Alphabets for different group in tableau - tableau-api

I am looking for solution to create calculation filed in tableau to assign alphabets to different unique values of a column. Since these unique value count changes with new data, we can not use if else condition. Please help
Raw data:
Raw data
Expected data:
Expected data


Spotfire - Filtering a Table by Values in a Calculated Column

I am trying to filter a table visualization of all of my data by looking to see if a Study Number contains Activity A. If a Study Number contains Activity A then I want to filter for all rows containing those Study Numbers even if the Activity is not A. See mock data below. In my real data set I have ~55,000 rows.
I have created a calculated to return Study Numbers if Activity= A but I am not sure where to go from there. Thanks for any help.
If(UniqueConcatenate([Activity]) OVER ([Study Number])~="A","Y","N")
Will give you this resulting column that you can then filter on (or you can use the formula as a Data Limiting Expression:

Counting the number each element in a comma seperated column in Tableau

I am new to using Tableau.I want to count the number of times each genre appears in the data set.
In the data set(image attached), I have several genres for one show. I want to count the number of each genre in the data set and display it in Tableau
If you have access to database, then take the dump of data in a excel.
Split the data by , and then create a individual column for every word in the genre column.
Now take the excel as source to tableau, In tableau pivot the splitted columns of Genre.
Go to sheet in tableau, Place the pivot field values in rows and count of pivot field values as measures.
You should be able to see the desired result.
This can be done by an alternative method if you know the distinct list of all genre.
what you need to do is to create a separate calculative field for each Genre using
if contains(Genre,'action') then 1 else 0 end
and then use the Sum of these field as the count of Series per genre.
I know this is a hideous task but, it can be done if you do not have any other option.

Range values in Tableau

I want to visualise the below excel table in Tableau.
When adding this table to Tableau it shows Salary values as String and thus under Dimension Tab and not under Measure, thus cannot make proper graph from it.
How to convert this Salary range values to Int ?
As #Alexandru Porumb suggested, the best solution is to have a min_salary column and a max_salary column — unless you really have the actual salary available which is even better.
If you don’t want to revise the incoming data, you can get the same effect using the Split() function in a calculated field from Tableau to derive two integer fields from the original string field.
For example, you could define a calculated field called min_salary as INT(SPLIT([Salary], ‘-‘, 1)). Split() extracts part of a string based on a separator string. Int() converts the string to an integer.
You could simplify the way it sees the data and separate the salary column into Min and Max, thus you wouldn't have the hyphen that makes Tableau consider the entry as a string.
Simplistic idea, I know but it may help until a better solution will be provided.
Hope it helps

DAX Query to get a specific range of rows

How can I create a DAX query that retrieves rows from a given range in that order. Let's say I want the rows from row 1000 to row 2000. There is no unique id in my database. Should I add one, or is it possible without it?
If you can't distinguish a filter to create the subset of rows you are targeting then I would use a unique ID. I have not come across anything in DAX that allows to select rows in your powerpivot data set. If there isn't anything unique about the data you are targeting then I imagine you would need a unique ID.
i.e. I normally have column values I can filter with to target or create the subset of data I want to use.
I hope I am wrong and there is a way and look forward to someone posting a way.

Tableau table hides categories with no data - how to prevent?

I have Tableau report where I am showing data by category in columns.
The table shows all columns when there is no filter on data. But when filter is applied, some of the categories do not have data, so table shrinks, hiding columns without data
Is there a way to always show columns regardless of data or not in that column?
Please see screenshots below.
Go to Analysis >Table layout> Show columns with no data or
Analysis>Table layout>Show rows with no data
The next step depends on whether your "disappearing" fields are dimensions or measures.
If you want to force the display of members for specific dimensions, then one (kind of complex) solution is to use an advanced Tableau feature called data blending to force the existence of dimension members, even if there are no related measure values. The trick is to make a simple data source, say a text file, that lists the members of each dimension. Use that source as the primary data source, and make the original data source the secondary source.
Go to Analysis >Table layout> Show columns with no data or Analysis>Table layout>Show rows with no data
Also You can right click on header and select show missing values if you are using line chart.
Solution 1: (When you’re working with Dates or Numeric bins)
Right click on the numerical or Date column to extrapolate the missing values. As you notice in the lower part of the screenshot, this will not work on Categorical data !
Solution 2: Categorical Data
As indicated in the accepted answer, Analysis > Table Layout > Show Empty Rows will get you the same result for Categorical (Text) Data
Solution 3: Calculated Columns
If for some reason, none of the 2 above point & click solutions work, you can create calculated columns to calculate the measure for each of the Categories with the below formula and then line them up on the Columns to achieve the same result
Profit (Category 1)
IF MyColumn = "Category 1" THEN
Profit (Category 2)
IF MyColumn = "Category 2" THEN
Not the most convenient solution when you have hundreds of unique values in your column, but nevertheless a workaround !