Is this the valid contact header and can you explain the parameters - sip

I am new to sipp and network concepts i got a contact header
"Fin Tax" <sip:b2fdfc58-b7f2-a482-572c-8dbc1aae24#>;+
Can you explain this contact paramerter i know the first part uri but what are next parameters

First parameter is +sip.instance (the double quote after + in the example above is a typo for sure), which is defined by IETF, it can be found in SIP Outbound (RFC5626) and GRUU (RFC5627):
Its purpose is to identify uniquely a device, independent of contact address (which can change in case of roaming around wifi hotspots or 4G/5G networks) or multiple connections, but contact addresses can also overlap when devices are located in private networks using same IP range.
Usually its value is build using a UUID (universally unique identifier), which should reduce the risk of duplicate values for users with multiple devices. Its uniqueness allows SIP Registrar Server to identify what contact record to update or remove when processing REGISTER requests from the same device.
The next two parameters prefixed with +u.sip! seem to be custom parameters set by the sending SIP UA. They look like specific to some CISCO equipment, probably a gateway. In general, SIP specifications tell that custom parameters can be ignored by receiving UA, if it does not know how to interpret them.


Entity Framework - How to manage suburb and state date across multiple databases

I have an SaaS application in the pipeworks.
One of the things that has me a bit confused is the best way to manage the stable of Austalian suburb and state data across multiple databases (this applies to any country as each country has a list like this).
For example in Australia you have Australian Postcode list that links all the postcodes to the suburbs and you can use that to create a dropdown for state, suburb and postcode etc.
An example of the CSV of australian postcodes can be found HERE.
So you can upload a csv file for example but the problem remains..
Whats the best way to hold this data.. its common to all databases where you have a person, client, employee etc..
Do you replcate it in each database? Is there a better way than having redundant stores of data..
Best way to implement it..
There are several options and considerations I would look at for this problem. Some considerations:
Number of address rows expected
Whether a client database is concerned with prefill/validated international addresses
Whether the client system is web connected or can operate in isolation
Are these databases/systems hosted by you or distributed to individual clients? (SaaS implies "Web" and "Hosted by You" to points 3 & 4)
How critical address integrity is.
For smaller systems, a simple option for address systems is to de-normalize the address data (state, postcode, suburb) and consider using a central lookup database/service, either under your own control or a third party. The denormalized address table would contain the text fields for the State, Postcode, Suburb etc. rather than FK values (stateId, suburbId, etc.) This avoids needing to store lookup tables in every client DB, just one Lookup DB or leave that to a 3rd party service.
The advantage of a third-party lookup is that keeping it up to date with new areas and changes is handled for you. Third party services would require a web connection, and you have to factor in the risk of their service being down or a web connection being unavailable. Larger systems with millions of addresses might benefit from normalizing the address table, so the "cost" of replicating suitable address lookup tables might be worthwhile. You can still a central service to look up addresses, then resolve whether the client DB already has a StateId, SuburbId etc. for the respective state/suburb for that post-code before inserting one if necessary. (Cutting down the number of rows each client DB needs to address values that are actually used)
In that last example you might have lookup tables for State and Suburb linked to PostCodes, linked to Country. Country would default to the target, maybe be an optional selection for international addresses. The user provides a post code to the service which returns suburbs, they select a suburb. The address validation service could go as far as to validate the street address. When you're happy an address is "valid" and ready to be saved, you search your local State, Suburb, (even Street) tables for matches for that PostCode, if found use those FKs, otherwise insert new entries and link the FK.
Using a separate service, or services would be my consideration especially if you need to support validating/storing international addresses. For instance if the client is in Australia but regularly has address information for New Zealand. Storing entire address validation tables could get rather large if clients could be resolving addresses for many countries. (I.e. European countries and neighbours) You can write a Façade service to support different 3rd party address validation providers and/or homemade implementations with a standard interface.
If a system has to operate in isolation of an internet connection then you'll probably be stuck with each database having one or more local data sources to resolve address information.
Data integrity of address information is a separate concern you might want to consider. In some systems you need to validate that an address is recognized and don't want to allow invalid combinations or detect unexpected changes. Services that validate a particular address can provide unique IDs for an address that you can store as part of your address information. (These often tie into geocoordinate solutions where you want to quickly direct a map service to a particular location) Alternatively, if you successfully look up an address then validate that the address information is valid, even if just the country, post code, and suburb, you can create and store a hash of those values to check for tampering. (I.e. someone or some system changed a field to make the address invalid, the combined address won't match the stored hash) Addresses can be checked before use and flagged if not valid.

What are "Included Services" in a Service useful for?

I have a custom profile for a proprietary device (my smartphone app will be the only thing communicating with my peripheral) that includes two simple services. Each service allows the client to read and write a single byte of data on the peripheral. I would like to add the ability to read and write both bytes in a single transaction.
I tried adding a third service that simply included the two existing single byte services but all that appears to do is assign a UUID that combines the UUIDs for the existing services and I don't see how to use the combined UUID since it doesn't have any Characteristic Values.
The alternatives I'm considering are to make a separate service for the two bytes and combine their effects on my server, or I could replace all of this with a single service that includes the two bytes along with a boolean flag for each byte that indicates whether or not the associated byte should be written.
The first alternative seems overly complicated and the second would preclude individual control of notifications and indications for the separate bytes.
Is there a way to use included services to accomplish my goals?
It's quite an old question, but in case anyone else comes across it I leave a comment here.
Here are two parts. One is a late answer for Lance F: You had a wrong understanding of the BLE design principles. Services are defined on the host level of the BLE stack. And you considered your problem from the application level point view, wanting an atomic transaction to provide you with a compound object of two distinct entities. Otherwise why would you have defined two services?
The second part is an answer to the actual question taken as quote from "Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy" by Kevin Townsend et al., O'Reilly, 2014, p.58:
Included services can help avoid duplicating data in a GATT server. If a service will be referenced by other services, you can use this mechanism to save memory and simplify the layout of the GATT server. In the previous analogy with classes and objects, you could see include definitions as pointers or references to an existing object instance.
It's an update of my answer to clarify why there is no need for the included services in a problem stated by Lance F.
I am mostly familiar with BLE use in medical devices, so I briefly sketch the SIG defined Glucose Profile as an example to draw some analogies with your problem.
Let's imagine a server device which has the Glucose Service with 2 defined characteristics: Glucose Measurement and Glucose Measurement Context. A client can subscribe for notifications of either or both of these characteristics. In some time later the client device can change its subscriptions by simply writing to the Client Configuration Characteristic Descriptor of the corresponding characteristic.
Server also has a special mandatory characteristic - Record Access Control Point (RACP), which is used by a client to retrieve or update glucose measurement history.
If a client wants to get a number of stored history records it writes to the RACP { OpCode: 4 (Report number of stored records), Operator: 1 (All records) }. Then a server sends an indication from the RACP { OpCode: 5 (Number of stored records response), Operator: 0 (Null), Operand: 17 (some number) }.
If a client wants to get any specific records it writes to the RACP { OpCode: 1 (Report stored records), Operator: 4 (Within range of, inclusive), Operand: [13, 14] (for example the records 13 and 14) }. In response a server sends requested records one by one as notifications of the Glucose Measurement and Glucose Measurement Context characteristics, and then sends an indication from the RACP characteristic to report a status of the operation.
So Glucose Measurement and Glucose Measurement Context are your Mode and Rate characteristics, then you also need one more control characteristic - an analog of the RACP. Now you need to define a number of codes, operators, and operands. Create a structure whichever suits you best, for example, Code: 1 - update, Operator: 1 - Mode only, Operand: actual number. A client writes it to the control point characteristic. A server gets notified on write, interprets it, and acts in a way defined by your custom profile.

Can I find what network interface/device is handling my socket?

Say I've got a file descriptor from socket(2) and I've done a connect(2) on it -- is there any way later to determine (from inside the running program) what network device might be in use for the underlying transport? A call to stat(2) on the fd gives a device number of 0; none of the ioctl(2) or getsockopt(2) options seem applicable.
There's no foolproof way to do so -- certainly not a posix-compliant way.
However, in practice, you can easily determine the interface 99% of the time. After you've done the connect, use getsockname to obtain the IP address, then look through the list of available interfaces on the box for one with a matching IP address.
From the accept call you should be able to get the remote client's ip address (seen here on Beej's). Assuming you do not have any asymmetric routes, you can look up the route to that address in your local routing table. The routing table should tell you what ethernet device is used to send packets to the remote client.
you could use the following command line tool to query your local routing table with the remote client's address:
ip route get <remote-client-ip-addr>

expire=0 in multiple contact REGISTER + SIP

Hi i have query about SIP as below:
If we try to REGISTER and DEREGISTER(means expire=0) in multiple contacts of same REGISTER request like:
Contact: ;+g.oma.sip-im;+g.3gpp.smsip;q=1.0
Contact: ;expires=0
there will be conflict since both registration and deregistration is happening in single request ,where this will
end up with neither sending contact in 200ok(means register) nor not sending contact in 200ok(means deregister)...
What should be the behavior???????
I am thinking you are trying it as a random test case to break a spec here.
The intent shall be defined by the Server handling it. If its sequential in Contact processing it shall end with what it processes last.
The more important question is knowing why the entity registers with the format you have specified.
I see merit in doing the reverse if the Server wants to give a fresh lease to the registrations. Again the order is totally dependent on the REGISTRAR.
Flush all my previous registration
Do just specific Contacts i have here.

Call-ID and Branch tags in SIP protocol

I am developing a SIP client. I understand SIP requests and SIP responses but, in SIP messages, how are the call id and branch tags generated? RFC3261 does not specify this.
The Call-ID header value can be anything you want but does need to be unique in order to avoid requests getting classified as duplicates.
THe branch parameter on a Via header needs to start with the magic cookie value of z9hG4bK and must also be unique to avoid the request getting classified as a duplicate. For SIP Proxy's wanting to do loop detection there is also the guideline in the RFC in section 16.6 point 8 which details factors to take when constructing the branch parameter value.
Your wording is difficult to understand. I'm going to assume you want to know how a UAC should generate a Call-ID or how a UAC or proxy server should generate a branch parameter.
The only requirement for Call-ID is that it should be unique. It is often in the form of a unique token + "#" + a host name like email's Message-ID, but it doesn't have to be. It can be just a unique token. The unique token can be anything that is reasonably certain to be unique. In order to avoid divulging private information you can just make it pseudorandom or a cryptographic hash of private unique information (time, process ID, etc...)
Similarily, the branch parameter is just a unique token, but note that it has to start with z9hG4bK as specified in the RFC.
Why re-invent the wheel?
There are open source SIP projects and their implementation may inspire you.
You didn't mention what programming language you use. So I assume you can read C code.
Get the source code of kamailio server. The implementation of Call-ID is in kamailio-4.0.x/modules/tm/callid.c. I believe you are smart and can find out about branch tags yourself :o)