How to get the name, or the ID, of the System Call that was detected with BCC/eBPF - ebpf

I have this code, which is largely inspired by the tool present in BCC:
BPF_HASH(data, u32, u64);
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
u32 key = pid_tgid >> 32;
u32 tid = (u32)pid_tgid;
u64 *val, zero = 0;
val = data.lookup_or_try_init(&key, &zero);
This counts the system calls performed by each process.
How can I get the name, or the ID of the system call being handled, so that I can create an array of the system calls used?

As far as I know there is no lookup table of function in linux itself, there are a number of places where people made translation tables such as:
The hassle is that the numbers can vary quite a bit between architectures. The most complete lists that I know of exist in the Golang source code which defines most of them for most architectures.
You can use these resources to construct your own lookup table


Conditional declaration by array of records

I try to create many components depending on the value of constant elements. These elements are organized in an array of records.
Dymola prints the translation log for the example below:
But I'm sure to use fixed conditions because I only perform allowed operations on constant values.
Here is the simple example of what I wantet to do:
model ConditionalComponent
type Enum = enumeration(one,two,three);
record Tmp
parameter Integer ID;
parameter Boolean active;
end Tmp;
record TmpNamed
parameter Enum name;
extends Tmp;
end TmpNamed;
function reorder
input TmpNamed inp[:];
output Tmp out[size(inp,1)];
for elem in inp loop
out[] := Tmp(elem.ID,;
end for;
end reorder;
constant TmpNamed testIn[:] = {
constant Tmp testOut1[:] = reorder({
constant Tmp testOut2[:] = reorder(testIn);
constant Boolean active1 = testOut1[].active;
constant Boolean active2 = testOut2[].active;
Real t1=0 if testOut1[].active;
//Real t2=0 if testOut2[].active;
//Real t3=0 if active1;
//Real t4=0 if active2;
end ConditionalComponent;
The function reorder is intended to ease the management of large lists of named active components. Normally the constant testOut2 is used and created within the package ConditionalComponent. But for testing purposes ConditionalComponent is a model here. Actually I only want to use the line
Real t2=0 if testOut2[choice].active;
parameter Enum choice =;
within other components, that have a parameter of type Enum. The declarations for t1, t3, t4 are only some tests that work, depending on what is left uncommented.
For example leaving the declaration for t1 and t3 uncommented works. But if one uses only the declaration for t1, it is not translated by Dymola.
The difference between t1 and t2 is, that the argument for reorder is passed directly or via the constant testIn.
I'm sure, that most parameter and constant prefixes are unnecessary and I tried hard to figure out the problem. But unfortunately I cannot decide whether Dymola is not working correctly or I did something wrong. And I've got no idea how to debug the translation process to figure it out by myself.
Can anyone tell me, what am I doing wrong?
Not something wrong, but it's just currently seen as too complicated and not handled.
A work-around is to split subscripting and element access:
constant Tmp testOut1_one=testOut1[];
Real t1=0 if;

Seed for hash-table non cryptographic hash functions

If one sets the hash table seed during resize or table creation to a random number, will that prevent the DDoS attacks on such hash table or, knowing the hash algorithm, the attacker will still easily get around the seed? What if the algorithm uses the Pearson hash function with randomly generated tables, unknown to the attacker? Does such table hash still need a seed or it is safe enough?
Context: I want to use an on-disk hash table for a key-value database for my toy web server, where the keys may depend on the user input.
There is exist several approaches to protect your hash-subsystem from "adverse selection" attack, most popular of them is named Universal Hashing, where hash-function or it's property randomly selected, at initialization.
In my own approach, I am using same hash function, where each char adding to result with non-linear mixing, dependends of random array of uint32_t[256]. Array is created during system initialization, and in my code, it happening at each start, by reading the /dev/urandom. See my implementation in open source emerSSL program. You're welcome for borrow this entire hash-table implementation, or hash-function only.
Currently, my hash-function from the referred source computes two independent hashes for double hashing search algorithm.
There is "reduced" hash-function form the source, to demonstrate idea of non-linear mixing with S-block array"
uint32_t S_block[0x100]; // Substitute block, random contains
#define NLF(h, c) (S_block[(unsigned char)(c + h)] ^ c)
#define ROL(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32 - (n))))
int32_t hash(const char *key) {
uint32_t h = 0x1F351F35; // Barker code * 2
char c;
for(int i = 0; c = key[i]; i++) {
h = ROL(h, 5);
h += NLF(h, c);
return h;

STM32 HAL_FLASH_Program not working as expected

I'm trying to program FLASH using HAL_FLASH_Program() function. Precisely speaking, I've written a function which is expected to write two measurements
to flash at a set time interval (e.g. 3 seconds). However, when called, the function manages to write only the first one while ignoring the second one. Can't HAL_FLASH_Program be used twice? What am I doing wrong? I just want to mention that I'm utterly new to STM32 programming, so any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated. Here is the code:
void writeFlash(void){
mem = returnPointerToFirstEmptyAddressInSector();
Address = (uint32_t)mem;
var1.f = Temperature;
var2.f = SD;
HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Address, var1.i );
HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Address, var2.i);
The address is not properly aligned
The declaration of Address is not shown, but from the line
Address = (uint32_t)mem;
I'd guess it's an unsigned long. Later, you are incrementing Address after the first write with
and use this value to program the second value. But since Address is presumably an integer, not a pointer type, it would be incremented by one instead of the word size (4), and pointing to an address that is partially overlapping the previously written value, and not aligned for word-sized writes. The second write operation would inevitably fail. As #JMA suggests in the comments, check the return value of HAL_FLASH_Program(), and the error code
uint32_t ret = HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Address, var2.i);
switch(ret) {
case HAL_OK:
printf("HAL_FLASH_Program() timeout!\n");
printf("HAL_FLASH_Program() error 0x%08x, see *hal_flash.h for bit definitions\n", HAL_FLASH_GetError());
printf("HAL_FLASH_Program() returned unknown status %lu\n", ret);
Write a double word at once
The HAL library supports writing 64 bit values at once, so you can write two 32 bit integers in one operation.
HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, Address, ((uint64_t)var2.i << 32) | var1.i);
Just ensure that Address is aligned to a doubleword boundary, i.e. divisible by 8.

Can pysnmp return octectstring values only

I am doing a small script to get SNMP traps with PySnmp.
I am able to get the oid = value pairs, but the value is too long with a small information in the end. How can I access the octectstring only which comes in the end of the value. Is there a way other than string manipulations? Please comment.
OID =_BindValue(componentType=NamedTypes(NamedType('value', ObjectSyntax------------------------------------------------(DELETED)-----------------(None, OctetString(b'New Alarm'))))
Is it possible to get the output like the following, as is available from another SNMP client: CM_DAS Alarm Traps:
Edit - the codes are :
**for oid, val in varBinds:
print('%s = %s' % (oid.prettyPrint(), val.prettyPrint()))
On screen, it shows short, but on file, the val is so long.
Usage of target.write( str(val[0][1][2])) does not work for all (program stops with error), but the 1st oid(time tick) gets it fine.
How can I get the value from tail as the actual value is found there for all oids.
SNMP transfers information in form of a sequence of OID-value pairs called variable-bindings:
variable_bindings = [[oid1, value1], [oid2, value2], ...]
Once you get the variable-bindings sequence from SNMP PDU, to access value1, for example, you might do:
variable_binding1 = variable_bindings[0]
value1 = variable_binding1[1]
To access the tail part of value1 (assuming it's a string) you could simply subscribe it:
tail_of_value1 = value1[-10:]
I guess in your question you operate on a single variable_binding, not a sequence of them.
If you want pysnmp to translate oid-value pair into a human-friendly representation (of MIB object name, MIB object value), you'd have to pass original OID-value pair to the ObjectType class and run it through MIB resolver as explained in the documentation.
the following codes works like somwwhat I was looking for.
if str(oid)=="":
target.write(" = str(val[0][1]['timeticks-value']) = " +str(val[0][1]['timeticks-value'])) # time ticks
target.write("= val[0][0]['string-value']= " + str(val[0][0]['string-value']))

kdb c++ interface: create byte list from std::string

The following is very slow for long strings:
std::string s = "long string";
K klist = DBVec::CreateList(KG , s.length());
for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
It works acceptably fast (<100ms) for strings up to 100k, but slows to a crawl (tens of minutes, possibly hours) for strings of a few million characters. I don't see anything other than kG that can create nonlinearity. I don't see any reason for accessor function kG to be non-constant time, but there is just nothing else in this loop. Unfortunately I don't know how kG works due to lack of documentation.
Question: given a blob of binary data as std::string, what's the efficient way to construct a byte list?
kG is a macro defined in k.h which expands to ((x)->G0), i.e. follow the G0 pointer of the K object documents kp, which creates a K string object directly from a string, so presumably you could do K klist = kp(s.c_str()), which is probably faster
This works:
memcpy(kG(klist), s.c_str(), s.length());
Still wonder why that loop is not O(N).