Load coordinates in YOLOv4 Darknet - coordinates

By excuting the following command:
!./darknet detector test data/obj.data cfg/yolov4-obj.cfg backup/yolov4-obj_best.weights train/Invernadero6.jpg -thresh 0.25 -ext_output
I get the coordinates but it is impossible to me to load them in any type of document (json, txt, csv...) Someone can help me please!
I need a single document with all the coordinates registered in a image to make then some analysis.


Import Adobe Illustrator bezier coordinates into Processing bezier() function

I'm working on a project where I can take my lettering pieces I do on illustrator with the pen tool and take the bezier point coordinates (curves and all) into processing bezier() function so I can individually manipulate the points with different formulas for animation.
I've tried using Adobe Point Exporter but it seems to only give the x, y coordinates without the curves. I've found a library for processing called Geomerative but I couldn't figure out how to export the coordinates into specific bezier points that I can import into bezier()
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
You can try export lettering into svg format and then use Processing loadShape function to load geometry into varible of type PShape:

.nii to jpeg conversion, coordinates mismatch after conversion

I am converting .nii file to jpeg images using this matlab tool using following program:
imtool(a_images(:,:,image_number),[]) #for checking pixel location of particular image
after checking i got different pixel location of desired thing which i got using MITK. I tried some rotation and flip operation using imrotate fliplr and flipud but not getting correct result. I know some rotation and flip operation is needed but in which order i don't know. Please help.

How to find IFC Transformation for AxisPlacement..?

i am trying to convert Ifc file to Step file format . for step files i need ifc transformation.
from the IfcClosedShell, i got face points but i need transform this points from IfcAxisPlacement3D (cartesian Point , ref Direction , Axis Direction.)
Matrix for transfer face Points to Original position.
What are you using to parse the IFC and generate geometry? if you're not using anything beyond parsing the STEP file, be aware there are existing libraries out there to do the heavy lifting such as https://github.com/xBimTeam/XbimEssentials

How to get data for Matlab cascade Object Detector?

I want to use the trainCascadeObjectDetector in Matlab. It requires an array with the regions of interest of the images. I found two apps where you can put boxes around the rois and the array gets created automatically:
Cascade Trainer: Specify Ground Truth, Train a Detector
Training Image Labeler
Unfortunately they both require Matlab R2014 and I only got R2013.
Is there an other way to define the rois without manually creating the array?
I did not find an other solution so I wrote a custom Matlab script for the job. The imrect function in Matlab is well suitable for this. After the image is shown, the user can drag a rectangular over the region of interest. The coordinates of the region than get stored in a structure together with the path to the image file. Additionally the parts of the image that do not belong to the roi are stored in the negative sample folder.

Image filter to separate ricegrains

I am trying to solve an image filtering issue with MATLAB 2013a. Here are two images on which I am trying to work.
My aim is to obtain each rice grain as a separate image.
Following is the process I used and was successful for the first image.
Convert to gray scale,
Obtain grey threshold,
Convert to binary,
Perform dilation and erosion for more accurate filtering,
Use connected component analysis with bwconncomp,
Save each component.
Now if I try to achieve similar binary image for image2, all the rice grain connected to each other comes as a single component.
I have tried to derive edge map with 'canny' or any other like 'sobel', its not working.
Can someone please guide me to achieve this.