URLSession, the data comes in packets, so it takes AsyncBytes a little time to get through everything that was actually received before the URLSession request was canceled.
You might consider canceling the Swift concurrency Task, rather than the URLSessionDataTask. (I really wish they did not use the same word, “task”, to refer to entirely different concepts!)
Consider experiment2:
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
private let url: URL = …
private let session: URLSession = …
private var cancelButtonTapped = false
private var task: Task<Void, Error>?
#Published var bytesBeforeCancel = 0
#Published var bytesAfterCancel = 0
func experiment2() async throws {
task = Task { try await download() }
try await task?.value
func cancel() {
cancelButtonTapped = true
func download() async throws {
let (asyncBytes, _) = try await session.bytes(from: url)
var data = Data()
for try await byte in asyncBytes {
try Task.checkCancellation()
if cancelButtonTapped { // this whole `if` statement is no longer needed, but I've kept it here for comparison to the previous example
bytesAfterCancel += 1
} else {
bytesBeforeCancel += 1
Without the try Task.checkCancellation() line, the behavior is almost the same as in experiment1. The cancelation of the Task with the AsyncBytes will result in the cancelation of the underlying URLSessionDataTask (but the sequence will continue to iterate through the bytes in the packets that were successfully received prior to cancelation). But with try Task.checkCancellation(), it will exit as soon as the Task is canceled.
TL;DR Read Rob's answer, but the iterator code and and the partial download code are still handy so I'm leaving this answer with corrections.
Okay so I spent some time on this because I'm about to try to write my own cancellable url stream object. and it appears that asyncBytes.task.cancel() is more along the lines of URLSession's finishTasksAndInvalidate() than invalidateAndCancel(). Since you are pointing your streaming task at a file that isn't really that large the URLSessionDataTask had already gotten the bytes in the buffer.
You can see this when you change up the function a bit (see Rob's example as well):
func test_funcCondition(timeOut:TimeInterval, url:URL, session:URLSession) async throws {
let (asyncBytes, _) = try await session.bytes(from: url)
let deadLine = + timeOut
var data = Data()
func someConditionCheck(_ deadline:Date) -> Bool { > deadLine
for try await byte in asyncBytes {
if someConditionCheck(deadLine) {
print("trying to cancel...")
//Wrong type of task! Should not work. if Task.isCancelled { print ("cancelled") }
//just to reduce the amount of printing
if data.count % 100 == 0 {
If you point the URL at "" like your example and make the time interval very short the function will print "trying to cancel..." between the time your marker hits and the file completes. It does NOT however, ever print "cancelled". (The task being cancelled is a URLSessionDataTask, not a Swift concurrency Task, that line never would have worked.)
If you point either what you wrote or this function at a Server-Sent-Event stream it will cancel out just fine. (While true, its not in contrast to the other behavior, which also works just fine. There are just bigger pauses in SSE data.)
If that isn't what you want, if you want to be able to start-stop streams mid-chunk, maybe explore a custom delegate (something I haven't done yet myself), or go work with AVFoundation if that's an option because they've thought a lot about working with large streaming files. I did not check making my own session and running session.invalidateAndCancel() on it instead, because that seems kind of extreme, but may be the way to go if you want to flush the buffer immediately.
The below will work to stop caring about the buffer immediately. It involves making a custom iterator. but it seems kind of quirky and may not in fact arrest the downloading (still cost users data rates and power). I haven't looked into how the stream protocol relates to the network protocol on that lower level, if you stop asking does it stop getting? I don't know. The cancel will arrest the stream allowing through the bytes that are already in the buffer, but your code won't get them. On my todo-list now is to look into how to change buffering policies.
Rob's code seems a nice way to go and advantage of a concurrency Task.
func test_customIterator(timeOut:TimeInterval, url:URL, session:URLSession) async throws {
let (asyncBytes, _) = try await session.bytes(from: url)
let deadLine = + timeOut
var data = Data()
func someConditionCheck(_ deadline:Date) -> Bool { > deadLine
//could also be asyncBytes.lines.makeAsyncIterator(), etc.
var iterator = asyncBytes.makeAsyncIterator()
while !someConditionCheck(deadLine) {
//await Task.yield()
let byte = try await
//make sure to still tell URLSession you aren't listening anymore.
//It may auto-close but that's not how I roll.
let tap_out:TimeInterval = 0.0005
try await test_customIterator(timeOut: tap_out, url: URL(string:"")!, session: URLSession.shared)
Interesting flavor of behavior. Thanks for pointing it out. Also I didn't know that the task was already available (asyncBytes.task). Thanks for that. Incorrect. The asyncBytes.task is a URLSessionDataTask not a concurrency Task
To get part of the file explicitly
func requestInChunks(data:inout Data, url:URL, session:URLSession, offset:Int, length:Int) async throws {
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
urlRequest.addValue("bytes=\(offset)-\(offset + length - 1)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Range")
let (asyncBytes, response) = try await
session.bytes(for: urlRequest, delegate: nil)
guard (response as? HTTPURLResponse)?.statusCode == 206 else { //NOT 200!!
throw APIngError("The server responded with an error.")
for try await byte in asyncBytes {
if data.count % 100 == 0 {
Still think if my task on hand was about file downloading would be my go to, but then there is file clean up, etc. so I get why not go there.

Can we define an async/await function that returns one value instantly, as well as another value asynchronously (as you'd normally expect)?

Picture an image loading function with a closure completion. Let's say it returns a token ID that you can use to cancel the asynchronous operation if needed.
func loadImage(url: URL, completion: #escaping (Result<UIImage, Error>) -> Void) -> UUID? {
if let image = loadedImages[url] {
return nil
let id = UUID()
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
defer {
self.requests.removeValue(forKey: id)
if let data, let image = UIImage(data: data) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.loadedImages[url] = image
if let error = error as? NSError, error.code == NSURLErrorCancelled {
//TODO: Handle response errors
print(response as Any)
requests[id] = task
return id
func cancelRequest(id: UUID) {
requests.removeValue(forKey: id)
print("ImageLoader: cancelling request")
How would we accomplish this (elegantly) with swift concurrency? Is it even possible or practical?
I haven't done much testing on this, but I believe this is what you're looking for. It allows you to simply await an image load, but you can cancel using the URL from somewhere else. It also merges near-simultaneous requests for the same URL so you don't re-download something you're in the middle of.
actor Loader {
private var tasks: [URL: Task<UIImage, Error>] = [:]
func loadImage(url: URL) async throws -> UIImage {
if let imageTask = tasks[url] {
return try await imageTask.value
let task = Task {
// Rather than removing here, you could skip that and this would become a
// cache of results. Making that correct would take more work than the
// question asks for, so I won't go into it
defer { tasks.removeValue(forKey: url) }
let data = try await url).0
guard let image = UIImage(data: data) else {
throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(.init(codingPath: [],
debugDescription: "Invalid image"))
return image
tasks[url] = task
return try await task.value
func cancelRequest(url: URL) {
// Remove, and cancel if it's removed
tasks.removeValue(forKey: url)?.cancel()
print("ImageLoader: cancelling request")
Calling it looks like:
let image = try await loader.loadImage(url: url)
And you can cancel a request if it's still pending using:
loader.cancelRequest(url: url)
A key lesson here is that it is very natural to access task.value multiple times. If the task has already completed, then it will just return immediately.
Return a task in a tuple or other structure.
In the cases where you don't care about the ID, do this:
try await imageTask(url: url).task.value
private var requests: [UUID: Task<UIImage, Swift.Error>] = [:]
func imageTask(url: URL) -> (id: UUID?, task: Task<UIImage, Swift.Error>) {
switch loadedImages[url] {
case let image?: return (id: nil, task: .init { image } )
case nil:
let id = UUID()
let task = Task {
defer { requests[id] = nil }
guard let image = UIImage(data: try await url).0)
else { throw Error.loadingError }
try Task.checkCancellation()
Task { #MainActor in loadedImages[url] = image }
return image
requests[id] = task
return (id: id, task: task)
Is it even possible or practical?
Yes to both.
As I say in a comment, I think you may be missing the fact that a Task is an object you can retain and later cancel. Thus, if you create an architecture where you apply an ID to a task as you ask for the task to start, you can use that same ID to cancel that task before it has returned.
Here's a simple demonstration. I've deliberately written it as Playground code (though I actually developed it in an iOS project).
First, here is a general TimeConsumer class that wraps a single time-consuming Task. We can ask for the task to be created and started, but because we retain the task, we can also cancel it midstream. It happens that my task doesn't return a value, but that's neither here nor there; it could if we wanted.
class TimeConsumer {
var current: Task<(), Error>?
func consume(seconds: Int) async throws {
let task = Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(seconds))
current = task
_ = await task.result
func cancel() {
Now then. In front of my TimeConsumer I'll put a TaskVendor actor. A TimeConsumer represents just one time-consuming task, but a TaskVendor has the ability to maintain multiple time-consuming tasks, identifying each task with an identifier.
actor TaskVendor {
private var tasks = [UUID: TimeConsumer?]()
func giveMeATokenPlease() -> UUID {
let uuid = UUID()
tasks[uuid] = nil
return uuid
func beginTheTask(uuid: UUID) async throws {
let consumer = TimeConsumer()
tasks[uuid] = consumer
try await consumer.consume(seconds: 10)
tasks[uuid] = nil
func cancel(uuid: UUID) {
tasks[uuid] = nil
That's all there is to it! Observe how TaskVendor is configured. I can do three things: I can ask for a token (really my actual TaskVendor needn't bother doing this, but I wanted to centralize everything for generality); I can start the task with that token; and, optionally, I can cancel the task with that token.
So here's a simple test harness. Here we go!
let vendor = TaskVendor()
func test() async throws {
let uuid = await vendor.giveMeATokenPlease()
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
// await vendor.cancel(uuid: uuid)
try await vendor.beginTheTask(uuid: uuid)
Task {
try await test()
What you will see in the console is:
[two seconds later] cancel?
[eight seconds after that] finish
We didn't cancel anything; the word "cancel?" signals the place where our test might cancel, but we didn't, because I wanted to prove to you that this is working as we expect: it takes a total of 10 seconds between "start" and "finish", so sure enough, we are consuming the expected time fully.
Now uncomment the await vendor.cancel line. What you will see now is:
[two seconds later] cancel?
[immediately!] finish
We did it! We made a cancellable task vendor.
I'm including one possible answer to the question, for the benefit of others. I'll leave the question in place in case someone has another take on it.
The only way that I know of having a 'one-shot' async method that would return a token before returning the async result is by adding an inout argument:
func loadImage(url: URL, token: inout UUID?) async -> Result<UIImage, Error> {
token = UUID()
Which we may call like this:
var requestToken: UUID? = nil
let result = await imageLoader.loadImage(url: url, token: &requestToken)
However, this approach and the two-shot solution by #matt both seem fussy, from the api design standpoint. Of course, as he suggests, this leads to a bigger question: How do we implement cancellation with swift concurrency (ideally without too much overhead)? And indeed, using tasks and wrapper objects seems unavoidable, but it certainly seems like a lot of legwork for a fairly simple pattern.

How to suspend subsequent tasks until first finishes then share its response with tasks that waited?

I have an actor which throttles requests in a way where the first one will suspend subsequent requests until finished, then share its response with them so they don't have to make the same request.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
let cache = Cache()
let operation = OperationStatus()
func execute() async {
if await operation.isExecuting else {
await operation.waitUntilFinished()
} else {
await operation.set(isExecuting: true)
if let data = await {
return data
let request = myRequest()
let response = await myService.send(request)
await cache.set(data: response)
await operation.set(isExecuting: false)
actor Cache {
var data: myResponse?
func set(data: myResponse?) { = data
actor OperationStatus {
#Published var isExecuting = false
private var cancellable = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func set(isExecuting: Bool) {
self.isExecuting = isExecuting
func waitUntilFinished() async {
guard isExecuting else { return }
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
.first { !$0 } // Wait until execution toggled off
.sink { _ in continuation.resume() }
.store(in: &cancellable)
// Do something
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 1_000_000) { _ in execute() }
This ensures one request at a time, and subsequent calls are waiting until finished. It seems this works but wondering if there's a pure Concurrency way instead of mixing Combine in, and how I can test this? Here's a test I started but I'm confused how to test this:
final class OperationStatusTests: XCTestCase {
private let iterations = 10_000 // 1_000_000
private let outerIterations = 10
actor Storage {
var counter: Int = 0
func increment() {
counter += 1
func testConcurrency() {
// Given
let storage = Storage()
let operation = OperationStatus()
let promise = expectation(description: "testConcurrency")
promise.expectedFulfillmentCount = outerIterations * iterations
#Sendable func execute() async {
guard await !operation.isExecuting else {
await operation.waitUntilFinished()
await operation.set(isExecuting: true)
try? await Task.sleep(seconds: 8)
await storage.increment()
await operation.set(isExecuting: false)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 10)
// When
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: outerIterations) { _ in
(0..<iterations).forEach { _ in
Task { await execute() }
// Then
// XCTAssertEqual... how to test?
Before I tackle a more general example, let us first dispense with some natural examples of sequential execution of asynchronous tasks, passing the result of one as a parameter of the next. Consider:
func entireProcess() async throws {
let value = try await first()
let value2 = try await subsequent(with: value)
let value3 = try await subsequent(with: value2)
let value4 = try await subsequent(with: value3)
// do something with `value4`
func entireProcess() async throws {
var value = try await first()
for _ in 0 ..< 4 {
value = try await subsequent(with: value)
// do something with `value`
This is the easiest way to declare a series of async functions, each of which takes the prior result as the input for the next iteration. So, let us expand the above to include some signposts for Instruments’ “Points of Interest” tool:
import os.log
private let log = OSLog(subsystem: "Test", category: .pointsOfInterest)
func entireProcess() async throws {
let id = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "start")
var value = try await first()
for _ in 0 ..< 4 {
os_signpost(.event, log: log, name: #function, "Scheduling: %d with input of %d", i, value)
value = try await subsequent(with: value)
os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "%d", value)
func first() async throws -> Int {
let id = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "start")
try await Task.sleep(seconds: 1)
let value = 42
os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "%d", value)
return value
func subsequent(with value: Int) async throws -> Int {
let id = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "%d", value)
try await Task.sleep(seconds: 1)
let newValue = value + 1
defer { os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: #function, signpostID: id, "%d", newValue) }
return newValue
So, there you see a series of requests that pass their result to the subsequent request. All of that os_signpost signpost stuff is so we can visually see that they are running sequentially in Instrument’s “Points of Interest” tool:
You can see ⓢ event signposts as each task is scheduled, and the intervals illustrate the sequential execution of these asynchronous tasks.
This is the easiest way to have dependencies between tasks, passing values from one task to another.
Now, that begs the question is how to generalize the above, where we await the prior task before starting the next one.
One pattern is to write an actor that awaits the result of the prior one. Consider:
actor SerialTasks<Success> {
private var previousTask: Task<Success, Error>?
func add(block: #Sendable #escaping () async throws -> Success) {
previousTask = Task { [previousTask] in
let _ = await previousTask?.result
return try await block()
Unlike the previous example, this does not require that you have a single function from which you initiate the subsequent tasks. E.g., I have used the above when some separate user interaction requires me to add a new task to the end of the list of previously submitted tasks.
There are two subtle, yet critical, aspects of the above actor:
The add method, itself, must not be an asynchronous function. We need to avoid actor reentrancy. If this were an async function (like in your example), we would lose the sequential execution of the tasks.
The Task has a [previousTask] capture list to capture a copy of the prior task. This way, each task will await the prior one, avoiding any races.
The above can be used to make a series of tasks run sequentially. But it is not passing values between tasks, itself. I confess that I have used this pattern where I simply need sequential execution of largely independent tasks (e.g., sending separate commands being sent to some Process). But it can probably be adapted for your scenario, in which you want to “share its response with [subsequent requests]”.
I would suggest that you post a separate question with MCVE with a practical example of precisely what you wanted to pass from one asynchronous function to another. I have, for example, done permutation of the above, passing integer from one task to another. But in practice, that is not of great utility, as it gets more complicated when you start dealing with the reality of heterogenous results parsing. In practice, the simple example with which I started this question is the most practical pattern.
On the broader question of working with/around actor reentrancy, I would advise keeping an eye out on SE-0306 - Future Directions which explicitly contemplates some potential elegant forthcoming alternatives. I would not be surprised to see some refinements, either in the language itself, or in the Swift Async Algorithms library.
I did not want to encumber the above with discussion regarding your code snippets, but there are quite a few issues. So, if you forgive me, here are some observations:
The attempt to use OperationStatus to enforce sequential execution of async calls will not work because actors feature reentrancy. If you have an async function, every time you hit an await, that is a suspension point at which point another call to that async function is allowed to proceed. The integrity of your OperationStatus logic will be violated. You will not experience serial behavior.
If you are interesting in suspension points, I might recommend watching WWDC 2021 video Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes.
The testConcurrency is calling waitForExpectations before it actually starts any tasks that will fulfill any expectations. That will always timeout.
The testConcurrency is using GCD concurrentPerform, which, in turn, just schedules an asynchronous task and immediately returns. That defeats the entire purpose of concurrentPerform (which is a throttling mechanism for running a series of synchronous tasks in parallel, but not exceed the maximum number of cores on your CPU). Besides, Swift concurrency features its own analog to concurrentPerform, namely the constrained “cooperative thread pool” (also discussed in that video, IIRC), rendering concurrentPerform obsolete in the world of Swift concurrency.
Bottom line, it doesn't make sense to include concurrentPerform in a Swift concurrency codebase. It also does not make sense to use concurrentPerform to launch asynchronous tasks (whether Swift concurrency or GCD). It is for launching a series of synchronous tasks in parallel.
In execute in your test, you have two paths of execution, one which will await some state change and fulfills the expectation without ever incrementing the storage. That means that you will lose some attempts to increment the value. Your total will not match the desired resulting value. Now, if your intent was to drop requests if another was pending, that's fine. But I don't think that was your intent.
In answer to your question about how to test success at the end. You might do something like:
actor Storage {
private var counter: Int = 0
func increment() {
counter += 1
var value: Int { counter }
func testConcurrency() async {
let storage = Storage()
let operation = OperationStatus()
let promise = expectation(description: "testConcurrency")
let finalCount = outerIterations * iterations
promise.expectedFulfillmentCount = finalCount
#Sendable func execute() async {
guard await !operation.isExecuting else {
await operation.waitUntilFinished()
await operation.set(isExecuting: true)
try? await Task.sleep(seconds: 1)
await storage.increment()
await operation.set(isExecuting: false)
// waitForExpectations(timeout: 10) // this is not where you want to wait; moved below, after the tasks started
// DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: outerIterations) { _ in // no point in this
for _ in 0 ..< outerIterations {
for _ in 0 ..< iterations {
Task { await execute() }
await waitForExpectations(timeout: 10)
// test the success to see if the store value was correct
let value = await storage.value // to test that you got the right count, fetch the value; note `await`, thus we need to make this an `async` test
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(finalCount, value, "Count")
Now, this test will fail for a variety of reasons, but hopefully this illustrates how you would verify the success or failure of the test. But, note, that this will test only that the final result was correct, not that they were executed sequentially. The fact that Storage is an actor will hide the fact that they were not really invoked sequentially. I.e., if you really needed the results of one request to prepare the next is not tested here.
If, as you go through this, you want to really confirm the behavior of your OperationStatus pattern, I would suggest using os_signpost intervals (or simple logging statements where your tasks start and finish). You will see that the separate invocations of the asynchronous execute method are not running sequentially.

Captured value within completion handler not mutating

So I have here an async method defined on an actor type. The issue im having is that people isnt being mutated at all; mainly due to what from what I understand concurrency issues. From what I think I know the completion handler is executed concurrently on the same thread and so cannot mutate people.
Nonetheless my knowledge in this area is pretty foggy, so any suggestions to solve it and maybe a better explanation as to why this is happening would be great! Ive thought of a few things but im still new to concurrency.
func getAllPeople() async -> [PersonModelProtocol] {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var people: [Person] = []
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request!) { data, response, error in
do {
let newPeople = try! decoder.decode([Person].self, from: data!)
people = newPeople
} catch {
return people
If you do want to use async/await you have to use the appropriate API.
func getAllPeople() async throws -> [Person] {
let (data, _ ) = try await request!)
return try JSONDecoder().decode([Person].self, from: data)
In a synchronous context you cannot return data from a completion handler anyway.
vadian is right but it's better-expressed as a computed property nowadays.
var allPeople: [PersonModelProtocol] {
get async throws {
try JSONDecoder().decode(
from: await request!).0
And also, your code does mutate people, but returning its empty value before it gets mutated.

Swift - Async/Await not stopping to let task finish

I'm writing a simple program designed to talk to a server, get some information, and display it. However, I'm running into issues with the async code, mainly that the code isn't stopping to allow the server to respond before continuing.
I know I have to be doing something wrong but have no idea what, any help is appreciated.
override func viewDidLoad() {
let accessToken = await getToken()
private func getToken() async -> String{
let url = URL(string: "")
let payload = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=GUQj1MdQN3QunoxXz4vdd0DHPlcJC6yuqCLCEXavriJ4W6wTYV&client_secret=7whgSG3ZX6m9Cwfr2vEakOH90fSn3g0isIlae0CC".data(using: .utf8)
var request = URLRequest(url: url!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpBody = payload
let (data,_) = try await request)
let APItoken: token = try! JSONDecoder().decode(token.self, from: data)
return APItoken.access_token
return ""
If I understood the problem, you see "Done" being printed before the getToken() method is completed, right?
The problem is that print("Done") is outside of the Task.
When you call Task, it starts running what's in the closure and it immediately resumes after the closure, while your task is running in parallel, without blocking the main thread.
Place your print() inside the Task closure, right after the getToken() method, and you'll see that it'll be "Done" after you complete your POST request.
let accessToken = await getToken()
Await does not completely block your code, instead the thread that makes the call can be used to do something else, like get more user input, execute other task content that was waiting for a result and now has it. think like closure call backs, everything after the await, will be executed later, probable up to the enclosing task. Print(“done”) is not in your task, so it’s not required to wait for the code in the task execute, the task content is probable executing in another thread, as it doesn’t contain code that has to execute in the main thread.