Topic Retention Time not taking affect - apache-kafka

My Topic Configs: min.insync.replicas=2,cleanup.policy=delete,segment.bytes=268435456,,,max.message.bytes=10485772,,
They are same in broker level except segment.bytes which is 1GB not 256mb like in the topic level, and is 1000 on broker level but log.roll.hours is 168.
In doc it says is above hours.
PS: On the same cluster, MM2 is working.
I tried to change some parameters and tested that it works but now it doesn't.

Only closed segments will be deleted. If you have less than your configure bytes (256MB), or segments that have not been rolled (every 1 second is very excessive, btw), then they will remain available. And for any segment that will be deleted, it will be delayed by

The problem was, I couldn't wait enought time... It worked just like before. You can use the upper parameters.


Why is replica fetch bytes greater than max message bytes allowed?

Recently, we faced an issue in our Kafka cluster where we overrode the max.message.bytes value for a topic (which had a replication factor of 3) to a value larger than replica.fetch.max.bytes. We did not see issues immediately but when a message (replica.fetch.max.bytes < message size < max.message.bytes) was produced later, we started seeing the below error in our logs.
Replication is failing due to a message that is greater than replica.fetch.max.bytes for partition [<topic-name>,1]. This generally occurs when the max.message.bytes has been overridden to exceed this value and a suitably large message has also been sent. To fix this problem increase replica.fetch.max.bytes in your broker config to be equal or larger than your settings for max.message.bytes, both at a broker and topic level
Since, we did not want to restart our Kafka brokers and perform a rolling upgrade to the cluster immediately, we temporarily decreased the replication factor to 1 (not high availability, I know).
So, are there any useful use cases where such settings might be useful? If yes, what? Also, are there any better solutions that one can try out to mitigate this problem, instead of stopping the replication?
My guess is that since max.message.bytes is per topic (and thus stored in ZooKeeper and updated at any point in time), and replica.fetch.max.bytes is per broker, it cannot be checked or guaranteed that a topic's max.message.bytes is <= a replica's replica.fetch.max.bytes.
I also found an old ticket regarding this very problem:
Kaka Broker on startup checks to see if the configured replica.fetch.max.bytes >= message.max.bytes. But users can override message.max.bytes per topic and there is no such validation happening for per topic message.max.bytes. If the users configured message.max.bytes > replica.fetch.max.bytes , followers won't be able to fetch data.
Also from the documentation about replica.fetch.max.bytes, it seems that in some cases it would still work:
This is not an absolute maximum, if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made. The maximum record batch size accepted by the broker is defined via message.max.bytes (broker config) or max.message.bytes (topic config).
So all in all, it doesn't seem to make sense and is a known issue.
Brokers allocate a buffer size of replica.fetch.max.bytes for each partition they replicate. If replica.fetch.max.bytes is set to 1 MiB, and you have 1000 partitions, about 1 GiB of RAM is required.
When the value of message.max.bytes (or max.message.bytes -topic config) is grater than the replica.fetch.max.bytes it might create situations where the batch wont fit into the allocated buffer. Hence it is important to have replica.fetch.max.bytes greater than message.max.bytes. The broker will still accept messages but fail to replicate them. Leading to potential data loss
The value of max.message.bytes is usually increased to have higher throughput. Or the size of each message is larger than 1mb(Default value)
Please ensure that the number of partitions multiplied by the size of the largest message does not exceed available memory.
As for the solution, replica.fetch.max.bytes is a read only broker level config soo a restart will be required

How i delete old Kafka logs Safely in

I used Kafka Version 2.3, I want to delete old kafka logs
there are two folders
What is the difference between two folders, and I want to delete old log?
I would argue that the safest way to delete older logs is to properly configure your retention policy.
In Kafka, there are two types of log retention; size and time retention. The former is triggered by log.retention.bytes while the latter by log.retention.hours.
Assuming that you want a delete cleanup policy, you'd need to configure the following parameters to
Then you need to think about the configuration of log.retention.bytes, log.segment.bytes and To do so, you have to take into consideration the following factors:
log.retention.bytes is a minimum guarantee for a single partition of a topic, meaning that if you set log.retention.bytes to 512MB, it means you will always have 512MB of data (per partition) in your disk.
Again, if you set log.retention.bytes to 512MB and to 5 minutes (which is the default value) at any given time, you will have at least 512MB of data + the size of data produced within the 5 minute window, before the retention policy is triggered.
A topic log on disk, is made up of segments. The segment size is dependent to log.segment.bytes parameter. For log.retention.bytes=1GB and log.segment.bytes=512MB, you will always have up to 3 segments on the disk (2 segments which reach the retention and the 3rd one will be the active segment where data is currently written to).
Finally, you should do the math and compute the maximum size that might be reserved by Kafka logs at any given time on your disk and tune the aforementioned parameters accordingly. I would also advice to set a time retention policy as well and configure log.retention.hours accordingly. If after 2 days you don't need your data anymore, then set log.retention.hours=48.
One is Zookeeper data, the other is Kafka data, which is not directly compatible with Kafka 2.3
You'd delete segments from the latter, however it'll have the potential to corrupt the topic if you do so, so you should let Kafka clean itself up

Kafka topic record retention policies not clear

From Kafka Docs I got interested and tried the following 2 retention types together
The maximum size of the log before deleting it
Type: longDefault: -1Valid Values:Importance: highUpdate Mode: cluster-wide
The number of milliseconds to keep a log file before deleting it (in
milliseconds), If not set, the value in log.retention.minutes is used.
If set to -1, no time limit is applied. Type: longDefault: nullValid
Values:Importance: highUpdate Mode: cluster-wide
log.retention.bytes = 1Gb = 7 days
Problem Situation
I have currently on my topic all messages belonging two different log files both of which are < 1GB
Lets say log.1 files has 400 MB of messages with oldest message > 7 days old.
which is on the top of
log.2 file has 500 MB with newest message > 7 days old.
I understand kafka would clean up all records belonging to log.2 file in other words remove this log from the topic.
What happens to the records in the log.1 which are older than 7 days?
There are two properties which defines message retention in Kafka - log.retention.bytes and (per topic per partition level). The strategy for data removal works on FIFO basic, i.e., the message which was pushed to a topic first would be deleted first.
You have rightly said that the default values for the same are:
log.retention.bytes = 1Gb (per topic per partition) = 7 days (per topic)
It means that whichever limit is breached first, would lead to data purge in Kafka.
For example, let's assume that the size of messages in your topic takes 500 MB of space (which is less than log.retention.bytes) but older than 7 days (i.e. greater than the default In this case the data older than 7 days would be purged (on FIFO basis).
Likewise, if, for a given topic, the space occupied by the messages exceeds the log.retention.bytes but are not older than, in this case too, the data would be purged (on FIFO basis).
Concept of making data expire is called as Cleanup & the messages on a topic are not immediately removed after they are consumed/expired. What happens in the background is, once either of the limit is breached, the messages are marked deleted. There are 3 logs cleanup policies in Kafka - DELETE (default), COMPACT, DELETE AND COMPACT. Kafka Log Cleaner does log compaction, a pool of background compaction threads.
To turn on compaction for a topic use topic config log.cleanup.policy=compact. To set delay to start compacting records after they are written use topic config Records won’t get compacted until after this period. The setting gives consumers time to get every record. This could be reason that older messages are not getting deleted immediately. You can check the value of property for compaction delay.
Below links might be helpful:
I'm paraphrasing here, from the relevant section of a book, Kafka - Definitive Guide. It'll most likely clear your doubt.
log.retention.bytes : This denotes the total number of bytes of messages retained per partition. So, if we have a topic with 8 partitions, and log.retention.bytes is set to 1GB, then the amount of data retained for the topic will be 8GB at most. This means if we ever choose to increase the number of partitions for a topic, total amount of data retained will also increase. : The most common configuration for how long Kafka will retain messages is by time. The default is specified in the configuration file using the log.retention.hours parameter, and it is set to 168 hours, or one week. However, there are two other parameters allowed, log.retention.minutes and All three of these specify the same configuration—the amount of time after which messages may be deleted—but the recommended parameter to use is, as the smaller unit size will take precedence if more than one is specified. This will make sure that the value set for is always the one used. If more than one is specified, the smaller unit size will take precedence.
Retention By Time and Last Modified Times : Retention by time is performed by examining the last modified time (mtime) on each log segment file on disk. Under normal cluster operations, this is the time that the log segment was closed, and represents the timestamp of the last message in the file. However, when using administrative tools to move partitions between brokers, this time is not accurate and will result in excess retention for these partitions.
Configuring Retention by Size and Time : If you have specified a value for both log.retention.bytes and (or another parameter for retention by time), messages may be removed when either criteria is met. For example, if is set to 86400000 (1 day) and log.retention.bytes is set to 1000000000 (1 GB), it is possible for messages that are less than 1 day old to get deleted if the total volume of messages over the course of the day is greater than 1 GB. Conversely, if the volume is less than 1 GB, messages can be deleted after 1 day even if the total size of the partition is less than 1 GB.

kafka partition has lots of log segments

One topic has 20 partitions, almost everyone has more than 20,000 log segment files, most of them are created months ago. Even after I config the to very short, the segments are not deleted. While other topics can recycle normal.
I am wondering what's the issue inside, and how to solve it. Because I'm worry about the number of total segments will keep increasing that larger than OS vm.max_map_count, which will damage kafka process itself. Following image is the describe about the abnormal topic.
Not sure what the issue is exactly, but some things to consider:
Broker vs topic-specific configs. Check to make sure your topic actually has the configs you think it has, and is not inheriting them from the broker settings.
Configs related to retention. As mentioned by Girogos Myrianthous, you can look at and log.cleanup.policy. I would also look at the roll related settings, like log.roll.hours. I believe that in some cases, Kafka will not delete a segment until its partition rolls, even if the segment is old. And rolling follows the following behavior:
The log rolling time is no longer depending on log segment create time. Instead it is now based on the timestamp in the messages. More specifically. if the timestamp of the first message in the segment is T, the log will be rolled out when a new message has a timestamp greater than or equal to T + (
So make sure to consider the record timestamps, not just the segment files' age.
What version of Kafka are you using?
Have you looked carefully at the broker logs? Broker logs is how I've solved all such problems that I've encountered.

Kafka Log Retention does not work for topic

For a Kafka topic I set and to 86400000ms (1 day).
With this topics config my assumption is that Kafka will roll a log segment after 1 day and also delete it, because is also set to one day.
However, nothing happened. The segments are not rolled and therefore not deleted. At least I see nothing in the server logs and the free space is shrinking continuously.
Mysteriously, if I set and to a smaller value, for example 1800000ms (30 minutes), everything is working perfectly.