After running a pipeline job in Jenkins that runs in my k8s cluster
I am getting this error -
‘Jenkins’ doesn’t have label ‘jenkins-eks-pod’.
What am I missing in my configuration?
Pod Logs in k8s-
2023-02-20 14:37:03.379+0000 [id=1646] WARNING o.c.j.p.k.KubernetesLauncher#launch: Error in provisioning; agent=KubernetesSlave name: jenkins-eks-agent-h4z6t, template=PodTemplate{id='05395ad55cc56972ee3e4c69c2731189bc03a75c0b51e637dc7f868fa85d07e8', name='jenkins-eks-agent', namespace='default', slaveConnectTimeout=100, label='jenkins-non-prod-eks-global-slave', serviceAccount='default', nodeUsageMode=NORMAL, podRetention='Never', containers=[ContainerTemplate{name='jnlp', image='', alwaysPullImage=true, workingDir='/home/jenkins/agent', command='', args='', ttyEnabled=true, resourceRequestCpu='512m', resourceRequestMemory='512Mi', resourceRequestEphemeralStorage='', resourceLimitCpu='512m', resourceLimitMemory='512Mi', resourceLimitEphemeralStorage='', envVars=[KeyValueEnvVar [getValue()=http://jenkins-non-prod.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/, getKey()=JENKINS_URL]], livenessProbe=ContainerLivenessProbe{execArgs='', timeoutSeconds=0, initialDelaySeconds=0, failureThreshold=0, periodSeconds=0, successThreshold=0}}]}
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Containers are terminated with exit codes: {jnlp=0}
at org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubernetesLauncher.checkTerminatedContainers(
at org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubernetesLauncher.launch(
at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.lambda$_connect$0(
at jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService$
at java.base/
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.base/
2023-02-20 14:37:03.380+0000 [id=1646] INFO o.c.j.p.k.KubernetesSlave#_terminate: Terminating Kubernetes instance for agent jenkins-eks-agent-h4z6t
2023-02-20 14:37:03.380+0000 [id=1646] SEVERE o.c.j.p.k.KubernetesSlave#_terminate: Computer for agent is null: jenkins-eks-agent-h4z6t
This error might be due to not creating the label ‘jenkins-eks-pod’ on the jenkins server.
To create a label on the jenkins server :
go to manage jenkins > Manage nodes and Clouds > labels and then enter
the label name.
Post creating this label try to run the job and check if it works.
Refer to this Blog by Bibin Wilson.
I am sending request to an API that is using gcloud Dataproc for reindexing. I am sending a request that is giving me response
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: NOT_FOUND: Not found: Cluster projects/go-dev-central/regions/us-central1/clusters/cluster-156c
Pretty new to gcloud don't know where i should be looking into. Can it be a regional/zone issue.
Suppressed: Asynchronous task failed
at com.carecloud.edison.commons.providers.gcp.GoogleDataProcProvider.$anonfun$submitDataProcJob$1(GoogleDataProcProvider.scala:59)
at com.carecloud.edison.commons.providers.gcp.GoogleDataProcProvider.withJobControllerClientSync(GoogleDataProcProvider.scala:39)
at com.carecloud.edison.commons.providers.gcp.GoogleDataProcProvider.$anonfun$withJobControllerClient$1(GoogleDataProcProvider.scala:27)
at scala.concurrent.Future$.$anonfun$apply$1(Future.scala:658)
at scala.util.Success.$anonfun$map$1(Try.scala:255)
Caused by: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: NOT_FOUND: Not found: Cluster projects/go-dev-central/regions/us-central1/clusters/cluster-156c
at io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException(
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$UnaryStreamToFuture.onClose(
at io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener$SimpleForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.internal.CensusStatsModule$StatsClientInterceptor$1$1.onClose(
at io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener$SimpleForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
at io.grpc.internal.CensusTracingModule$TracingClientInterceptor$1$1.onClose(
2020-08-31 04:33:49,568 [ERROR] c.ReindexController - General Service Error: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: NOT_FOUND: Not found: Cluster projects/go-dev-central/regions/us-central1/clusters/cluster-156c
The most likely explanation is that you used the separate "global" multiregion to create the cluster, even if you placed it in a GCE zone within us-central1, while you've configured your code to use the "us-central1" regional Dataproc universe.
See for more details on the difference. The high level is that "global" is an independent Dataproc universe, just like each of the different regional universes like "us-central1", "europe-west1", etc; they are all isolated from each other.
You can see which one your cluster lives in if looking at your "Clusters" list page in the Cloud Console, as there should be a column indicating the Dataproc region being used.
If I start the service using docker,It should look like this:
docker run -e PARAMS="--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// --spring.datasource.username=root --spring.datasource.password=<mysql-password>" -p 8180:8080 -v /tmp:/data/applogs --name xxl-job-admin -d xuxueli/xxl-job-admin:2.0.2
now I am running it in kubernetes(v1.15.2) cluster,how to pass the parameter into pod's container? I am trying to pass parameter like this:
"name": "xxl-job-service",
"image": "xuxueli/xxl-job-admin:2.0.2",
"args": [
"--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// --spring.datasource.username=root --spring.datasource.password=<mysql-password>"
but it seem do not work,it throw :
19:19:55.563 logback [xxl-job, admin JobFailMonitorHelper] ERROR c.x.j.a.c.t.JobFailMonitorHelper - >>>>>>>>>>> xxl-job, job fail monitor thread error:{}
org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException:
### Error querying database. Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
### The error may exist in class path resource [mybatis-mapper/XxlJobLogMapper.xml]
### The error may involve com.xxl.job.admin.dao.XxlJobLogDao.findFailJobLogIds
### The error occurred while executing a query
### Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
at org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisExceptionTranslator.translateExceptionIfPossible(
at org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate$SqlSessionInterceptor.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy57.selectList(Unknown Source)
at org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate.selectList(
at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.executeForMany(
at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.execute(
at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperProxy.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy61.findFailJobLogIds(Unknown Source)
at com.xxl.job.admin.core.thread.JobFailMonitorHelper$
what should I do to run this service success? I am sure the database username and password correct.
Dockers -e or --env sets an environment variable.
The equivalent in a Kubernetes pod spec is the containers env field
- name: PARAMS
value: ' --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// --spring.datasource.username=root --spring.datasource.password=<mysql-password>'
When I try to deploy package on SAM, the very first status comes in cloud formation console is ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS after that it gets changed to ROLLBACK_COMPLETE
I have tried deleting the stack and trying again, but every time same issue occurs.
Error in terminal looks like this-
Sourcing local options from ./SAMToolkit.devenv
SAM_PARAM_PKG environment variable not set
SAMToolkit will operate in legacy mode.
Please set SAM_PARAM_PKG in your .devenv file to run modern packaging.
Run 'sam help package' for more information
Runtime: java
Attempting to assume role from AWS Identity Broker using account 634668058279
Assumed role from AWS Identity Broker successfully.
Deploying stack sam-dev* from template: /home/***/1.0/runtime/sam/template.yml
sam-additional-artifacts-url.txt was not found, which is fine if there is no additional artifacts uploaded
Replacing BATS::SAM placeholders in template...
Uploading template build/private/tmp/sam-toolkit.yml to s3://***/sam-toolkit.yml
make_bucket failed: s3://sam-dev* An error occurred (BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou) when calling the CreateBucket operation: Your previous request to create the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.
upload: build/private/tmp/sam-toolkit.yml to s3://sam-dev*/sam-toolkit.yml
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the DescribeStacks operation: Stack with id sam-dev* does not exist
sam-dev* will be created.
Creating ChangeSet ChangeSet-2020-01-20T12-25-56Z
Deploying stack sam-dev*. Follow in console:
ChangeSet ChangeSet-2020-01-20T12-25-56Z in sam-dev* succeeded
"StackStatus": "REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS",
sam-dev* reached REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS
Deploying stack sam-dev*. Follow in console:
Waiting for stack-create-complete
Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state
Command failed.
Please see the logs above.
I set SQS as event source for Lambda, but didn't provided the permissions like this
- Effect: Allow
- sqs:ReceiveMessage
- sqs:DeleteMessage
- sqs:GetQueueAttributes
Resource: "*"
in lambda policies.
I found this error in "Events" tab of "CloudFormation" service.
I am trying to instantiate "sacc" chaincode (which comes with fabric samples) in an hyperledger fabric network deployed over kubernetes in AKS. After hours trying different adjustments, I've not been able to finish the task. I'm always getting the error:
Error: could not assemble transaction, err proposal response was not
successful, error code 500, msg timeout expired while starting
chaincode sacc:0.1 for transaction
Please note that there is no transaccion ID in the error (I've googled some similar cases, but in all of them, there was an ID for the transaction. Not my case, eventhough the error is the same)
The message in the orderer:
2019-07-23 12:40:13.649 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN
047 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled
desc = context canceled 2019-07-23 12:40:13.649 UTC [comm.grpc.server]
1 -> INFO 048 streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time":
"2019-07-23T12:34:13.591Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast",
"grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "",
"error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled",
"grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6m0.057953469s"}
I am calling for instantiation from inside a cli peer, defining variables CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID, CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE, CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH, CORE_PEER_ADDRESS and ORDERER_CA with appropriate values before issuing the instantiation call:
peer chaincode instantiate -o -n sacc -v 0.1 -c
'{"Args":["init","hi","1"]}' -C mychannelname --tls 'true' --cafile
All the peers have declared a dockersocket volume pointing to
All the peers have declared the variable CORE_VM_ENDPOINT to unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
All the orgs were joined to the channel
All the peers have the chaincode installed
I can't see any further message/error in the cli, nor in the orderer, nor in the peers involved in the channel.
Any ideas on what can be going wrong? Or how could I continue troubleshooting the problem? Is it possible to see logs from the docker container that is being created by the peers? how?
I am trying to deploy the zalenium helm chart in my newly deployed aks Kuberbetes (1.9.6) cluster in Azure. But I don't get it to work. The pod is giving the log below:
[bram#xforce zalenium]$ kubectl logs -f zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2 Kubernetes service account found. Copying files for Dashboard... cp: cannot create regular file '/home/seluser/videos/index.html': Permission denied cp: cannot create directory '/home/seluser/videos/css': Permission denied cp: cannot create directory '/home/seluser/videos/js': Permission denied Starting Nginx reverse proxy... Starting Selenium Hub... ..........08:49:14.052 [main] INFO o.o.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 - Selenium build info: version: '3.12.0', revision: 'unknown' 08:49:14.120 [main] INFO o.o.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 - Launching Selenium Grid hub on port 4445 ...08:49:15.125 [main] INFO d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - Initialising Kubernetes support ..08:49:15.650 [main] WARN d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - Error initialising Kubernetes support. io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [Pod] with name: [zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2] in namespace: [default] failed. at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException.launderThrowable( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException.launderThrowable( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.getMandatory( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.get( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.createKubernetesContainerClient( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.getContainerClient( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.proxy.DockeredSeleniumStarter.( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.( at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3$2.launch( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.launch( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.main( Caused by: Hostname kubernetes.default.svc not verified: certificate: sha256/OyzkRILuc6LAX4YnMAIGrRKLmVnDgLRvCasxGXDhSoc= DN: CN=client, O=system:masters subjectAltNames: [] at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connectTls( at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.establishProtocol( at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connect( at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.findConnection( at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection( at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.newStream( at okhttp3.internal.connection.ConnectInterceptor.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.BridgeInterceptor.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.ImpersonatorInterceptor.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.HttpClientUtils$2.intercept( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed( at okhttp3.RealCall.getResponseWithInterceptorChain( at okhttp3.RealCall.execute( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleGet( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleGet( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.handleGet( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.getMandatory( ... 16 common frames omitted 08:49:15.651 [main] INFO d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - About to clean up any left over selenium pods created by Zalenium Usage: [options] Options: --debug, -debug : enables LogLevel.FINE. Default: false --version, -version Displays the version and exits. Default: false -browserTimeout in seconds : number of seconds a browser session is allowed to hang while a WebDriver command is running (example: driver.get(url)). If the timeout is reached while a WebDriver command is still processing, the session will quit. Minimum value is 60. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means wait indefinitely. -matcher, -capabilityMatcher class name : a class implementing the CapabilityMatcher interface. Specifies the logic the hub will follow to define whether a request can be assigned to a node. For example, if you want to have the matching process use regular expressions instead of exact match when specifying browser version. ALL nodes of a grid ecosystem would then use the same capabilityMatcher, as defined here. -cleanUpCycle in ms : specifies how often the hub will poll running proxies for timed-out (i.e. hung) threads. Must also specify "timeout" option -custom : comma separated key=value pairs for custom grid extensions. NOT RECOMMENDED -- may be deprecated in a future revision. Example: -custom myParamA=Value1,myParamB=Value2 -host IP or hostname : usually determined automatically. Most commonly useful in exotic network configurations (e.g. network with VPN) Default: -hubConfig filename: a JSON file (following grid2 format), which defines the hub properties -jettyThreads, -jettyMaxThreads : max number of threads for Jetty. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means the Jetty default value (200) will be used. -log filename : the filename to use for logging. If omitted, will log to STDOUT -maxSession max number of tests that can run at the same time on the node, irrespective of the browser used -newSessionWaitTimeout in ms : The time after which a new test waiting for a node to become available will time out. When that happens, the test will throw an exception before attempting to start a browser. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means wait indefinitely. Default: 600000 -port : the port number the server will use. Default: 4445 -prioritizer class name : a class implementing the Prioritizer interface. Specify a custom Prioritizer if you want to sort the order in which new session requests are processed when there is a queue. Default to null ( no priority = FIFO ) -registry class name : a class implementing the GridRegistry interface. Specifies the registry the hub will use. Default: de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry -role options are [hub], [node], or [standalone]. Default: hub -servlet, -servlets : list of extra servlets the grid (hub or node) will make available. Specify multiple on the command line: -servlet -servlet The servlet must exist in the path: /grid/admin/ServletA /grid/admin/ServletB -timeout, -sessionTimeout in seconds : Specifies the timeout before the server automatically kills a session that hasn't had any activity in the last X seconds. The test slot will then be released for another test to use. This is typically used to take care of client crashes. For grid hub/node roles, cleanUpCycle must also be set. -throwOnCapabilityNotPresent true or false : If true, the hub will reject all test requests if no compatible proxy is currently registered. If set to false, the request will queue until a node supporting the capability is registered with the grid. -withoutServlet, -withoutServlets : list of default (hub or node) servlets to disable. Advanced use cases only. Not all default servlets can be disabled. Specify multiple on the command line: -withoutServlet -withoutServlet org.openqa.grid.common.exception.GridConfigurationException: Error creating class with de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry : null at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3$2.launch( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.launch( at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.main( Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.( at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.( ... 3 more Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.TreeMap.putAll( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.withLabels( at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.withLabels( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.deleteSeleniumPods( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.initialiseContainerEnvironment( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.createKubernetesContainerClient( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.getContainerClient( at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.proxy.DockeredSeleniumStarter.( ... 11 more ...........................................................................................................................................................................................GridLauncher failed to start after 1 minute, failing... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 182 100 182 0 0 36103 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 45500
A describe pod gives:
Warning Unhealthy 4m (x12 over 6m) kubelet, aks-agentpool-93668098-0 Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 502
Zalenium Image Version(s):
If using Kubernetes, specify your environment, and if relevant your manifests:
I use the templates as is from
I guess it has to do something with rbac because of this part
"Error initialising Kubernetes support. io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [Pod] with name: [zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2] in namespace: [default] failed. at "
I created a clusterrole and clusterrolebinding for the service account zalenium-zalenium that is automatically created by the Helm chart.
kubectl create clusterrole zalenium --verb=get,list,watch,update,delete,create,patch --resource=pods,deployments,secrets
kubectl create clusterrolebinding zalenium --clusterrole=zalnium --serviceaccount=zalenium-zalenium --namespace=default
Issue had to do with Azure's AKS and Kubernetes. It has been fixed.
See github issue 399
If the typo, mentioned by Ignacio, is not the case why don't you just do
kubectl create clusterrolebinding zalenium --clusterrole=cluster-admin serviceaccount=zalenium-zalenium
Note: no need to specify a namespace if creating cluster role binding, as it is cluster wide (role binding goes with namespaces).