smtp: scheduling email send based on timezone - email

question: is it possible to send over an email to an email provider, and include datetime value to schedule the actual sending of the email?
say I run a campaign for 100 users residing in different timezones, so I execute the campaign once from my side, however, i want the ISP/email provider to queue/schedule depending on a datetime value that I can pass?


Outlook Mail Rest API message id repeating for different mails?

I am using outlook rest api to interact with my emails. I am storing my emails in a SQL database. The message response object has a filed called ID which according to the documentation is "The unique identifier of the message.". But I can see this id is same for multiple emails.
What is the exact behaviour of Id field??
You need to make sure you're comparing them in a case-sensitive manner. They do not repeat.
#ptwo There are two types of IDs, one of them is called 'ID', which is unique for every email, the other one is conversationID, which can be the same for the emails that are part of the same conversation (Reply, Reply All,...). You should not make ConversationID a primary key in your database table.

How Random email generation and capturing work

I would like to understand how can I capture emails sent to different random email ids generated by server in one inbox to run analysis on those emails something like this website does :
Here , with each page referesh, you would notice a new random email id is generated. If an email is sent to this random email id, the mail-tester server captures that email, assesses it using spamassassin and generates a report. I want to understand how can we capture emails sent to so many different random email ids in a single inbox so that they can be assessed by spamassassin or any other utility.
Practial implementation for unix/linux sendmail using procmail as its local mailer.
Use FEATURE(virtusertable) to redirect messages for to user+xyz (user user with +xyz "detail").
~user/.procmailrc will process incoming messages upon delivery. xyz (+detail) will be available via $1.
See also: Sendmail-FAQ-3.29: How can I add a header specifying the actual recipient when having multiple users in a virtual domain go to a single mailbox?

Sendgrid timezone

I'm sending emails using the Sendgrid API, & I wanna use the "send_at" where I must convert the date to timestamp first..
Well, what timezone shall I use? & is there any other way avoiding the convertion to timestamp?
The Sendgrid API has the send_at parameter which is a UNIX timestamp format.
Here is an example for using the send_at email header:
"send_at": 1409348513
To schedule a send request for a large batch of emails use the send_at parameter which will send all emails at approximately the same time.
Timezone issues with scheduling emails, please remember that you have the option to specify a timezone when you schedule the email to go out.
If you don’t specify the timezone, it will default to current Pacific Time (UTC-7 or UTC-8, depending on your daylight savings time).
In order to specify the timezone assigned to the user you can call the following API:
Post Url:
Post Data: api_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&timezone=America/New_York
The following API updates the timezone assigned to the user.

How can I verify a Paypal account registered under a business name using GetVerifiedStatus?

I am successfully using Paypal's Adaptive Accounts API's GetVerifiedStatus endpoint to verify our users' Paypal accounts by first name, last name, and email address. However, a significant fraction of them use Paypal business accounts which don't have a first and last name associated (or else they did provide one and have forgotten it.)
Is there a special way to e.g. enter business name in the "first name" field? Or do all accounts have a first/last name associated and our users need to look that up? Thanks!
Update to clarify: I'm aware that setting matchCriteria to NONE in the request theoretically allows one to perform an email-only search. However, Paypal enables this on a case by case basis, and we haven't been granted NONE status, thus must use NAME which per the docs requires first and last.
I've been playing around with this and found a way to make the call without having to set the option to matchCriteria=NONE. If you make the call by placing the business name twice, both in the first name and last name field, you should be able to get a successful reply from the API.
Looking at the API and playing around with the API explorer, you've got two options.
Set matchCriteria to NONE
In this case sending the first name and last name to the API is optional and the validation will only use the email address.
Set matchCriteria to NAME
In this case sending the first name and last name to the API are required and the validation will use the email address, the first name and last name fields.
You can verify the setting by using the playground, e.g. using and any random names.
In your case I would provide the email address, first name and last name as input fields and set matchCriteria to NONE and send the request to the API.

Send email from php at specified time

I'm trying to set up a "reminder" system in my phone through php. I have a form set up for me to input an email(which is actually my phone number address so it is sent as a SMS) and send a message to myself. I'm using the basic code:
mail( $to, '$subject', $message );
Right now my emails are sent immediately when the php is run. Is there a way to specify a date and time for the email to be sent?
By CRON jobs, We can set an interval by which a specific PHP script is executed repeatedly.
The logic here is: PHP script checks if the specified date/time to send the email is already passed or not. If passed, send the email.
If we set the CRON job interval to 1 hour, in the worst case, the email can be sent with the delay of 1 hour and the best case can be as low as 1 second..
By the way you will have to add the date field to your form to specify the date or time at which you will have to send the email
Sorry, the answer could not be made any longer than this.
Yes there is a way: CRON jobs
For Windows, you could
please use CRON Job it will help you
CRON job is provided by Hosting