How to integrate Dropzone in wicket - wicket

Stucked at the integration of dropzoneJs in my wicket project:
Following what's implemented in this project :


GWT-Polymer very first time

I'm studying about GWT and Polymer by JsInterop, it looks cool so I start with some base example. I generate a brand new gwt project using the webAppCreator command and not much more that copy down this Vaadin example. After a successful compile I run gwt:run and an alert prompt on browser, here it is:
What's wrong? I'm using GWT 2.8, Polymer 1.0, Vaadin polymer libs and Java 1.8.
Well, I manage this one by myself. I got this github project if anyone want to take a look at GWT 2.8 and Polymer 1.0 setup.

How to install and start using branflake GWT Maps v3 API

I'm trying to develop a simple GWT application using the Google Maps API and I'm having trouble understanding how to add the API ( to my project in Eclipse and start using it.
Any helpful steps are welcomed!
If you already created your Eclipse project and downloaded the "Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.4/4.5/4.6" and the "Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.7.0" (Help --> Install New Software with as repository) you just have to add the branflake-lib to your project build path. If you use maven you have to add
<!-- GWT Maps API V3 -->
to your pom.xml. Otherwise you can just download the library from the branflake Github download page. Keep in mind to add the dependencies (gwt-ajaxloader).
Afterwards you have to add the inherit <inherits name=''/> to your modulename.gwt.xml - now you can use the branflake GWT Maps v3 API.
For the rest see the documentations/demos on how to use the API in your project.

Generating REST API doc using swagger 0.9.1 for Spring MVC project

For my project,I want to generate REST API doc using swagger.I found one example app here
But this example is using 0.5.2 version of swagger-springmvc.
This version is not compatible with my Spring project.
could someone please guide me about how to integrate swagger 0.9.1 in spring MVC?
Note : Mine is not a spring boot app.
Adrian, one of the contributors to swagger-springmvc, has a repository with sample projects.
You can find the repository here -
By the way, the link to that is available at the main README of the swagger-springmvc project.

Zend framework and Selenium 2.0

Is there a way to integrate Selenium 2.0 with Zend framework?
I've seen php bindings in the download page ( but I was wondering if there is a complete solution for ZFW.

Error compiling Web app using GWT in eclipse

I am following a tutorial to make a very simple demo app using GWT with eclipse ee.
I created a Web Application using steps: select File > New > Web Application Project. From the Eclipse menu, accepted defaults, unchecked use Google App Engine SDK & Generate GWT project sample code. Run it by Debug As > Web Application. It raises this error:
Missing required argument 'module[s]'
Google Web Toolkit 2.2.0
module[s] Specifies the name(s) of the module(s) to host
If you don't want to generate sample code, you have to create the gwt xml module (MyProject.gwt.xml), because eclipse doesn't generate this automatically.