Currently I am trying to write a power shell script that will uninstall then install Microsoft Teams.
I have never written a power shell script before and I am having trouble having the script get the initial teams installation so I can uninstall it.
This is what I have written so far, I saw two ways of finding the teams install online and neither is able to find it so I am kinda lost, any help would be much appreciated.
(I know both are commented out I just did it like this for formatting in this question.)
Write-Host "-------------------------------------`n"
# Prompt for credentials
$credential = Get-Credential
$username = $credential.Username
$password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
Write-Host "Finding teams`n"
# Find teams 1
#$teamsapp = Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.Teams
# Find teams 2
#$teamsapp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft Teams" }
# Check if installed
if ($teamsapp) {
Write-Host "Microsoft Teams is installed."
} else {
Write-Host "Microsoft Teams is not installed."
Teams is a bit tricky because it installs per user, not per computer. Assuming you're running the script under the user's account, you can check the following registry location using Get-ChildItem:
This code worked for me:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\' | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*Teams' }
You should be able to use the "QuietUninstallString" property of the result to get the command needed to uninstall Teams.
As a side note, consider looking into the Teams Machine Wide Installer for deploying teams. It installs to the computer and runs at logon for each user to detect if Teams is installed to their AppData folder. If not, it installs it automatically. This lets you avoid having to run as the user or loop through all the users AppData folder to manipulate user apps.
I'm deploying a script across my organization to keep software patched with our chocolatey repo, I'm including tests so it doesn't upgrade applications that are currently running on workstations however I'm struggling to detect whether Teams is actively being used by the user or just running in the background. Here's what I've got so far:
# First attempt - Check if the Teams process is running and if not, upgrade it
$teams = Get-Process | Where {$_.ProcessName -Like "*teams*"} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-Not $teams) {
Write-Host "Teams not running, upgrading..."
choco upgrade microsoft-teams.install -y
# Second attempt - Upgrade Teams if there are less than 5 running processes
if ((get-process -ea silentlycontinue teams).count -gt 5) {
Write-Host "Teams running, aborting"
exit 1
} else {
Write-Host "Updating Teams"
choco upgrade microsoft-teams.install -y
They both don't work reliably as Teams is often running with multiple processes even when it's not in active use, is there any way of telling whether it's present in the Taskbar/minimised to the tray that would be a good indication of whether an update would interrupt the user?
There is no such cmdlet available and provided by Microsoft. I have also gone through other docs and its not there.
We are trying to automate a Teams Tab App in our Azure Pipeline, but we are wondering if this even possible. We have already created the zip file for the app which can be uploaded via App Studio and it works. But we don't want the customers to do that via App Studio, instead, we want to automate this process on their pipeline. For that we created the following powershell:
# Generate zip file for deployment
$compress = #{
Path = "color.png", "outline.png", "manifest.json"
CompressionLevel = "Fastest"
DestinationPath = ""
Compress-Archive #compress -Update
Then we check if MicrosoftTeams module is installed, otherwise we install it:
# Checks whether MicrosoftTeams module is available
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "MicrosoftTeams") {
Write-Verbose "MicrosoftTeams module already installed."
else {
Write-Verbose "Installing module MicrosoftTeams -"
Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
Write-Verbose "Importing module MicrosoftTeams."
Import-Module MicrosoftTeams
And we connect with Microsoft Teams so we can install the app later:
Write-Verbose "Connecting to Microsoft Teams"
$user = "<<the account id>>"
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -AccountId $user
The problem here is that I'm always getting the prompt for device authentication:
Of course this would never work in a pipeline. How can I make this work? Can I use Token to connect with Teams?
You can publish an app using Teams App Submission API to enable it across organization level. Please refer to this documentation for more details.
There is an ability to install an app for a user using the Microsoft Graph, which might be a better approach. See . You can also see the option to list apps, which might be useful to check IDs etc.:
I've search around on the internet for a way to query Active Directory for a user via powershell (or cmd) without installing RSAT tools but nothing has worked. My script needs to query AD to confirm that the user exists before moving on to the next step. The computer is on the domain and Ideally, i don't want my script to download and install RSAT tools on the client workstation.
I was able to get the following code to work. However, I have to be logged in as a domain user. Ideally, I would like this to work from a local admin user on a workstation that is bound to AD.
$search = [adsisearcher]"(&(ObjectCategory=Person)(ObjectClass=*)(cn=*))"
$users = $search.FindAll()
foreach($user in $users)
$CN = $user.Properties['CN']
$DisplayName = $user.Properties['DisplayName']
$SamAccountName = $user.Properties['SamAccountName']
"CN is $CN"
"Display Name is $DisplayName"
"SamAccountName is $SamAccountName"
You can you the [ADSI] type accelerator or you can .Net class like below. Replace druffin with the username in AD. For an example of a username run $env:USERNAME
$adsiNET = New-Object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher "name=druffin"
I'm looking to automate the process of installing WSUS updates on my VMs. To give a short overview, here are the things I want to accomplish (please let me know if my methods are moronic, I'd love to learn the right way for all of this.):
Check if the particular VM has any WSUS updates to install
If there are updates available, take a snapshot of the VM
Begin the WSUS install
Reboot the system, if necessary
I am currently able to check if the particular VM has updates and take a snapshot. Now I know I could just have this portion of the script run and configure a GPO to accomplish the rest of the tasks, but my thought process is that if I can do it all in the script, I will be able to check that the snapshot of the VM exists prior to installing the update. Below you can see what my script does as of now.
foreach ($vm in $vms) {
if ($vm.PowerState -eq "poweredOn") {
$output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vm -GuestCredential $guestCred
if ($output.ScriptOutput -Notlike '0*') {
New-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name BeforeWSUS
After this I would like to perform a check to see if the snapshot exists for a vm, then install the WSUS update. If a reboot is necessary, then reboot.
Is there a way to do this? A better way to do this? Would really appreciate some insight, I'm new to Powershell.
Edit: I've checked on the PSWindowsUpdate Module, would that need to be on each VM I plan to update?
Yes, you would need PSWindowsUpdate installed on each VM.
You could include something like this in your script to check if PSWindowsUpdate is installed and if not, install it.
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
$Modules = "PSWindowsUpdate"
$Modules | ForEach-Object {
If (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $_)) {
Install-Module $_ -Verbose -Confirm:$false
I think that Install-Module requires PowerShell version 5.0.
Then you would use Get-WUInstall to install updates from your WSUS server. (It looks like it defaults to WSUS if configured via GPO.)
Probably throw in a -Confirm:$False to avoid it prompting you to allow each update.
More info on PSWindowsUpdate:
I've searched through the SOFTWARE\Classes and SOFTWARE\Microsoft subkeys, but couldn't find anything related to "spartan" or "edge". Given that Edge is still very new, there really isn't much information about this yet.
As an example, this is how I gather the information about the Internet Explorer Version via the registry on a remote machine:
$ieVersion=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $args[0]).OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer').GetValue('SvcVersion')
Use the Get-AppxPackage command:
Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach Version
The package name is valid on build 10240 but if you are on an earlier build, it might be different. If the above doesn't find the package try -Name *Edge* or -Name *Spartan*.
$productPath = $Env:WinDir + "\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_*\MicrosoftEdge.exe"
If(Test-Path $productPath) {
$productProperty = Get-ItemProperty -Path $productPath
Write-Host $productProperty.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
Else {
Write-Host "Not find Microsoft Edge."
Source How to determine the version of Microsoft Edge browser by PowerShell
For Edge on Chromium above 44 version
Get-AppxPackage -Name *MicrosoftEdge.* | Foreach Version
powershell "Get-AppxPackage -Name *MicrosoftEdge.* | Foreach Version"
I tested using two commands back to back. I ran from an elevated PowerShell session New-PSSession -ComputerName "The remote PC I was testing this on." and then once the connection was made I ran the Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicsrosoftEdge and it pulled down the information, but I think it was more build information. You can also filter it down to version using the Pipe character. The full command looked like this.
Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | select-object Version
I found this forum and others that lead me to some of the other switches and parameters I did not know about.
How can I find the Microsoft Edge version on Windows 10 in powershell?
I was trying to find an alternate way of remotely finding out what browser version it was. Trying to verify if it is updating regularly. I am still learning. I hope this helps. I found another article that shows me exactly what I am looking for differently without powershell.
You may see multiple versions of Edge installed via Appx-Packages. I would recommend this approach:
$EdgeExe = Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\msedge.exe' "(default)"
$version = (Get-Item $EdgeExe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion