Is it possible to extract only tables starting with a specific name in pg_dump in Postgres? - postgresql

Among the hundreds of tables in the postgres DB, only the structure dump of tables starting with a specific name is found.
the name of the table
If you think there is
I want to dump only tables starting with abc*.
pg_dump abc.txt -Fp -t abc* -s DBName
However, it was not recognized because the amount of tables was too large.
it answered,
pg_dump: error: too many command-line arguments (first is "DBName")
but this command works fine
pg_dump abc_hello.txt -Fp -t abc_hello -s DBName
How can I pick them out?

Your main mistake is that you didn't consider that * also is a special character for the shell. If you run
pg_dump -t abc* mydatabase
the shell will replace abc* with the names of all files in the current directory that start with abc, so that your command will actually be something like
pg_dump -t abcfile1 abcfile2 abcfile3 mydatabase
which is syntactically not correct and will make pg_dump complain.
You have to protect the asterisk from being expanded by the shell with single quotes:
pg_dump -t 'abc*' mydatabase
The other error in your command line is that you forgot the -f in -f abc.txt.


How force pg_dump to (not) include scheme name for each objects in DDL

I need compare 2 DBs schemes (DDLs) - Postgress 9.5
Im executing below command on both servers:
pg_dump -U postgres --dbname=db--schema-only -f schema.sql
But I noticed one of output prefixes each objects by scheme name, eg
CREATE FUNCTION schemeName.function_name
while the other doesntm eg:
CREATE FUNCTION function_name
Is there any option in pg_dump where I can decide to inculde or not scheme names in output DDL?
(Preference is at least remove those schema prefixes...)
In short:you can't. But, you can use sed to automate most of your editing.
# dump only schema "tmp"
# force quoted identifiers
# use sed to strip them
# [youstillneedtoremove the "CReate SCHEMA $SCH_NAME-stuff
pg_dump -Upostgres -n tmp --schema-only --quote-all-identifiers $DB_NAME \
| sed 's/"tmp"\.//g' > tmp_schema_stripped.sql

Restore multiple tables postgresql pg_dump

I have a database with several tables and I want to add the data and structure of a selection of them to a different database containing already different tables.
I have created the dump file in the following way:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin\pg_dump.exe" -U postgres -w DBName -t table1 -t Table2 -t Table3 > "E:\Dump.sql"
This works fine and I have E:\Dump.sql with the dump of the three tables in it.
I have tried to make a restore with the following code:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\pg_dump.exe" -C -U User -t table1 -t Table2 -t Table4 destdb < Dump.sql
but I get the error
no matching tables were found
Where am I doing wrong?
pg_dump is meant for **taking* backups, next section of manual is for restoring a backup:
Text files created by pg_dump are intended to be read in by the psql
program. The general command form to restore a dump is
psql dbname < infile
Also you mention three tables, two of which are mixed case - in order for it to work, you have to double quote it I believe. But anyway - restoring for you file would be:
psql YOURDBNAME -f E:\Dump.sql

Export Heroku Postgres database, but exclude a table

I want to get an export of my Heroku application's Postgres database, however I want to exclude one table. Is this possible?
Here is the command I use to export my entire Postgres database:
$ PGUSER=my_username PGPASSWORD=my_password heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL my-application-name`
Maybe there is a way to exclude one table, or specify a list of tables to include?
In normal pg dump command you can specify the tables to include with -t option and exclude tables with -T option.
Can you try this :
$ PGPASSWORD=mypassword pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -T *table you want to exclude* -h localhost -U myuser mydb > mydb.dump
Here is the document copied from postgreql official document.
-T table
Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern. The pattern is interpreted according to the same rules as for -t. -T can be given more than once to exclude tables matching any of several patterns.
When both -t and -T are given, the behavior is to dump just the tables that match at least one -t switch but no -T switches. If -T appears without -t, then tables matching -T are excluded from what is otherwise a normal dump.
here is link for your reference

pg_dump: too many command line arguments

what is wrong with this command:
pg_dump -U postgres -W admin --disable-triggers -a -t employees -f D:\ddd.txt postgres
This is giving error of too many command-line arguments
Looks like its the -W option. There is no value to go with that option.
-W, --password force password prompt (should happen automatically)
If you want to run the command without typing is a password, use a .pgpass file.
For posterity, note that pg_dump and pg_restore (and many other commands) cannot process long hyphens that word processors create. If you are cut-pasting command lines from a word processor, be sure it hasn't converted your hyphens to something else in editing. Else you will get command lines that look correct but hopelessly confuse the argument parsers in these tools.
pg_dump and pg_restore need to ask password on commandline, if you put it command, they always give "too many command-line arguments" error. You can use below for setting related environment variable in commandline or batch file:
"SET PGPASSWORD=<password>"
so that you are not asked to enter password manually in your batch file. They use given environment variable.
Instead of passing password with -W flag start with setting temporary variable for postgres:
PGPASSWORD="mypass" pg_dump -U postgres--disable-triggers -a -t employees -f D:\ddd.txt postgres
-W -> will prompt for a password
to take full DB dump
use some thing like
pg_dump -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W -c -C -Fc -f C:\MMM\backup10_3.backup DATABASE_NAME
I got this from copy-pasting, where 1 of the dashes were different.
Was: –-host= (first dash i a "long" dash)
Corrected to --host= solved it
Another option is to add ~/.pgpass file with content like this:
read more here
Additionally, if you don't want password prompt, use connection string directly.
pg_dump 'postgresql://<username>:<password>#localhost:5432/<dbname>'
So, combination with options in original question,
pg_dump 'postgresql://postgres:<password>#localhost:5432/postgres' --table='"employees"' --format='t' --file='D:\ddd.txt' --data-only --disable-triggers
(Don't forget to use quotes when you have letter-casing issues)
Postgres dump specific table with a capital letter
2021-11-30, pg v12, windows 10
pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t postgres > C:\myfolder\pg.tar
-U "postgres" as username,
-W to prompt for psd,
-F t means format is .tar,
> C:\myfolder\pg.tar is the destination path and filename

Creating a database dump for specific tables and entries Postgres

I have a database with hundreds of tables, what I need to do is export specified tables and insert statements for the data to one sql file.
The only statement I know can achieve this is
pg_dump -D -a -t zones_seq interway > /tmp/zones_seq.sql
Should I run this statement for each and every table or is there a way to run a similar statement to export all selected tables into one big sql big. The pg_dump above does not export the table schema only inserts, I need both
Any help will be appreciated.
Right from the manual: "Multiple tables can be selected by writing multiple -t switches"
So you need to list all of your tables
pg_dump --column-inserts -a -t zones_seq -t interway -t table_3 ... > /tmp/zones_seq.sql
Note that if you have several table with the same prefix (or suffix) you can also use wildcards to select them with the -t parameter:
"Also, the table parameter is interpreted as a pattern according to the same rules used by psql's \d commands"
If those specific tables match a particular pattern, you can use that with the -t option in pg_dump.
pg_dump -D -a -t zones_seq -t interway -t "<pattern>" -f /tmp/zones_seq.sql <DBNAME>
For example to dump tables which start with "test", you can use
pg_dump -D -a -t zones_seq -t interway -t "^test*" -f /tmp/zones_seq.sql <DBNAME>