Error compiling GeneXus objects called by GXFlow - workflow

In GeneXus 17 Upgrade 11, I have a KB with GXFlow, the build all finished successfully, generating .NET Framework code.
After making some changes (which I can't identify clearly) it started to give an error when compiling some of the programs called from Business Process Diagrams and I couldn't find the reason. There is no error code.
========== WFWebObjects Compilation for Default (.NET Framework) started ==========
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" /nologo /p:Configuration=Release /p:FrameworkPath="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" /v:q /m /p:PlatformTarget=x86 /p:GxExternalReference="log4net.dll;MessageInspector.dll;iTextSharp.dll;Agesic.PGE.DLL;GeneXus.Security.API.Common.dll" "D:\KBs\gx17\GIA_CORE_MODELO_DE_DATOS\CSharpModel\build\LastBuild.sln"
Success: WFWebObjects Compilation for Default (.NET Framework)
========== Web config update started ==========
Updating web config ...
Success: Web config update
========== Workflow Programs Compilation started ==========
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.AnuloCumplidoOK'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.AnuloCumplidoOK.xml 15/2/2023 9:13:15
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DevuelvePlazoPagoTalonInicial'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DevuelvePlazoPagoTalonInicial.xml 15/2/2023 9:13:28
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DevuelveSecuenciaTD'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DevuelveSecuenciaTD.xml 15/2/2023 9:13:31
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneCanalRojo'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneCanalRojo.xml 15/2/2023 9:13:44
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneCanalVerde'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneCanalVerde.xml 15/2/2023 9:13:47
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneLiquidacionInicial'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneLiquidacionInicial.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:01
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneRetenecionesPendientes'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUATieneRetenecionesPendientes.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:07
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUAViajeRepetitivo'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.DUAViajeRepetitivo.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:20
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.GetDuaIDSimple'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.GetDuaIDSimple.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:23
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.LiquidoYPersistoImpoOP'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.LiquidoYPersistoImpoOP.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:28
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.ProcesoPago'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.ProcesoPago.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:31
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.ProcesoPagoLiberoDUA'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.ProcesoPagoLiberoDUA.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:34
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WF3MensGeneroLiquidacion'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WF3MensGeneroLiquidacion.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:36
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAnuloCumplido'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAnuloCumplido.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:44
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAnuloDUA'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAnuloDUA.xml 15/2/2023 9:14:46
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAtrasOKApriori'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFAtrasOKApriori.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:01
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFCumplidoGeneroLiquidacion'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFCumplidoGeneroLiquidacion.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:07
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDuaAPriori'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDuaAPriori.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:10
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDuaDespacho8'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDuaDespacho8.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:17
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDUAPasaPorFiscalizacion'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFDUAPasaPorFiscalizacion.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:20
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFEnvioDUAaFisca'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFEnvioDUAaFisca.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:30
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFExportacionSinEfecto'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFExportacionSinEfecto.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:46
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFFechaCaducidadDUA'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFFechaCaducidadDUA.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:49
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFInicializoViajeTransito'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFInicializoViajeTransito.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:52
Compiling 'DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFLlegadaUltimaRuta'...failed
Build from XML:DECLARACIONES.Dua.WFLlegadaUltimaRuta.xml 15/2/2023 9:15:54
Failed: Workflow Programs Compilation
Success: Build WFWebObjects
In the event viewer I see that it is canceling the buildservice program, it is the utility that is used to compile programs referenced by gxflow diagrams.
Application: buildservice.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.NullReferenceException
at GeneXus.Builder.AssemblyBuilder.IncludeReferences(GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription, GeneXus.Builder.CalledObjectCollection, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<System.String,GeneXus.Builder.ObjectReference>, Boolean, GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription)
at GeneXus.Builder.AssemblyBuilder.Build1(GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription, GeneXus.Builder.BuildStatus, Boolean, GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription)
at GeneXus.Builder.AssemblyBuilder.Build(GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription, Boolean, GeneXus.Builder.ObjectBuildDescription)
at GeneXus.Builder.AssemblyBuilder.BuildFromXML(System.String)
at GeneXus.Builder.RemotableBuilder.BuildFromXml(System.String, System.String, Int16)
at BuildMain.Build(System.String[])
at BuildMain.Main(System.String[])
Faulting application name: buildservice.exe, version:, time stamp: 0xa6806060
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00007ff84561cd47
Faulting process id: 0x0x754
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1D9413740897B66
Faulting application path: D:\KBs\gx17\GIA_CORE_MODELO_DE_DATOS\CSharpModel\web\buildservice.exe
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: b7b3908c-a8cc-470c-a1bd-f18e275896b4
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
I try to run the buildservice manually, but I can't find documentation on how to run it.
Server Usage:
BuildService -server
Starts BuildServer
Client Usage:
BuildService -client <infoFileName> <target> [<traceLevel>]
Calls BuildServer to build <target> using build configuration from <infoFileName>
Local Usage:
BuildService <infoFileName> <target> [<traceLevel>]
Builds <target> using build configuration from <infoFileName>
I don't know what to put in the target and how to enable the tracelevel.
From the error that I see in the Error Viewer, it must be some problem with the references between objects, but I can't find the reason.
To complicate things more, we have several KBs connected to GXServer, and the error occurs in the new ones, when a Create KB from GXServer is performed and it does not give errors with the "old" KBs.
The error also occurs when we generate with .NET Core.


Code coverage results not being reported after Visual Studio Test step completes successfully

I have a very simple project in my VSTS account with a few tests. I've added a VsTest step to the build and checked the code coverage box. However, after I run the build, it says "no code coverage results available" and suggests that I add a Visual Studio test build step to my build. But when I add one, it's the same as the VsTest step I already have.
How can I get code coverage from my VSTS build?
EDIT: The test logs are below. There were two portions with a lot of special characters I could not copy and paste.
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5221025Z ##[section]Starting: VsTest - testAssemblies
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5227667Z ==============================================================================
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5227804Z Task : Visual Studio Test
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5227968Z Description : Run unit and functional tests (Selenium, Appium, Coded UI test, etc.) using the Visual Studio Test runner. Test frameworks that have a Visual Studio test adapter such as xUnit, NUnit, Chutzpah, etc. can also be run. Tests can be distributed on multiple agents using this task (version 2).
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5228145Z Version : 2.5.8
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5228227Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5228339Z Help : [More Information](
2018-05-04T21:51:59.5228918Z ==============================================================================
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6581473Z Run the tests locally using vstest.console.exe
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6581612Z ========================================================
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582115Z Test selector : Test assemblies
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582269Z Test assemblies : **\release\**\*.dll
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582399Z Test filter criteria : null
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582534Z Search folder : D:\a\1\s
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582658Z Run settings file : D:\a\1\s
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582831Z Run in parallel : false
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6582954Z Run in isolation : false
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6584318Z Path to custom adapters : null
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6584486Z Other console options : null
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6584627Z Code coverage enabled : true
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6584910Z Rerun failed tests: false
2018-05-04T21:52:00.6585116Z VisualStudio version selected for test execution : latest
2018-05-04T21:52:01.5193379Z ========================================================
2018-05-04T21:52:01.5908190Z [command]"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" #D:\a\_temp\60315131-4fe5-11e8-9269-e9217bdc2ba0.txt
2018-05-04T21:52:06.6551385Z Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 15.6.2
2018-05-04T21:52:06.6552014Z Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8162937Z vstest.console.exe
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8164594Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeCoverage.Shim.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8165659Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\TestTesting.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8166614Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.abstractions.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8167552Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.assert.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8168335Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.core.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8169121Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.execution.desktop.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8169879Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.runner.reporters.net452.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8170678Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.runner.utility.net452.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8171460Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\bin\Release\net461\xunit.runner.visualstudio.testadapter.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8172221Z "D:\a\1\s\TestTesting\TestTesting\obj\Release\net461\TestTesting.dll"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8172936Z /EnableCodeCoverage
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8173974Z /logger:"trx"
2018-05-04T21:52:06.8174130Z /TestAdapterPath:"D:\a\1\s"
2018-05-04T21:52:10.5221260Z Starting test execution, please wait...
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9446034Z Test run will use DLL(s) built for framework .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1 and platform X86. Following DLL(s) do not match framework/platform settings.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9446506Z xunit.assert.dll is built for Framework 1.1 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9446876Z xunit.core.dll is built for Framework 1.1 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9447201Z xunit.execution.desktop.dll is built for Framework 4.5.2 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9449027Z xunit.runner.reporters.net452.dll is built for Framework 4.5.2 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9449230Z xunit.runner.utility.net452.dll is built for Framework 4.5.2 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9449440Z xunit.runner.visualstudio.testadapter.dll is built for Framework 4.5.2 and Platform AnyCPU.
2018-05-04T21:52:10.9449631Z Go to for more details on managing these settings.
[[Uncopyable part here. What I could read spelled out "Microsoft Coverage Collection", followed by a copyright.
2018-05-04T21:52:31.9257584Z [ 00:00:00.9144322] Discovering: Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeCoverage.Shim
2018-05-04T21:52:32.0551765Z [ 00:00:01.0599884] Discovered: Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeCoverage.Shim
2018-05-04T21:52:32.4727660Z [ 00:00:01.4776210] Discovering: TestTesting
2018-05-04T21:52:32.7346755Z [ 00:00:01.7395514] Discovered: TestTesting
2018-05-04T21:52:32.7417690Z [ 00:00:01.7468703] Starting: TestTesting
2018-05-04T21:52:33.2084443Z [ 00:00:01.9469140] TestTesting.Tests.Skipped [SKIP]
2018-05-04T21:52:33.2085046Z [ 00:00:01.9471459] Skipping
2018-05-04T21:52:33.2085275Z [ 00:00:01.9542762] Finished: TestTesting
2018-05-04T21:52:33.2881381Z [ 00:00:02.2931214] Discovering: xunit.abstractions
2018-05-04T21:52:33.3305957Z [ 00:00:02.3357501] Discovered: xunit.abstractions
2018-05-04T21:52:34.0395297Z [ 00:00:03.0443103] Discovering: xunit.runner.reporters.net452
2018-05-04T21:52:34.1043673Z [ 00:00:03.1090663] Discovered: xunit.runner.reporters.net452
2018-05-04T21:52:34.4684448Z Passed TestTesting.Tests.Passing
2018-05-04T21:52:34.8614665Z Skipped TestTesting.Tests.Skipped
2018-05-04T21:52:34.8620656Z Standard Output Messages:
2018-05-04T21:52:34.8620971Z Skipping
2018-05-04T21:52:34.8625877Z Passed TestTesting.Tests.NoLongerFailing
2018-05-04T21:52:36.1389527Z [ 00:00:05.1437439] Discovering: xunit.runner.utility.net452
2018-05-04T21:52:36.2616608Z [ 00:00:05.2660797] Discovered: xunit.runner.utility.net452
[[Uncopyable part repeated here.]]
2018-05-04T21:52:38.5800594Z Attachments:
2018-05-04T21:52:38.5800836Z D:\a\1\s\TestResults\b0d720b3-9bb9-4318-bb6b-7bfa8e404a13\VssAdministrator_factoryvm-az384 2018-05-04 21_52_18.coverage
2018-05-04T21:52:38.5801196Z Total tests: 3. Passed: 2. Failed: 0. Skipped: 1.
2018-05-04T21:52:38.5801368Z Test Run Successful.
2018-05-04T21:52:38.5809597Z Test execution time: 19.0295 Seconds
2018-05-04T21:52:38.6045339Z Results File: D:\a\1\s\TestResults\VssAdministrator_factoryvm-az384_2018-05-04_21_52_34.trx
2018-05-04T21:52:38.9702367Z ##[section]Async Command Start: Publish test results
2018-05-04T21:52:39.1587014Z Publishing test results to test run '3'
2018-05-04T21:52:39.1587207Z Test results remaining: 3. Test run id: 3
2018-05-04T21:52:39.6699238Z Published Test Run :
2018-05-04T21:52:39.6700510Z ##[section]Async Command End: Publish test results
2018-05-04T21:52:39.6701395Z ##[section]Finishing: VsTest - testAssemblies
[EDIT 2]: Starian Chen asked for the logs with System.Debug set to true. They go over SO's size limit, so I'm linking to them below:
VSTS build log
VSTS test log
EDIT 3: When I specify the framework in "Other console options" of my VsTest build step:
It seems to be unhappy with my version. It gives a list of supported frameworks, the highest of which is "Framework45."
Edit 4: I tried a net452 project, with "Framework45". In that case, the tests did run via Starian Chen's instructions here, just substituting "Framework45" for "netcoreapp2.0". However, there was still no code coverage report.
With .Net framework test project, you don’t need to specify framework and vstest.console.exe path in Visual Studio Test task.

GWT 2.7.0 superDevMode recompiling (cache.js.gz error)

I am using eclipse to develop a gwt application and recently I migrated from GWT 2.6.0 to 2.7.0. I was always using super dev mode(with built-in jetty) and it worked ok with 2.6. While using superdev mode on 2.7 it has become quite frequent for the linker to not detect the cache.js.gz and it seems like this causes gwt to generate an insane amount of recompiles with a simple refresh(pressing F5 on firefox).
Recently I cleared my Temp folder with ccleaner and I am not sure if this affected the files used for the jetty codeserver. Though normally every time you run a gwt app it generates all the necessary files in the Temp/ folder.
Here is a sample log:
>Super Dev Mode starting up
> workDir: C:\Users\Georgios\AppData\Local\Temp\gwt-codeserver-8575962486520173754.tmp
>GET /recompile/aanwebappv1
>Job com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1_1_9
>starting job: com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1_1_1
>binding: user.agent=gecko1_8
>skipped compile because no input files have changed
0.091s total -- Compile completed
>GET /aanwebappv1/164467EFAF74C025EFC82CAB8189FED3.cache.js
> Sent error page: not found: C:\Users\Georgios\AppData\Local\Temp\gwt-codeserver-8575962486520173754.tmp\com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1\compile-2\war\aanwebappv1\164467EFAF74C025EFC82CAB8189FED3.cache.js.gz
>starting job: com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1_1_5
>GET /recompile/aanwebappv1
>Job com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1_1_10
binding: user.agent=gecko1_8
skipped compile because no input files have changed
> 0.081s total -- Compile completed
> starting job: com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1_1_6
>GET /aanwebappv1/4D923033DA748FA380787E84FE5C58B9.cache.js
>Sent error page: not found: C:\Users\Georgios\AppData\Local\Temp\gwt-codeserver-8575962486520173754.tmp\com.aan.main.AanWebAppV1\compile-2\war\aanwebappv1\4D923033DA748FA380787E84FE5C58B9.cache.js.gz
This [GET/recompile-starting job-Sent error page: not found:] cycle goes on and on generating 30-40 compiles or even more slowing the debugging process greatly...It even happens on the first compile sometimes..Any thoughts-ideas how to fix this?

scons build in eclipse

I have converted a static library project and an exe project to Scons project in ECLIPSE. These were building fine by Makefile.
But when I am building the static library project it gives an error as below -
=== Running SCons at 18/11/13 8:55 PM ====
Command line: /usr/bin/scons -u --jobs=8
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
scons: building associated VariantDir targets: Debug
o Debug/add.o -c add.cpp
sh: o: not found
ar rc Debug/libadd.a Debug/add.o
ar: Debug/add.o: No such file or directory
scons: *** [Debug/libadd.a] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Duration 301 ms.
1) my main objective is to a trigger a build once somehow (in the exe project) and both the project will be compiled in ECLIPSE. Is there a way to see and edit a SConscript in eclipse.
2) How do I do it? By manually writing SConscript and SConstruct file? :(
It looks from the SCons output like SCons can't find the compiler on your system. What OS are you using? And what version of SCons? (Type scons --version to see that.)

NUnit components for version 4.0.30319 of the CLR are not installed

I am trying to implement an automated build process. After the build, the unit tests on nunit-console.exe are run. The following error is displayed:
> c:\nunit_2.5.10\nunit-console.exe c:\builds\Output\bin\TDD.nunit /framework=4.0.30319 /nologo /trace=Off
ProcessModel: Default DomainUsage: Default
Execution Runtime: v4.0.30319
Unhandled Exception:
System.ArgumentException: NUnit components for version 4.0.30319 of the CLR are not installed
Parameter name: targetRuntime
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.LaunchAgentProcess(RuntimeFramework targetRuntime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.CreateRemoteAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, Int32 waitTime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.TestAgency.GetAgent(RuntimeFramework framework, Int32 waitTime, Boolean enableDebug)
at NUnit.Util.ProcessRunner.Load(TestPackage package)
at NUnit.ConsoleRunner.ConsoleUi.Execute(ConsoleOptions options)
at NUnit.ConsoleRunner.Runner.Main(String[] args)
There is no nunit-agent.exe on the build machine. However, on my machine it is not even called, so I suppose it is not necessary.
Why is nunit-agent.exe required in some cases but not always required? What conditions should be satisfied so nunit-agent would not need to launch?
Edit: I have found one resource, which kind of describes how it works, but not quite well: It says that it is launched when program needs to run under a different framework than the one being used by NUnit (which is the case, since NUnit is compiled for 2.0). However, on my machine the nunit-agent.exe does not run although conditions seem to be the same.
I ran into this same error and it was definitely solved by including nunit-agent.exe in the folder where nunit-console.exe was launched. The complete list of .exes and .dlls necessary to run a test successfully was:
All files are packaged in the download available from As of this post, 2.6.3 is the current version. Documentation for the console runner can be found here. And the direct download for the zip file is here.
For a test assembly targeting .NET 4.5.1, the following statement will execute tests:
nunit-console.exe your-assembly.dll /framework=v4.5.1
Adding a "startup/supportedRuntime" configuration tag to nunit-console.exe.config solved it for me.
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319" />
Try using Fusion to see what assembly might be missing and where the .exe is looking.

Eclipse Arduino make: *** error 1

Below is the error that I get when I try to build my project. I am unsure what file or directory it is talking about. All the files and directories are within the project directory.
I followed the instructions in to set up my IDE.
Should the Arduino core files be within the project directory and specifically added to the Arduino core library? All I gave it was the liArduinoCore.a file that was produced by my Arduino IDE. Could this be the issue?
The error message
**** Build of configuration Debug for project CustomLEDPoi ****
make all
Building target: CustomLEDPoi.elf
Invoking: AVR C++ Linker
avr-gcc -Wl,-Map,,--cref Wl,--gc-sections - L"C:\Users\Justin\workspaceArduino\arduino_core\src" -L"C:\Users\Justin\workspaceArduino\arduino_core\328P_16MHz Arduino\src" -L"C:\Users\Justin\workspaceArduino\CustomLEDPoi\arduinolib" -L"C:\Users\Justin\workspaceArduino\CustomLEDPoi\lib" -mmcu=atmega328p -o "CustomLEDPoi.elf" ./src/glowstick2.o ./lib/CShiftPWM.o ./lib/MeetAndroid.o ./lib/hsv2rgb.o ./arduinolib/HardwareSerial.o ./arduinolib/SPI.o -lArduinoCore
avr-gcc.exe: Wl,--gc-sections: No such file or directory
make: *** [CustomLEDPoi.elf] Error 1
**** Build Finished ****
It seems that a - is missing for Wl,--gc-sections. It should actually be -Wl,--gc-sections. Without the proper flag, the compiler assumes that it's a source file. You should check the makefile and verify.