DT1001 failed to read dockerfile - docker-compose

I got a Ocelot Gateway projet and I try too add an new API in the docker-compose, but I got an error tell me :"docker support the solution file must be located in the same or higher folder".
So after multiple try, I decide to add the dockerFile manually (I want to add the "TokenServerOcelot").
But I got the error:
Error DT1001
here is my code:
If someone got any idea this would help me a lot ! :)
I try too add by the Container Orchestrator Support but it didn't work, so i try by adding to TokenServerOcelot the docker file and I got the DT1001 error


Failed to pull image with policy "always": Error response from daemon

I am facing Failed to pull image with policy "always": Error response from daemon:Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/docker/manifests/20.10.17-dind: unauthorized: incorrect username or password (manager.go:203:0s) error while trying to run my pipeline to push my code on docker hub.
I tried different solution but everytime I get same error. I am using username of my dockerhub rather than email but facing same issue. One of my friend told me it may be dind issue you have to mentioned docker and dind image and service latest version tags but still same issue. Please help me, I really appriciate your efforts in advance.
Please check code screenshot attached with it.
Check if this is an authentication issue similar to this one
We noticed that the job succeeds if we delete Docker config file ~/.docker/config.json, containing credentials from previous CI jobs.
That is the reason why you should always use docker logout <registry> if the job runs in a non-disposable environment

"App init setup failed: a project already exists" MongoDB Realm App

I have an error message that I do know know who to fix regarding Mongodb Realm CLI.
When I write the following command in Terminal:
realm-cli apps init -n "test"
I get the error message "app init setup failed: a project already exists"
I have already had a project name "test" but I have deleted it (Simply deleting the folder which might have been the mistake) but I still get the error message. The error occurs always, no matter the name or path/folder at the moment.
if realm-cli push is used it seems to use the old "test" application since the name is filled out when going through the [options]
If I push the application it will deploy the test application and if deleted through either CLI or GUI it returns to the first problem mention at the start.
Where to go from here? Is the application somehow stored as a draft or something making it impossible for me to create another before its discarded or am I missing something?

getting docker-compose error in running microservices containers

I have created a saperate folder and put docker-compose.yml file .Then use
yo jhipster:docker-compose and answer all the questions but after this question -
Which applications do you want to include in your configuration?
when I select the gateway of my apps .I am getting this error----
TypeError: Cannot read property 'generator-jhipster' of undefined
at appsFolders.forEach (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-jhipster/generators/docker-prompts.js:177:36)
at Array.forEach ()
at prompt.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-jhipster/generators/docker-prompts.js:174:26)
Pls suggest if anyone got this error in configuring docker-compose file.

How can i set a docker action with OpenWhisk in Bluemix?

I was testing OpenWhisk on Bluemix. What i want to do is very very simple. I have a js script that works (it's just a console.log). I have a Dockerfile making a docker .. when i run my docker i can see my console.log \o/ (i know it's amazing)
Then i create my action ......
I try to run it from Bluemix UI
I get this :
failed to invoke action XXX/XXXX: Container hash or name expected in makeContainer.
Just what does it means ? I couldn't find anything on it.
ps : If you know where i can find some real doc about how to use docker container for actions i would be very happy :).
Thanks a lot for your help.
Edit : In the end the problem was that i was trying to pull from a private docker repo. I have to say the error message is not explicit x). Thanks for your help.
You can find the documentation about creating docker actions here: https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/openwhisk/openwhisk_actions.html#openwhisk_actions_docker
Instructions helps you download the docker sdk for OpenWhisk, and allow you to create a docker action that you can invoke from CLI or Web UI.
If you create the action using the Web UI you need to specify the docker Image from Docker hub using the format username/imagename like openwhisk/example
If you need more help feel free to reach the team on Slack for more real time interactions and we should be able to help you and get your feedback on how can we improve the user experience.
Team: https://developer.ibm.com/open/slack-request
Channel: #openwhisk https://dwopen.slack.com/messages/openwhisk

create a symfony2 service

I am new to Symfony2 and am trying to setup my first service. This is a curl service.
I have followed the directions on the documentation, but haven't been able to get anything to load. I am using version 2.0.1
In my app/config/config.yml I have added:
curl_service.class: FTW\GuildBundle\Services\Curl
class: %curl_service.class%
The class file is located in src\FTW\GuildBundle\Services\Curl.php and
it's namespace is namespace FTW\GuildBundle\Services;
The class name is Curl
When I try to load my service with $curl_service = $this->get('curl_service'); the error is get is
You have requested a non-existent service "curl_service".
I think I am missing something very simple... any help would be appreciated!
Make sure you clear your cache at /app/cache/ even in development mode.
It works well on my fresh Symfony 2.0.4 install. Looks like your config is not taken into account. Are you working in dev environment?