How to set multiple Inline Variables in Replace Tokens tasks during release - azure-devops

I have a Replace Tokens task in my release and need to set multiple Inline Variables (not in the variables section of the pipeline or in any of the variable groups, variables are specific to this task).
The label says "Inline variables (YAML syntax) and I have determined that 'name':'value' will work for a single variable, what should be used for multiple values?

- task: qetza.replacetokens.replacetokens-task.replacetokens#3
displayName: 'Replace tokens in ./myfile'
targetFiles: './some.Dockerfile'
inlineVariables: |
'Abc.Ref': 'Variable1'
'Cde.TT': 'Variable2'


How do you specify a pattern to match multiple files for Azure Devops json variable substitution?

I am using the AzureRMWebAppDeployment#4 task to deploy a logic app using an Azure Devops yaml pipeline. I want to update values in both the host.json and appsettings.json files using json variable substitution.
According to the documentation, the JSONFiles parameter can accept "a newline-separated list of json files to substitute the variable values". How can I specify that?
I have tried the following:
- task: AzureRMWebAppDeployment#4
JSONFiles: '**/parameters.json
and also the following:
JSONFiles: '**/parameters.json|**/host.json'
There must be something simple I'm missing.
How do I specify a pattern which matches two or more files by name?
Using | should work.
From this answer:
The pipe symbol at the end of a line in YAML signifies that any indented text that follows should be interpreted as a multi-line scalar value. See the YAML spec.
So in you case it should be something like that:
- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment#4
JSONFiles: |

Azure Pipelines - Output variable from python script file to pipeline variable

I've tried several articles and threads from Stackoverflow but can't seem to get anywhere. I am trying to take a variable from a .py file which is called in a YAML step and set that variable globally to be used.
In my .py file i have
print(f'##vso[task.setvariable variable=AMLPipelineId;isOutput=true]{pipelineId}')
Then in my YAML pipeline step i have
- task: AzurePowerShell#5
displayName: 'Run AML Pipeline'
azureSubscription: '$(azureSubscription)'
ScriptType: 'InlineScript'
name: AmlPipeline
azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
pwsh: true
Inline: |
$username = "$(ARM_CLIENT_ID)"
$password = "$(ARM_CLIENT_SECRET)"
$tenantId = "$(ARM_TENANT_ID)"
python $(Pipeline.Workspace)/AML_Pipeline/ --wsName $(wsName) --resourceGroup $(ResourceGroupName) --subscriptionId $(subId)
$MLPipelineId = $AmlPipeline.AMLPipelineId
But it seems like this variable is empty. I know there are other ways of using the "set variable" but this is my latest attempt i.e. something like print('##vso[task.setvariable variable=version;]%s' % (version))
My current approach i followed:
You don't need isOutput=true - that's only needed for referencing variables between different jobs or stages.
"You cannot use the variable in the step that it is defined." - split that script into two steps: one that runs your .py file, second one that uses the newly defined variable.
I used print('##vso[task.setvariable variable=<Variable-in-Pipeline]+<output-variable>')
Variable-in-Pipeline // the given name should be used in Azure Devops pipeline and should be added to pipeline variables as an empty string
A very minimal example for everyone struggling with this. The documentation is kind of lacking on this for my taste. As #qbik said, dont set and use the variable in the same step, make it seperate steps.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# set name of the variable
name = 'COLOR'
# set value of the variable
value = 'red'
# set variable
print(f'##vso[task.setvariable variable={name};]{value}')
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: UsePythonVersion#0
versionSpec: '3.9'
displayName: 'Use Python 3.9'
# run the script to set the variable
- task: PythonScript#0
scriptSource: filePath
# now you can use the variable in the next step
- bash: echo my favorite color is: $(COLOR)
Now you can technically do all kinds of cool stuff in python, then set, and reference the variables in the following steps. In my case I have to extract specific package version numbers from a JSON/YAML file based on an id that is set earlier in the pipeline and parse the information as an args for a docker build. Hope that helps other people stumbling across this answer looking for a minimal working example :)

Is it possible to create additional pipeline steps based on a variable?

Is it possible in Azure Devops YAML pipelines to dynamically create additional steps based on some variable data (without creating our own plugin)
The thing is I see that I want to iterate through several directories, but I don't want to just lump it all in a single step since it makes it harder to scan through to find an error.
Is it possible in Azure Devops YAML pipelines to dynamically create
additional steps based on some variable data (without creating our own
No, Yaml pipelines(azure-pipeline.yml) are under Version Control. So what you want (for your original title) is to dynamically commit changes to the azure-pipeline.yml file when executing the pipeline. That's not a recommended workflow.
1.Instead you can consider using Azure Devops Conditions to dynamically enable/disable the additional steps.
Use a template parameter as part of a condition
Use the output variable from a job in a condition in a subsequent job
Or Use some predefined variables:
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/master'))
2.If you're not using Conditions, you can check conditional template as Simon suggests above.
Also, both #1 and #2 can work with new feature runtime parameters.
3.However, if the dynamic variable you mean comes from the result of components = result of ls -1 $(Pipeline.Workspace)/components command, above tips won't work for this situation. For this you can try something like this:
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
# some logic to run `components = result of ls -1 $(Pipeline.Workspace)/components` and determine whether to set the WhetherToRun=true.
'Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=WhetherToRun]True"'
- task: CmdLine#2
script: |
echo Hello world
condition: eq(variables['WhetherToRun'], 'True')
It is possible to include steps conditionally with an if statement.
I think the example of extending a template on the same page will give you a good indication of how to iterate through a list parameter and create / run a step based on each value.

Azure Devops - How to pass environment variables into dotnet test?

I have a standard .NET Core (Ubuntu) pipeline on Azure Devops and within my Test project, I use environment variables. Within my pipeline, I have defined my group variables like so
- group: MyApiVariables
Whenever I run the tests for my project
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: "Testing Application"
command: test
projects: '**/*Tests/*.csproj'
arguments: '--configuration $(buildConfiguration)'
The actual environment variables aren't passed in. They are blank.
What am I missing to get this running? I've even defined variables in the edit pipeline page too with no luck
- task: Bash#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: echo $AppConfigEndpoint
AppConfigEndpoint: $(AppConfigEndpoint)
ApiConfigSection: $(ApiConfigSection)
CASING Strikes again! MyVariableName was turned into MYVARIABLENAME on Azure Devops. I changed my variable names in my group to all caps and it worked. I spent way too much time on this.
Mike, I see that you use variable groups. I assume it may cause your issue. Take a look at variable passing example I made:
First I had to create new variable group in Library:
Here is a pipeline code that reference created variables:
# Set variables group reference
- group: SampleVariableGroup
- powershell: 'Write-Host "Config variable=$(configuration) Platform variable=$(platform)"'
displayName: 'Display Sample Variable'
I used PowerShell task to verify if variables were properly passed to the job.
As you can see both configuration & platform values were displayed correctly.
In fact you can't go wrong that way, unless you start to mix variable groups with variables defined in a yaml. In such scenario you'll have to use name/value syntax for the individual (non-grouped) variables.
Please see Microsoft Variable Groups documentation. Such example is well explained there. I also suggest to take closer look at general Variables Documentation.
In case of referencing variables in other tasks here is a great example from MS (it should work everywhere in same manner):
# Set variables once
configuration: debug
platform: x64
# Use them once
- task: MSBuild#1
solution: solution1.sln
configuration: $(configuration) # Use the variable
platform: $(platform)
# Use them again
- task: MSBuild#1
solution: solution2.sln
configuration: $(configuration) # Use the variable
platform: $(platform)
Good luck!

Azure pipeline variable default values

I am writing azure pipelines and using variables from variable groups. As part of adding flexibility, we are trying to make most of the parts of pipeline configurable ( more variables). So, i was looking for a way to add default value to variable if it is not present in variable group.
The way we use is like below:
dockerId: $(docker_id)
Is there option to specify default for the variable, if it doesn't find it from variable group. Something like below:
dockerId: $(docker_id:"defaultDockerId")
imageName: $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME:"defaultDockerImageName")
You cannot achieve this directly in azure pipeline. Azure pipeline doesnot have this feature currently and this syntax $(docker_id:"defaultDockerId") is not supported.
As workaround, you may have to write scripts in script tasks to assign the default value if the variables are not exist.
Please check out below python script:
The first python script task checks if the variable exists and set a default value for it, and define the variable using print("##vso[task.setvariable variable=variableName]value").
(Please note the variable variableTest value can only be referenced in the following tasks.)
- task: PythonScript#0
displayName: 'setDefaultValue'
scriptSource: inline
script: |
import os
b = os.getenv("variableTest","default value for variableTest")
print("##vso[task.setvariable variable=variableTest]{b}".format(b=b))
- task: PythonScript#0
displayName: 'Run a Python script'
scriptSource: inline
script: |
Hope above helps!
The comment is correct, you cannot have defaults (unless you are using templates and parameters, which you might want to look at, but they are not exactly the thing you are after). You can either use an if condition if you know when the variable exists or not (in the yaml file) or use a script task like the comment suggests and calculate the value in the script task and emit it back to the pipeline.