How to use $mod operator from mongodb in Golang - mongodb

I checked the usage of $mod operator in mongo, but I could not find how to query the same using Golang.
Usage in mongo:
Expecting the usage in Golang

You can directly translate that to a bson.M object:


How do I replicate this mongodb regex in query using mongo-scala-driver?

I can query mongodb directly using this query {key: {$in: [/faq/]}} but how do I replicate this when using Filters#in?
in("key", Seq("/faq/")) doesn't work as it gets passed as a string.

MongoDb db.collection.find() With Special Character

I am trying to write a simple query in MongoDb using PyMongo driver as such
mongo.db.people.find_one({'name': 'Tést Name'})
mongo.db.people.find_one({'name': 'Test_O%27Name'})
Both of these queries are returning null. I have checked to make sure the data exists in the db. How do I change the query so that find() is able to find it?
You can use like this
db.myCollection.find({ myKey : /.*\$tes.*/i });
You have to escape $ by :

Alternative for mongodb $push function in postgres

Converting the MongoDb queries into postgresql.
In mongoDb we the basic usage of $push is as follows :
Is there any alternative for this in postgresql or we need to implement it using the code.
You can do this using array_agg function in Postgres.
See Sample code(shamelessly copied ) :!15/21b2b/1

Updating in mongodb

There is a collection in mongoDB:
info = {
Using pymongo, how do I push {"date":"Dec.03","item":"03"} to the key "note" directly?
Just perform a regular update operation using pymongo, and use the $push operator provided by MongoDB itself. So something like this:
Here's some documentation on the $push operator:
Also, note how the $push operator is actually part of MongoDB itself, so most packages that use Mongo, like pymongo in your case, will support this operator.
You may use the $addToSet operator (see documentation).

MongoDB $or query in Meteor?

The mongodb $or operator works as intended outside of a meteorjs context:
db.users.find({$or: [{email: ''},{city: 'atlanta'}]});
I get results for any document that has email or city of atlanta.
The same query in Meteor syntax doesn't yield the same results :
Users = new Meteor.Collection("users");
Users.find({$or: [{email: ''},{city: 'atlanta'}]});
I've read the meteor docs - - and since it doesn't say anything about it, I'm assuming it should run just the same as a mongodb 1.6+ instance?
find returns a cursor object. You need to use a fetch to get the array of values. Try:
console.log(Users.find({$or: [{email: ''},{city: 'atlanta'}]}).fetch());