Extensions Disable/Uninstall when swapping devices - visual-studio-code

I use VS Code remote on two separate devices, work laptop and home desktop. SSHing in with the same keys and same user.
As long as I SSH in from a single user, extensions continue to work without issue. The extensions are installed in the remote.
Once I connect from another device, the majority of extensions (python, etc.) either appear to be uninstalled, or are stuck in a disabled state.
Is there some way to make remote extensions work across any device?


Central VS Code server installer across multiple remotes

I'm in a university with a very slow network, and I primarily develop on Docker or other WSL systems. As such, many times when I launch VS Code, it begins to update the server and takes half an hour to complete.
I always use Debian-like distros on the x64 architecture, so I can use the same installer for all these server instances. Is there a way I can stop it from downloading the same file again and again for each remote machine?
I want to unify just the download process that uses the internet; I'm happy to move the file around on my computer and install it separately in each distro (but I should at least be able to hack together a script to do this, if not make this supported directly by the editor).

Host user tasks used on remote SSH side

At work I develop either in a virtual machine on my Windows laptop, or in a desktop workstation via a remote desktop app. Both environments are Ubuntu.
I have recently started to enjoy using VSCode, with the Remote SSH plugin. But I have to manually copy my setup .vscode/ folder to each project. I work actively in 10-20 projects, which makes this a bit of annoying.
All projects have the same setup and file structure, and both environments are setup the same. It feels like I could automate this more.
Using 3rd party tools is not applicable for me, since I cannot install whatever I want. Native support is important.
Is there any way for me to setup VSCode settings and tasks on my hosting Windows machine, but use them on the remote side after starting an SSH session of VSCode?

VS Code remote server extension shows "attempting to reconnect"

I use Visual Studio Code and RemoteSSH extension to connect to a remote server located across the ocean via the corporate VPN, The connection gets established when I connect via my mobile hotspot, but it keeps showing "Attempting to reconnect" asking for password repeatedly when I use my broadband.
I have compared the internet speed of both the service providers and below are the results.
1)Airtel hotspot(remote ssh works)
2)Hathway broadband(remote ssh does'nt work)
From the above images it is evident that my broadband speed(upload and download) is much better than my internet hotspot speed, In spite of this I am unable to use remote ssh to code using my broadband network, Is there something that needs to be tweaked, or are the internet speed tests in a way inaccurate?
I had similar experience and there are many threads on the subject, none of which resolved it for me.
I am working on a Windows laptop and connecting to remote Centos linux.
I also connect to company network via their VPN.
I resolved it in the following manner, maybe not all steps are required, but this is what I did -but firstly, I setup ssh keys so as not to have to keep using a password, well worth the effort.
Updated the fileWatcher in code to ignore .git folder and venv folder, this improves performance
Updated WSL to WSL2
Install a linux shell on Windows - I was already using an Ubuntu one, installed prior to vscode, but hints online suggested installing it after vscode, so I installed the Kali shell.
Installed openssh-server (to get ssh-keygen) on kali
Launched code from the kali shell, let it do its setup
Even though all extensions were installed on both machine, vscode didn't recognize that and I had to use the option in the extension section to "install exentsions on remote server"
After that, every thing was fine.
Hope that helps anyone else searching this problem.
In Airtel hotspot, your public IP address remains the same.
In case of Hathway broadband, public IP changes very frequently. So, if your VPN is redirecting you over IP, there may be possibility of delay because of authentication verification.

Developing Flutter with VSCode and WSL2

Since I mostly develop Web, using nginx, PHP and MySQL, I have ported my WebDev-environment entirely to WSL2.
Since performance is very important, all my web-related projects reside on the WSL2-vhdx file /home/user/Projects/Web. In WSL2 I've installed all my necessary tools for a nice and neat Linux-like experience, Docker, GIT, etc.. This combined with VSCode remote integration works very well.
Now, I'm digging into building Flutter-Apps, and my Flutter-environment is installed on the Windows side. My Flutter-related projects reside on D:\Projects\Flutter which is a partition, and NOT USED in WSL2 in any way. Building Flutter-apps with flutter-windows-sdk and VSCode works neatly.
But, the problem is: Now I've my project files scattered all across my computer. Web-stuff in a WSL2-vhdx-file and Flutter-stuff on the D-partition.
Is there a way to build flutter-apps with Flutter, while having the project-files stored on a WSL2-vhdx-file, in combination with VSCode-remote and an Android-emulator?
I tried creating a test Flutter-project on the \\wsl$ network mount, which didn't work.
Moving my web-related project files to the D:\ partition of Windows is no option, since the I/O mounts in WSL2 are extremely slow.
I got it working, reliably with adb connect 192.168.xxx
For anyone interested, see my full blog post here: https://dnmc.in/2021/01/25/setting-up-flutter-natively-with-wsl2-vs-code-hot-reload/
Is there a way to build flutter-apps with Flutter, while having the project-files stored on a WSL2-vhdx-file, in combination with VSCode-remote and an Android-emulator?
I'm assuming (based on the mention of VS Code Remoting) that you want to run the extension in WSL. I haven't tried that specifically, but I have run Flutter inside WSL and also connected a VS Code Remoting session to an Android emulator in the cloud, so I would expect this to work.
You'll need to make sure you set up the Flutter SDK inside WSL (so you can run flutter commands inside WSL - it should be the Linux version of the Flutter SDK and not the Windows one if you're using the zip).
To have your emulator show up in flutter devices from inside WSL, you will likely need to run adb tcpip 5555 from the Windows side (this means you need an Android SDK in Windows) - this will tell your phone to listen on TCP port 5555. Then you'll need to run adb connect [phone ip]:5555 from inside WSL (this means you'll need an Android SDK in Linux). If all goes well, the phone should then show up in adb devices and also be picked up by the device selector in VS Code.
I tried creating a test Flutter-project on the \wsl$ network mount, which didn't work.
It's not clear what went wrong here, though my first guess would be that maybe the UNC path isn't supported - if you map a drive letter to it does it make a difference?
While this isn't an officially supported setup, feel free to raise issues in the Dart-Code repository on GitHub with any issues you have. It's not a priority, but I would like for VS Code Remoting (including WSL and Docker) to generally work for Dart and Flutter dev.
Anytime you're crossing/sharing the file-system boundary from windows to wsl you're paying a massive cost in speed/time.
With the setup you've described I'd consider trying to self-host the browser based VSCode.dev inside wsl - checkout details instructions here: https://medium.com/geekculture/3-steps-to-code-from-anywhere-45401247f479
Personally I've settled on running VSCode and docker inside a Linux VM on Windows, and have a 96% time saving in things like running up a server and watching code for changes making this setup my preferred way now.
The standardisation of devcontainer.json and being able to use github codespaces if you're away from your normal dev machine make this whole setup a pleasure to use.
see https://stackoverflow.com/a/72787362/183005 for detailed timing comparison and setup details

Determine differences between two computers running Windows XP?

I have a program which I try to run on two computers. On one computer, it works fine. However, on the other computer, it hangs while attempting to create a USB channel. I do not have the ability to look inside the program. What is the best way to determine the differences between the two machines?
dxdiag will give you information about the specific minor versions of XP you're using. From there, I'd build two virtual machines, upgraded to the specific versions of windows.
From there, begin installing software one-by-one on the failing machine until you can reproduce the error. If this doesn't work, you might have a hardware issue, and then you're really SOL.