Use Query Name as series Display Name in Grafana - grafana

I current set the Display Name in Grafana to ${}, but this outputs the legend Series (my_query_name)
My legend is set to be {{display_name}}
What I want is to have my legend not show the Series (x) and instead show x. Is there a way to do that?

Yes, you could define a transformation "Rename by regexp" on the field and write a regular expression that matches the expected content, e.g.
Series \((.*)\)


Use Transform to reduce rows in Grafana for fields with different names in Repeating Panels

I am using the Repeating Panels option with AppDynamics datasource. I want to calculate the mean for only certain fields, using Transform (Reduce Row) on each each panel with different field names in the panels (totally about 50 panels). Since I am calculating the mean for only certain fields, I can't use "Replace All Fields".
I can use one Transform for each panel, for calculating the mean for fields present in that panel and hide the other 49 mean value alias names with null values in legends and the tool tip. But I really don't want to write 50 transform rules, one for each panel.
Is there a way to do this without a Transform for each panel? Could we use Regex for field names in Transform (Reduce Row) mode?

Tableau - Basic Graph

I've created a simple line graph in tableau. I'd like to add a drop down box where I can select from to change the line graph's X axis? How do I go about doing this?
Create a parameter str datatype and put dimension name you want to change.
then create a calculated field named x-axis
and use a
case parameter
when 'dim1' then dim1
put this calculate field on x-axis

Tableau - Combining multiple line graphs into single plot

I am trying to get all my lines to overlap on a single graph. How would I go about doing this? Here is what I managed to get so far:
And when I say overlap, I mean something similar to this:
Here is more information about my data:
Each of the attributes (e.g. 'Intro', 'Flair') have the following integers in the data: 1,2,3,4 with an associated pcttip (tip percentage) as a decimal number.
I have manually right clicked on each of the measures in the columns area and changed them to "dimension".
The dataset can be found here if you would like to try:
You can do this in Tableau fairly easily. You need to pivot some of your data.
Click on the data source in the top-left and select Edit Data Source
In the bottom pane, where your data is previewed, select/highlight each of the fields that you want measured (Intro, Flair, etc.)
Right-Click with those fields selected and click Pivot
When you return to your sheet, you will see a new dimension field and measure field for your pivot.
Add [Pivot field values] to the Columns section - make sure this is set to 'Dimension' and 'Continuous'
Add [Pivot field names] to the Color card
Drag 'Repeat' pill to the X-axis on 'Intro' then drag the other pills into 'Intro'
Something similar to this:

How to set series expression when you do not have any series when creating bar chart in iReport?

I have created a bar chart in iReport Designer 5.1.0. I want to show some ips at x axis and the occurrence of each of these ips at y axis. The bar chart must have a single color but when I run it bars have different colors with each other. I think series expression has to be empty, and I have to put $F{ip} in category expression and $F{occurrence} in value expression, but series expression has to be filled because it is not optional.
It would be great if someone can help me.
In your series expression, using quotes you can just specify something like a name or anything relative to the chart. For e.g,"Ip v/s Occurrence". Basically have a string value in there. This will be displayed as a legend. You would get the chart in single color.
change the orientation again back to vertical. Click the barchart and choose the properties to be orientation:vertical.
Hope thats what you meant

How do you specify number format on a bar graph in Crystal Reports?

In chart expert, Number Format is greyed out unless you explicitly set a min and max value for the chart. I have no idea why those two options are coupled together and it makes NO sense at all. Is there any way I can have my values represented as currency without picking arbitrary min/max values for the data ranges?
You're just looking in the wrong place. Click on one of your axis labels (the numeric axis you want to change) and then right-click it and select "Format Axis Label". If you look under the "Number" tab, you can change the "Category" to currency and format it however you want.
Another method if you want even more control is to use a formula..
totext({tablename.fieldname}, 0) + "%"
"£" + totext({tablename.fieldname}, 0)
Etc. These will give you full control over the appearance of your data. (note you should use this for grouping fields [ie week number], not for quantity fields [ie sales]).