Vscode wont run my Android Emmulator why? - visual-studio-code

Something went wrong fetching you Android emulators! Make sure your path is correct. Try running this command in your terminal: "false\emulator" -list-avds
i try to search in google but theres no help i found


Flutter running with no response after first installation in Windows

I'm new in flutter and trying to learn about it for the first time.
I'm following the instruction of flutter documentation in here
When in step to the setting environment, I follow the instruction here.
After restarting the pc, the next step I must running the command flutter doctor in cmd.
In this step, I get stuck because in cmd, flutter doesn't response anything.
I try to execute flutter inside VSCode It still stuck with loading.
I also try to running with android studio, Still the same, I get stuck with loading
What should I do?
I missed the important thing.
Just don't put it in the privilege directory.

flutter not showing devices in VS code and flutter commands also not working

I face this problem after every 2,3 days that VS code doesn't show devices even they don't show chrome or edge. Then I run flutter commands but flutter commands are also not working. no error, no output in CMD. Please tell me how to solve this problem.
This issue is caused by an extension.
This was how I solved my mine
just search for the extension uninstall or disable it.
Restart your vscode again.
Happy coding

Target file "lib\main.dart" not found while running $flutter run

I changed nothing, just worked on my Flutter Aplication, after the day i wanted to flutter run --release my app, but it didn't worked and i got this error message: Target file "lib\main.dart" not found. The day before everything worked fine. After a couple of times i tried it on another app, where i didn't changed something for a couple of days. But some of my other apps are working fine. The normal running in Android Studio is working normally on every app. Does anybody knwo what's the problem here?
My Error
My Directory
You are probably running your command on a different directory. Check your directory using pwd command on terminal.
Edit: As you use windows, make sure you open command line in your project directory.
See this tutorial.

No pubspec.yaml file found. in flutter VS Code

I Want to build project but i always get this error. I know it doesn't because of my code. But i don't understand.By the way i can run the application on emulator pixel 3. But i can't run in terminal. Maybe the terminal affecting the error.
You can click + and type flutter run again. It work for me

Weird behavior of flutter and dart commands in PowerShell and CMD

I'm relatively new to Flutter but I already have developed and finished some Apps in Flutter.
Recently I noticed a weird behavior of commands with the keywords "dart" or "flutter" in it.
Here is an example:
I was trying to migrate an existing project to the new dart null-safety and typed the command dart migrate into my Visual-Studio-Code Terminal.
I was expecting an output like Migrating C:\.... as a response but instead got these three lines:
The command "git" is either misspelled or could not be found.
Building flutter tool...
Running pub upgrade...
and then the expected output:
Migrating C:\<project path>...
and so on.
So basically the commands work as they would normally do but I get these three lines before the output everytime. And it's not only with this command. Also basic commands like dart help or flutter doctor will get these three lines.
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I uninstalled Flutter and also removed it from the PATH and then reinstalled it freshly but it's still the same. I also searched the web but didn't found anyone who has the same problem.
Any help and explanation would be great. Thank you for your time :)
I think I know where the problem is. I ran the commands directly when I opened PowerShell. But the directory was something like C:\Windows\ and then it won't work.
After I did cd C:\Users\User all commands will work as expected.
I was just thinking that it doesn't matter from where I run dartand fluttercommands obviously you have to be in your user directory that they will work properly.